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[Vortex Extension] Modlist Backup


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Hi All. I've made a new Vortex Extension and thought that this would be a good place to share it. So I present Vortex Modlist Backup. Vortex Modlist Backup is just what it sounds like, it backs up the list of mods that you've got installed, and then lets you restore from that list. It doesn't backup the mod files themselves, or any configuration, so the output is a nice and small JSON file that you can save anywhere. When restoring, it just asks Vortex to download those mods again from Nexus. Unfortunately due to decisions made by Nexus, you need to be a Premium member to restore your modlist.

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Curious what this line means from your change log:


Backing up modlist no longer removes mods from games that aren't part of Vortex anymore
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Well, let's say you have have 100 Skyrim Mods installed, but you haven't played in a bit. So backup your modlist, delete all the mods, uninstall Skyrim and instead move on to a modded version of Fallout 4. So you activate Fallout 4 in Vortex, add some mods and then backup the modlist. Previously the new backup wouldn't include any Skyrim mods since there were no Skyrim mods installed in Vortex. Now however, if you're overwriting a previous backup file it only removes mods from that backup file if they're for the game you currently have selected. So in the example above, you're Skyrim mods would still be in the backup list.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey so how does it work? The github page just shows how to install, when I press backup it asks for a file of any type, but rejects whatever I give it. Gave it empty .txt and .json files but both lead to a crash. What does it want from me? :D


Well, if you're planning on RESTORING your modlist with it, you need to be a premium member

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Hey so how does it work? The github page just shows how to install, when I press backup it asks for a file of any type, but rejects whatever I give it. Gave it empty .txt and .json files but both lead to a crash. What does it want from me? :D


Well, if you're planning on RESTORING your modlist with it, you need to be a premium member


I know that :D I was just hoping I could extract a modlist from the generated file to use on forums and such, but then couldn't even get it working to look if the output is usable for that ^^

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Hey so how does it work? The github page just shows how to install, when I press backup it asks for a file of any type, but rejects whatever I give it. Gave it empty .txt and .json files but both lead to a crash. What does it want from me? :D


To create a backup you'll type-in a new file-name, personally I didn't include any extension and it worked, you don't type-in the name of an existing file.


Taking a quick look on the resulting file, it only includes the mods currently installed and it only includes the Nexus-mods and not the other mods.


For each mod the information stored is on the format:



"name": "Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch",

"game": "skyrim",

"modId": 71214,

"fileId": 1000300771



To restore a backup I've no idea, since it just spit-out an error about "need to be premium".


BTW one other weakness is, the backup is for all games, where's no possibility to only backup a single game, meaning it's not a good method for distribution list of mods to someone else even if they are premium-members.

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