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Vortex Locks-up when attempting to manage or activate a game


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Vortex version 1.0.3, Electron 4.2.11, Node 10.11.0, Chrome 69.0.3497.128

This happens every time I try to manage or activate a game.
I have two games that vortex manages, Grim Dawn and Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire.
I click on either game to manage it. The progress bar goes to about 1/3 and stops.
The UAC warning shows up and nothing happens after that.
When I restart vortex after trying to manage the games, they show up as managed but when I try to activate them, the same thing happens.
I have tried using both install versions. Same problem with either one.
There are no error codes or anything else, it just stops.
My games are on my D:. I've tried installing Vortex on both C: and D: and the same thing happens.
System Info:
CPU: Intel Xeon E5-1650 v2 @3.50GHz
RAM: 12.0GB
Video: AMD Radeon R9 290 4GB
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I looked at the vortex files page and this program is not required to run vortex.

Any other ideas?


All help is appreciated.



I know it's not required to run Vortex.

Do any of the mods require it?


Because I've never gotten any errors about GeDoSaTo


So, I'm assuming either one of those games require it, or one of the mods requires it.

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I never get that far. After I install Vortex, It show two games, Grim Dawn and Pillars. I click on either one to manage it and Vortex locks up. After I restart, it show it as being managed. When I click on it to Activate, it locks up again (with the same indication). When I restart, nothing shows up in my Dashboard.

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