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Ban for Fun


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I ban Oblivionaddicted because you posted in six other different games which seems to make you contagious too.

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I ban you because love is a powerful condition and you appear to have become addicted to more than one thread and this forum has a LOT of threads.

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I ban you and reinstate OblivionAddicted because I love this thread! It's so off the wall! Totally pointless. It's wonderful! It's bordering on surreal. I like the vending machine as well and the wisdom one but this is my favourite. 


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5 hours ago, zixi said:

I like the vending machine as well

I ban @Oblivionaddicted because I'm still trying to think of a good response in that game.

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9 hours ago, Pagafyr said:

I got the message!

Unbanned for being nice!

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Since I should only do one person at a time to keep with the order of the game!  I ban zixi too.  She deserves a nice swirling ban.  In a scoop of a swirled marbled ice cream with fresh from the garden strawberries on top.

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I love ice cream so I'm glad to be banned. I ban Pagafyr for not allowing multiple bans... 


edit - connection is iffy here - has been for a few days... we use ADSL which is slow in any case. So, if I seem to disappear it's because it sometimes drops out before I can actually do anything. It's kind of banning me itself...

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