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Donation Points Stats and No Ads for Mod Authors


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I donated several years ago to make Nexus ad-free. I always have adblock on, anyway, but the one-time donation for a lifetime ad-free was more than worth the price. That was long before I ever thought I would ever create a mod. But it's good to see that real mod authors, whose work already contributes to the Nexus far more than a few dollars, won't have to dip into their wallets to enjoy that same privilege.
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In response to post #74572793.

Cionaoith wrote: I donated several years ago to make Nexus ad-free. I always have adblock on, anyway, but the one-time donation for a lifetime ad-free was more than worth the price. That was long before I ever thought I would ever create a mod. But it's good to see that real mod authors, whose work already contributes to the Nexus far more than a few dollars, won't have to dip into their wallets to enjoy that same privilege.

I'm in the same group here. I "purchased" the Supporter tier to do my part a couple years ago. Nothing wrong with giving back to the creators though!
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In response to post #74406048. #74411398, #74469733, #74485048, #74544428 are all replies on the same post.

Thumblesteen wrote: This is laughable, you didn't make the donation points to give something back to us. We had paypal links, and we got decent money. You made the donation points system for the same reason anyone invents a credit scheme - you wanted a cut of money that didn't belong to you.
RangerDulann wrote: Decent money? Maybe 0,1% of the modders. I've been active since 2014, with 49 mods and never received 1 donation.
I think the DP is very useful. We get something back for our hard work. Other than eternal gratitude, which is also nice ofc.
Thumblesteen wrote: That's called social conditioning, you're putting the cart before the horse. The reason we don't get donations anymore is because people assume the donation points system is working. Reality is, we generate thousands of pounds in ad revenue to this site, spend hours, days, even years keeping this place running, and they give us what? An Amazon voucher? This is a PR move, a platitude. It's just watered down scrip. Hardly a new idea, and hardly honest.


Not to mention that prior to this, people made mods because they liked it. Since then we've gotten for-profit modding, spearheaded by one DDProductions. Who, instead of helping modders, kept trade secrets and insulted people, and what did the moderators do? They let him get away with it for ages because of some excuse of ''meritocracy.'' In truth, it was about the ad revenue. That was the first corruption scandal, and there's many to come for as long as the same incentive and reward is given for doing it.
Dark0ne wrote: Can you explain how the DP system is about taking "a cut of the money" when it's actually us putting money into a system that didn't originally exist, where we take no money at all? It doesn't make any sense, except for obvious tinfoil hattery.

If this is how you really feel, why are you using Nexus Mods at all?

We've been tracking user Pay Pal donations to mod authors since February 2018, exactly for this reason - so we could ensure our system was not affecting the donations or was providing a net positive experience.

February 2018 - October 2018: $42,673.26 donated
February 2019 - October 2019: $37,911.81 donated

So, we've seen a $4761.45 drop in direct donations to mod authors over the same time frame, however, during that time, Nexus Mods gave out the following in DP rewards:

February 2018 - October 2018: $41,587.55
February 2019 - October 2019: $75,442.09

Meaning that mod authors were better off by $29,093.09 this year compared to the same period last year, and better off by $156,000 over the past 2 years compared to when there was no DP system.

If this is honestly how you truly feel about the DP system and/or our actions then I will happily turn it off for you, or better yet, would fully recommend you remove your mods from the site. I'd rather not be paying someone money now, or in the future, who is clearly so indignant towards how we operate.

The choice is yours, I guess.
piotrmil wrote: (deleted the comment)

@ thumblesteen - i don't get your message here. cut of money ? you seem slightly confused.
as someone who created a few mods on nexusmods i can confirm that this is a really welcome benefit for modders and it seems to me more a kind of expressed gratidude to modders who never expected to have a benefit for doing a mod just for fun and for sharing it. Edited by xrayy
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In response to post #74005513. #74037378, #74298428, #74329073 are all replies on the same post.

OstrixTheOstrich wrote: I hope I'm not the only one that would actually like to be able to continue to see ads to support the community, even if I've reached a status where I don't have to see them at all. If we can get a button to toggle ads to support you guys and other authors, I'd really like that.

Additionally, I think if you enabled the option, part of the money from the ads could go to the mod author of whom made the mod you're currently viewing. Probably not though, my ideas sometimes aren't very well thought out or whatever. Either way, Nice going, Nexus team!
piotrmil wrote: >I hope I'm not the only one that would actually like to be able to continue to see ads

we live in a strange, strange world...
GraeWooff wrote: Yes, we do live in a strange world. Yet while I personally would rather not be assaulted with adverts myself, I do agree with Ostrix. I have no idea how it could be "algorized"(?) but I agree that perhaps a certain small percentage of ad revenue from viewed pages and downloaded mods could conceivably be donated by NexusMods to accounts of mod authors... maybe? The site's in England, right? You guys can figure out the "maffs".

