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The shaming of non-premium users needs to stop!

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the problem is only a very small % of people are actually premium / supported. think i saw something like under 5%. So this is just my suggestion on how to get more people to want / feel satisfied with a purchase. other than just to support.
That is definitely something worth considering.
There's a hitch that I can think of tho. US, the monthly premium fee is like.... $2.99 I think. Want to try to break that down into smaller packages, like say.... opening the bandwidth for a dollar. I haven't seen a locational breakdown for members, but I'm just gonna give a figure for those of us in the US.
Say that 40% of us are in the US. Robin's bank, is in the UK. So, on top of the credit card transaction fee, there's also an international transaction fee (which I don't know how much their bank charges on that.) On top of that, if there's a 3rd party transaction fee from somebody like paypal for example. (paypal totally does not make it worth it, at all, to do an international payment!!!)
Now lets also factor in how many other members are not in the UK.
So it comes down to.... how low can they price the smaller packages, where it still doesn't amount up to the $2.99 monthly fee, but still not actually cost more to offer them, than they make, due to the transaction fees?
I like the idea. I think that it has merit, and should be considered. I do. But, considering the low rate of subscribers, is it one that is cost effective? And how low can the prices be set, before it isn't cost effective?

-/- Edit - wtf is wrong with quote / reply x.x

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Heyas Mixter- I'm afraid that your response didn't survive. I'm sorry to ask, but could you please repost?

Yeah, some of the quote and edit functions are giving me problems too. I'll know who you're talking to when you respond, so you don't have to try to use them. ;)

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Reply to StormWolf01 :

Yes, there would be a huge issue if you were going off of the min purchase of $2 and then divide that into the packages. but you have to think that this is perma, not timed. So it would be more correct to divide the best choice (which would be the lifetime) and divide that into perks. and have the pricing based on the quality of the perk. so like $2 for ad free. $5 for multiple download (threads?) , 10$ for higher download speed. 20$ for unlimited download speed. of course this is just an example of how to divide the perks and the prices are all wrong, but hopefuly the idea is there

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Mixter- Yeah, the idea is there, and I do like it.

I do disagree about the the lifetime option tho. Paying once, only helps pay the bills that week, or that month. And then gives a free ride for rest of the duration.

And with the low average of premium members, it doesn't offer a lot of sustainability for long term.

Ok, I'm really NOT trying to shoot you down over and over again. I really ain't. Please don't feel like I am. Gah, I wish I'd bookmarked that page where they gave the breakdown of the site expenses. I can't find it again :( But the expenses are huge. More than most of us make in a 6 month period. And that's just on a monthly basis. I keep wanting to say close to 100k per month, but without finding that page again, I could be so far off the mark that it's out of the ballfield.

It's gotta be a plan that offers long term sustainability. Repeating income.

In truth, not that my opinion really makes any difference, but my opinion is that they should get rid of the lifetime membership, and raise the prices on the monthly. That's the only thing that I can see, aside from a HUGE increase in subscription, that would make a dent. Even a small one, on a monthly basis.

There is of course, other options. Such as taking on investors, incorporating, etc. However, those options take away control of of the site. Or, could set the stage for the owner to get ousted entirely. Which I'll go so far as to guess....that's NOT in Robin's gameplan.


Again, if it comes off as me trying to shoot you down over and over, I really am sorry. NOT my intent. The fact that you're thinking about it, and coming up with ideas, is a lot more than some people, who just sit there going "You need to subscribe" over and over again.

The problem is, how to generate that substantial enough income, without compromising the ideals that Dark0ne had and has for this place.

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This option wouldn't necessarily be bad as a one time payment. as currently most of those who have premium bought lifetime bc its the most worth while one. and most of those who pay for the month options are just choosing so to support nexus. nexus could always have a donation option for those who want to support just for the sake of supporting. and even more players were to buy $2 perma ad free option. it will still be better than say a % of those buying $2 for one month and then nothing else.

