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Ban for Fun


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I ban you because I like using rite when I do not mean right from left.  The left of passage?  Doesn't seem right to me at all.

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I ban AaronOfMpls because there are no rights and wrongs here at all because if there were then I doubt they'd be anyone left. We have to centre on that because it wouldn't be right for the rites to leave some people left out. 

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I ban zixi because there are no lefts and corrects here either.  Just Philo S. Babble.  You might know Philo.  Or Philo's brother, Phillip the Philosopher.

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I ban Pagafyr because I no longer know any philosophers (I did once).  And I ban Pagafyr because I can. Internet connection has been stable for several hours! 

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I ban zixi because when I opened the sign in window to my ISP thingy I discovered all the other companies that are found when I do are all Off.  I am fortunate to have the Service that lasts when all the others fail.  I hope the others services being unavailable have nothing to do with the event coming up on April the Eighth.  The day when the Moon blots out the Sun.

It would be just about like having all but one of the ISP services working except whereever the Sun don't shine.

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