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Ban for Fun


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I ban AaronOfMpls for caring about Mehrunes Razor. Mehrunes Dagon isn't very nice*. His razor is likely not to be very nice either. Have you seen the list of his alternate names? Bad news! 


*This is litotes (or understatement)... because I can't think of adequate words to describe how unpleasant MD is...


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I ban you ALL, because my attention was drawn away.  Something more powerful then the the ills on my mind made me think to binge on something.  A familiar sound of musical instruments interruppted me thoughts.  Plagued my MIND playing the orchestral musical over and over, looping around and sround in my MIND.   When the worm of madness was almost upon me, I recalled where I had heard that music.  The Curse of the Black Pearl.

I binged on the curse my mind played upon itself.

Watching Dead Man's Chest too.  At Worlds End as well.  I realized it was 5:40 AM and rested til 9:40 AM.  And did day time stuff until dark.  Then watched On Stranger Tides.  It's end was so devasting to the values of pirating I was learning so well I haven't yet watched, all.

Instead during this daylight time I focsed on getting a special part for a good pickup truck.  After roaming around free like a pirate, it was a miracle that I found one of the most precious parts needed for a 1987 Pickup F250 Sport truck. 

As the days end neared I put the new part in place.  A bit getting done, a bit there getting done, and putting the part in place got done.  Then after being tired little by little I started up the engine.  I pushed the clutch to the floor.  I put the shifter in first gear.  Released the clutch and got the wheels rolling.  Pressed down on the gas pedal, and then, I steered T-Rusty to the gas station.  Gassed up the tank.  When I arrived back at the docking curb I was so tired.  I knew I would have to take a nap. 

Low and behold 1st I managed to eat a bit of Crunchy Brocolli Salad.  Only to discover my sharp pointed hook on the end of a stalk of plastic was missing from where it was supposed to be.

Oh!  I worried for the cloud I sat upon I would soon lay down to nap might be pressing down on the little pointy pin.  Ooo!  I scoured every inch around the cloud.  Since the pointy sharp hook was no where near or under the raft of the warm soft cloud, I rested.

While I did not sleep right away because I feared I may have lost my tooth pick.  So sharp it could bring a sore end to warm cloudlike resting pad.

I pushed my tonges tip around poking at the soft bits of the salad stuck between my teeth.  Each time I felt a bit of carrot, or a part of a brocolli branch and other tasty bits, from the variety of food mixed to make the salad.

Doing that with my tongue reminded me of how much I missed my favority reminder of Pan's foe Captain Hook.  Reminding me what that style tooth pick could do in the wrong place at the time while I rested if I fell asleep with it anywhere near enough to find it's way to my warm clouds air filled furrows.

I felt me strength coming back while I rested.  Occasioned with the reminders I have need of my friendly little hook on a stock made of plastic.  I feared for the soft cloud too.  As long as my pointy friend for picking my teeth was missing and my friendly cloud with it's thin layer might be in danger from that tiny prick which would make a hole and loose it soft fluffy hearth.   I awakened finding the Sun was still high in the afternoon sky.

I sat up upon my warmed air pad.  Opened my eyes and turned toward where I placed a container I bought so I could go back to school with enough bubblegum for everyone.  I noticed a little shiny beam.  I looked closer at the tub which used to have 365 wrapped pieces of  bubblegum in it.

It couldn't be!  Why that isn't where I would put a dangerously sharp miniature hook at all!  I looked a little closer.  Sunlight through a window touched a plastic container of blueberries.  The shine on the case caused the light to bounce off the tiny pick.

Dangerously dangling over the edge of the barrel for the bubblegum.  The heavy end with the handles grip teetered.   It wobbled as I moved a little closer.  It was tipped, sinking down.  The sharp hook rose up.  I moved in closer and the sharp pin dipped.   Close to falling off the lip of open barrel so near my warm cloud of soft air.  I feared the worst.

I dove, aimed my hand on my wrist on my right arm directly to save the pick from falling and prevent it from letting out the airs of memories where often my dreams well gathered within.  Saving my two friends from colliding was all that was on my mind.

I snatched up the pick being careful not to prick me own skin and loose good warm blood so I got deflated.  Spilling it upon the remaining wrapped bits of Bubblegum just wouldn't do.  I felt the thin beam of metal pinched safefly between my thumb and forefinger and I smiled.

At last, Friends safely distanced from harms way, yet together again, just like we all are at this forum.

A sign!  I say.   It's a sign I should share wit with my friends before we part again; going our separate ways.  Before dark here comes upon my window's pane.  Before I go away to see upon the sea of fantasy what I may learn from another tale from the tales from Pirates of the Carribean.  As I sit, tapping out these letters I see the Sun has set and my window is dark.  Just in time for the tale to begin.

The tale, Dead Men Tell No Tales.

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And thus Pagafyr you are banned. 

GeorgeMittleton - welcome to this corner of Nexus where the surreal resides. You're just in time to be banned for not arriving sooner. 

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I ban zixi for not bringing up the banned Banned band to the newcomer.  Or should that be the banned "banned Banned band"?

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Hmmmm. You have a point. However, we have yet to see if GeorgeMittleton has staying power. They may have wandered in by mistake, attracted by all the long words. They may have simply been window shopping... in any case, I don't think you can do one post and then be in the Band even if you've been banned and are technically then a bandee. This is not the same as being a grandee. In other words, you could be a grandee bandee... 

Anyway, have you forgotten the rule about how there isn't really any discussion as to why you've been banned because then there might have to be reasoning? We don't do reasoning in the Village of the Banned Band... So, banned!

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2 hours ago, AaronOfMpls said:

I ban zixi for not bringing up the banned Banned band to the newcomer.  Or should that be the banned "banned Banned band"?

I ban AaronOfMpls for being confusing 

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I ban you because Mehrunes' Razor can only banish daedras while you try to prevent me from using it which means you are probably a Mythic Dawn agent or a dremora.

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I ban oblivionaddicted for playing elder scrolls oblivion, and for calling us dremora

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