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Recent update fiasco, how many of us saw it coming?


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So, the atom bomb has dropped. We're all standing by the tv, hearing about the attacks. How many of us had a fallout shelter?


Or to plainly say it, how many of us were prepared for this nastiness that is going on with the new update?

Most of us serious gamers HAD to know about all the rushed out rediculousness that was going on, with Beth trying to staighten out the rushed release of 76. And all the screw ups that they did, along the way. Just all the *bleeping* *bleep-bleep* that went along with everything that happened with 76.

And after all that, thought "Oh yeah, Beth learned their lesson from all that, they'll get this right."

(even tho 76 is just their biggest mess, over at least 2 decades of screw ups, and lack of support?)


I guess it's hindsight 20/20 remorse on my part, for not keeping track, and knowing when the update was actually gonna hit. I really honestly do feel bad about not posting a warning, and warning everybody to back up their stuff before they turned on the game.


Then too, that doesn't always do much good, since well.... a lot of our players don't actually come into the forums, unless they want something, or they need help.


I'm really not posting this to try to rub it in anybody's nose, but after seeing all the recent posts, and trying to help people get their games up and running again, I guess I just want some good news.


So. How many of us were prepared, and survived? *Raises Hand*





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Well, I uninstalled Fallout 4 about a month ago, because I've just had enough of it, and it will be a very long time before I ever install it again.

But I'll reinstall it someday so I can actually finish it.
I still have to finish Oblivion, and Skyrim too.

So...I was prepared in one aspect I guess?


The whole Monthly update because of Creation Club is just getting on my nerves, it's like they purposely picked the worst way possible to introduce new CC Content in order to make everything difficult on Modders and Mod users

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They literally had a countdown in the main menu.


So it was... pretty hard not to be aware it was happening and ensure it didn't auto update. One would have intentionally had to ignored the countdown AND ignored the social media spreading the "Sneak Peak at the next Creation Club" promotions that told the exact date it was coming.


There was ample warning and ample time to prepare.


Which is probably why SKSE/F4SE and most of the major mods that depend on it updated within 24 hours of the CC update this time.

Edited by Virde
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I backed up all the necessary files the day the last update hit at the end of July. Which found me totally unprepared. Although I had steam set to "only update when game is started", the piece of cack still updated itself, discarded my settings and provided me with the update I tried to avoid.

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My question is. Any one know when F4SE update is being released. I haven't even bothered with Fallout Four snice the latest update. What is the point. Un-modded Fallout is just a shoot them up arcade game with out mods.


Far as I know it is already updated. The reason why I didn't surrender to the update are the numerous reports of frame rate loss or not even being able to play at all.

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Simon- yeah, Like cossayos said, my understanding is that f4se is updated. http://f4se.silverlock.org/


Cossayos- same. The whole flood of CTD threads that we got right after the update. I was like, "Uh uh".

That, and my experience with Microsoft has always been I'll wait to see what the outcome of these are, before I let the system install them. And personally, this one is looking like a big NOPE.

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i backed up everything to do with fallout 4.


so all backup fallout 4 files are sitting on my other HD. to take extra steps, i backed up every single fallout ba2 archive as well. so whenever their is a forced update, i can check the date modified on the fallout 4 files, and replace accordingly with my backups.


so fallout 1.10.138 currently is and will be the final version for me


unless i can be persuaded to downgrade to yet another update xD


i have absolutely no interest in any CC content, so updates are literally meaningless to me. they have long since stopped fixing issues in the game, and as such all updates are literally redundant to me.


but to speak on the topic. i see it coming for a long time, based on the inept game that is f76, the main sign leading to this fail update, is the 100 dollar subscription for f76 (and what that acutally contains is absolutely hilarious, you definitely don't get the worth of that asking price).


when a company makes inept decisions you can bet that will affect all of their content, so while they are messing up fallout 76 you can bet that is going to negatively affect fallout 4, via updates


Elder Scrolls 6 will be bethesda saving grace, if that game fails then you can bet they will fall. especially since i imagine the majority of bethesda fans are elder scrolls fans.


so for me personally i have ridiculous high expections for Elder scrolls 6, if that game does not meet them expections, then that will be the last game i buy from bethesda, i will just ignore any future game from them. which is easy for me since i have a very specific niche in games that i like. i am not a hardcore gamer from any stretch of the imagination very few games interest me, probably because i am an oldschool gamer, back wehn every game was good. such as quake 3, unreal tournament, red faction, etc etc. even the classic sega (megadrive uk, Genesis usa) games

Edited by G4M3W1NN3R
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so fallout 1.10.138 currently is and will be the final version for me



For the moment, yes. But keep in mind, that they also upgraded the creation Kit. Meaning, every new mod will require the update. Richt now that isn't a problem, since I don't see any new must have, but who knows what the future brings with all th announced quest mods.


Btw, you only need to backup three or four files: the exe, FO4.esm, Interface.Ba2 and possibly the launcher. That's sufficient.

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so fallout 1.10.138 currently is and will be the final version for me



For the moment, yes. But keep in mind, that they also upgraded the creation Kit. Meaning, every new mod will require the update. Richt now that isn't a problem, since I don't see any new must have, but who knows what the future brings with all th announced quest mods.


Btw, you only need to backup three or four files: the exe, FO4.esm, Interface.Ba2 and possibly the launcher. That's sufficient.



for the 4 files, for now, it will only be a matter of time before they start updating all ba2 archives, just in spite, to force people to update.


backing up everything prevents all possible issues, since you can replace literally everything. and placing them on another harddrive prevents them being tampered with, by steam.


imo, it does not matter how good the new mod(s) are, if i have to update to a potentially faulty update, that is far more important in decision making, then new mods.


performance and stability are the absolute most important things to me, fresh new quality content means nothing if it affects either of them, and judging by the posts on the latest update, it seems stability took a hit, which means i will not be updating, regardless of how good the future mods are.


essentially, if fresh new quality comes at the price of stability, then it is not worth it.

Edited by G4M3W1NN3R
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