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Ban for Fun


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I ban Oblivionaddicted for sending zixi to go in exil.  Which is like suggesting it.  Which allows a person to refuse.  Of course if exil was a club house; that leads to whether or not the person who owns Exil would even allow someone else to send someone there without a guest pass.  I ban Oblvionaddicted because he didn't make it clear as to whether or not ownership is managed by Oblivionaddicted.

I ban zixi because I only referred to me when I suggested I should probably just keep the focus on one person above me when I post.  alex2aves didn't make it exactly clear in the rules we had to do just the person absolutely above the post we make.  There are many above where we can post.  I think it shoulc be up to the individual as how to interpret alex2aves meaning for the rule.   So we choose which member above us and how many bans we feel like.

If a moderator steps in and bans us for bannng too many people above us then I will also stay the course and ban only one person above my post or anyone above any post above that I deem is worthy of my banning them.

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2 hours ago, Pagafyr said:

If a moderator steps in and bans us for bannng too many people

Ummm moderators are banned because of health and safety.  So, um sorry you're banned for not knowing the rules. Anyway alex2aves has long since abandoned this thread and it's evolved somewhat... though I don't think it makes any sense - it didn't then either. 

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I ban Oblivionaddicted because he is absolutely correct about being a complete unknown when arriving in Seyda Neen, of Vvardenfel. 

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I ban Pagafyr because of all those spoilers not put into spoiler whatever it is. You've now spoiled the whole of MW for everyone. Banned. 😛

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I ban zixi because the count of how many people that read this thread after I posted last was only a few people.  Me two or three times checking my spelling and grammar, a moderator who keeps an eye on me since I was reported for bloating threads with long winded posts, and you.  And now it's not a Spoiler.  Anymore!  Ta Da!

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So hang on. Are you suggesting in a roundabout sort of way that no one is interested in this thread except a handful of people who are here for reasons which defy reason?


*Just to stay on topic. 

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I ban you because you recognize we are having fun.

Oh!  I ban trying too hard to be exceedingly stoic too.  Lest we forget we're human. 

This thread attracts more views of curious types at certain times of the week and hours too.  I only look at the view counts to see if we aroused any new spirits.

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