Even though I'm not an author I appreciate all that the team members do for the authors. I think that most authors will appreciate this gesture and incentive for contributing good content. Now, rather than being distracted by ads, authors can concentrate on uploading quality mods. This is a real community.

DragonSlayer667 wrote: Ads always had a problem of crippling my browser when i got a handful of nexus tabs open, so going on a mod binge was quite the hassle before i realized there were ad blockers out there, if they even existed at the time.
I can't be the only one who had that problem, so i guess it's good that at least some of the community (of freeloaders) is getting those ads legitimately banished!

a strange wish but there is a simple way to continue with ads: just do not login except for downloads or messaging
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In response to post #74406048. #74411398, #74469733, #74485048, #74544428, #75240138 are all replies on the same post.

Thumblesteen wrote: This is laughable, you didn't make the donation points to give something back to us. We had paypal links, and we got decent money. You made the donation points system for the same reason anyone invents a credit scheme - you wanted a cut of money that didn't belong to you.
RangerDulann wrote: Decent money? Maybe 0,1% of the modders. I've been active since 2014, with 49 mods and never received 1 donation.
I think the DP is very useful. We get something back for our hard work. Other than eternal gratitude, which is also nice ofc.
Thumblesteen wrote: That's called social conditioning, you're putting the cart before the horse. The reason we don't get donations anymore is because people assume the donation points system is working. Reality is, we generate thousands of pounds in ad revenue to this site, spend hours, days, even years keeping this place running, and they give us what? An Amazon voucher? This is a PR move, a platitude. It's just watered down scrip. Hardly a new idea, and hardly honest.


Not to mention that prior to this, people made mods because they liked it. Since then we've gotten for-profit modding, spearheaded by one DDProductions. Who, instead of helping modders, kept trade secrets and insulted people, and what did the moderators do? They let him get away with it for ages because of some excuse of ''meritocracy.'' In truth, it was about the ad revenue. That was the first corruption scandal, and there's many to come for as long as the same incentive and reward is given for doing it.
Dark0ne wrote: Can you explain how the DP system is about taking "a cut of the money" when it's actually us putting money into a system that didn't originally exist, where we take no money at all? It doesn't make any sense, except for obvious tinfoil hattery.

If this is how you really feel, why are you using Nexus Mods at all?

We've been tracking user Pay Pal donations to mod authors since February 2018, exactly for this reason - so we could ensure our system was not affecting the donations or was providing a net positive experience.

February 2018 - October 2018: $42,673.26 donated
February 2019 - October 2019: $37,911.81 donated

So, we've seen a $4761.45 drop in direct donations to mod authors over the same time frame, however, during that time, Nexus Mods gave out the following in DP rewards:

February 2018 - October 2018: $41,587.55
February 2019 - October 2019: $75,442.09

Meaning that mod authors were better off by $29,093.09 this year compared to the same period last year, and better off by $156,000 over the past 2 years compared to when there was no DP system.

If this is honestly how you truly feel about the DP system and/or our actions then I will happily turn it off for you, or better yet, would fully recommend you remove your mods from the site. I'd rather not be paying someone money now, or in the future, who is clearly so indignant towards how we operate.

The choice is yours, I guess.
piotrmil wrote: (deleted the comment)
xrayy wrote: @ thumblesteen - i don't get your message here. cut of money ? you seem slightly confused.
as someone who created a few mods on nexusmods i can confirm that this is a really welcome benefit for modders and it seems to me more a kind of expressed gratidude to modders who never expected to have a benefit for doing a mod just for fun and for sharing it.

Hey Dark0ne, keep up the great work i love NexusMods. Your site is awesome and you are doing better than the Creation Club in my opinion!

I am a complete newb to modding but I would like to get more experience in it and Nexus Mods is the perfect place for me.
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In response to post #75126508. #75352303 is also a reply to the same post.

karlarsch1913 wrote: I appreciate all of it, I really do. But I wonder, how long does it usually take to get rid of the ads when you have 1000 Unique Downloads?
FallToot wrote: Seconded. I hit 1000 uniques a few days ago and I'm still getting ads.

You will get a full page notice when it is applied to your account. FallToot has had it, but karl, you haven't quite hit the threshold yet.
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In response to post #75126508. #75352303, #75688168 are all replies on the same post.

karlarsch1913 wrote: I appreciate all of it, I really do. But I wonder, how long does it usually take to get rid of the ads when you have 1000 Unique Downloads?
FallToot wrote: Seconded. I hit 1000 uniques a few days ago and I'm still getting ads.
Pickysaurus wrote: You will get a full page notice when it is applied to your account. FallToot has had it, but karl, you haven't quite hit the threshold yet.

Hmm, my mod currently has 1225 unique downloads, it has hit 1000 unique downloads about a month ago. Edited by karlarsch1913
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