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Ban for Fun


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I ban Drakefell01 because he is, like the rest of us who were born.  Winners.

We all had so many competitors intending on reaching the orb of life, shot from a cannon, and we had to swim to the orb.  Then we had to find a way into it.

When we did we got nine months of rent free living.

"We who are born Won the great race!"

( I, David the Pagafyr, am quoting a post I shared here long ago.  Well maybe just a decade or so.  "I WON THAT RACE TOO!")

Prohíbo a Drakefell01 porque lo es, como el resto de los que nacimos. Ganadores.

Todos teníamos tantos competidores con la intención de alcanzar el orbe de la vida, disparados desde un cañón, y teníamos que nadar hasta el orbe. Entonces tuvimos que encontrar una manera de entrar.

Cuando lo hicimos, obtuvimos nueve meses de vida sin pagar alquiler.

"¡Nosotros los que nacemos ganamos la gran carrera!"

(Yo, David el Pagafyr, estoy citando una publicación que compartí aquí hace mucho tiempo. Bueno, tal vez solo una década más o menos. "¡YO TAMBIÉN GANÉ ESA CARRERA!")


Bandito Drakefell01 perché lo è, come tutti noi che siamo nati. Vincitori.

Avevamo tutti così tanti concorrenti che intendevano raggiungere la sfera della vita, sparati da un cannone, e dovevamo nuotare fino alla sfera. Poi abbiamo dovuto trovare un modo per entrarci.

Quando l'abbiamo fatto abbiamo ottenuto nove mesi di vita senza affitto.

"Noi che siamo nati abbiamo vinto la grande corsa!"

(Io, David il Pagafyr, sto citando un post che ho condiviso qui molto tempo fa. Beh, forse solo un decennio o giù di lì. "HO VINTO ANCHE QUELLA GARA!")

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I ban Pagafyr because that was very true.

Prohíbo Pagafyr porque eso era muy cierto.

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4 hours ago, Oblivionaddicted said:

I loudly ban you.

No need to shout.


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I ban Oblivionaddicted for dragon-shouting close enough to get a guard's warning. ⚔️

  • Haha 1
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7 hours ago, Oblivionaddicted said:

I ban you with Fus roh dah the dragon scream that pushes very far and very loudly.

(Whiterun Guard: Please stop doing that it's making everyone nervus.) Banned by Whiterun Guard LOL

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George - Banned!  For being simplistic about the results of the shout. The Fus roh dah seems to have blown away a load of junk and some very irritating cold callers trying to sell double glazing.

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