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This option wouldn't necessarily be bad as a one time payment. as currently most of those who have premium bought lifetime bc its the most worth while one. and most of those who pay for the month options are just choosing so to support nexus. nexus could always have a donation option for those who want to support just for the sake of supporting. and even more players were to buy $2 perma ad free option. it will still be better than say a % of those buying $2 for one month and then nothing else.

I am actually All For a donation system. I've even said the exact same thing, as far as the national debt.

One of the concerns that I have with it Here, tho, is that so many of the members who give a donation are going to be thinking that they're buying "Get out of Jail Free" cards.

[Edit] Hmmmm. I dunno what the laws are about this in the UK. Do they have to honor a request to a refund, for a charitable donation, in the UK?

Edit 2 I wonder what the thoughts would be to having a gofundme account?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Would be fine with donations. Could contribute what I could when I could.


Anyway, one thing I noticed especially with the backlash. Is just that it's so tacky. But also I think it's just very poorly timed. Already the gaming community as a whole is dealing with a lot of problems coming from big publishers strait up ripping them off. Poor business practices, over monetization, and predatory micro-transactions in the game industry has gone so overboard that it even made it to main-stream media. Which I might add, has so over-sensationalized the stories that it's just made people even angrier.


So people are already highly on the defensive and are just strait up pissed off. If this was going to be done, it was a very VERY poorly timed decision.

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Would be fine with donations. Could contribute what I could when I could.


Anyway, one thing I noticed especially with the backlash. Is just that it's so tacky. But also I think it's just very poorly timed. Already the gaming community as a whole is dealing with a lot of problems coming from big publishers strait up ripping them off. Poor business practices, over monetization, and predatory micro-transactions in the game industry has gone so overboard that it even made it to main-stream media. Which I might add, has so over-sensationalized the stories that it's just made people even angrier.


So people are already highly on the defensive and are just strait up pissed off. If this was going to be done, it was a very VERY poorly timed decision.

Yeah, I think this is the heart of the problem here. I understand the need for the site to keep the lights on, so to speak, but the sheer in-your-face factor of the new seperate download buttons just immediately reminded me of the aggressive monetization that's currently plaguing the games industry, and actually made me briefly believe that the site was trying to become commercialized and profit-driven.


Looking at the replies from various mods and staff that clearly isn't the case, but the current state of the industry has many of us not only more accutely aware of aggressive monetization schemes, but also kind of wary, defensive, and suspicious of that kind of thing.


I don't think NexusMods is 'shaming' free users like the OP suggested (I mean, come on get serious), but they could maybe back off a bit with the seperate tiered download buttons. My mind immediately went to how mobile games have seperate buttons for 'wait 6 hours' and 'unlock now for 500 gems', and that's probably not the impression you want to make to your users in this day and age. It is, as you say, poorly timed.


It's not really about the need for supporting the site (that reality hasn't changed in many years), but how it's presented. That's all I'm trying to say. Hopefully people will understand I'm trying to be constructive here and as polite as possible. I don't intend to sound inflammatory or anything.

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the site was trying to become commercialized and profit-driven.

I hate to be the one to shine the light of reality in your eyes, but that's precisely what this site has been for years. A for-profit commercial online venture.

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After reading most of the posts in this thread it seems to me like a lot of people don't understand just how good Nexus is in a lot of respects. Awhile ago I got caught up playing Farming Simulator. That community is very fractured and while some mods are hosted here, its a pretty small minority. Mods for that game are spread over a multitude of sites. The majority of those sites scrap each other sites and Facebook and straight up steal mods to host on their site with no thought of copyright. Also there are more than a couple that my antivirus will not even allow me to load because the pages are filled with malware and trojans. There are a couple of other that have d/l caps of 50/kbs.


On Nexus you don't have to worry about virus's from the site itself. They take a very strong view on copyright protections. The staff, and even the owner, are fairly easy to get ahold of, and they respond, and their friendly. There are places on each mod page where you can ask questions of the author. For all you people who seem to think Nexus is the bad guy, go try using some of those other sites (I'm not naming them just because they are so worthless and possibly dangerous) and then tell me that Nexus sucks.


Also, I would incourage you to read the year end columns that Robin writes where he talks about the shear volume of bandwidth and storage they use.

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