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Ban for Fun


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I ban you because I have not heard of any fallen angels flesh before.  Maybe they were Retired angels?  Sagging flesh from old age, maybe?

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I ban you because I've now got some Milton stuck in my head and that is something I'd rather not have stuck anywhere... 

"To Noon he fell, from Noon to Dewy Eve" *

*I think he had a hangover when he wrote that bit... 

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I ban zixi because now I hear a different Milton in my head muttering about how his stapler got taken and his desk got moved and he's going to set the building on fire.

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 I ban you because the Milton (that has been mentioned twice of which at least one of them) and I seem to have the desire to find an item.  Now I wonder!  Are the two Milton's related?  Did one or both of them live when candles were the way light was gotten?  Did it worried him while in his search that the tiny angelic helper whose body so small a flame that was helpful might become an angel of greater size dangeroius to the house if he did not take care while searching for his stapler?

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I ban you because Milton is a staple in this household. How else would we sterilise our (home made) wine bottles?


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I ban you because I can not find a way to make (home made) wine bottles.  Good thing the story doesn't end until we've drank from the bottles (maybe Milton) sterilized before refilling them with wine/

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