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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Granted but Gamera died after the first act and you spent the next 2 hours watching Godzilla 1998 movie instead


I wish for a two by four

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Granted. It's fallen to dry rot, though, and crumbles as you pick it up.


I wish I had more good ideas.

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Wish granted, instead your mind explodes.


i wish i had a 10000000mbps connection.


Don't say your computer will explode, that's already taken.

Edited by Thor.
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Granted but it got so much viruses and porn you might as well throw your PC in the trash


I wish for a new PC so that my bro would leave men alone

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Granted but it got so much viruses and porn you might as well throw your PC in the trash


I wish for a new PC so that my bro would leave men alone


Granted. Now your bro loves your PC so much he never even goes near men.

I wish brokenergy had caught her own typo.

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Granted, because when you go outside and yell at them, they become frightened and while they

are flying away, they poop. Some of it lands in your mouth and you inadvertently swallow. Then

you realize it would make a great snack so you open a kiosk at the World Cup match and sell

out all your inventory, thus becoming the most wealthy person in, in...where ever the heck you live.


I wish I could personally meet the person that will corrupt this wish

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Granted. Unfortunately, we're both rushing off to other places and don't recognize each other.


I wish that branch hadn't blocked the street this morning.

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Granted, an entire tree fell instead. On its way down, it destroyed the power lines that go to your home. When it hit the street, it ruptured the water mains that service your home. You will be without power or water until all of these issues can be resolved, which will take at least three weeks.


I wish movie theaters around here would open before 10:00 AM.

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