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The shaming of non-premium users needs to stop!

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Just putting this out there.




1M - $5.99 x 12 = $71.88

3M - $16.49 x 4 = $65.96

6M - $29.99 x 2 = $59.98

1Y - $49.99 x 1 = $49.99


Lifetime - $149.99

Maybe can get negotiate a deal or get a sponsorship on board and can give a few game keys or some kind of incentive/perk to buy the Lifetime, after all it is lifetime membership so it should have a premium cost but also a value to that premium.


The cost of memberships I'm basing on the US Dollar and region but prices can be adjusted by region depending on currency value like steam, origin and such do and also can be adjusted/lowered in the future "IF" membership volume makes up for it.


The monthly is based on saving 20cents a day and the yearly is based on a little less than 14 cents a day if you can't save that for a site with content you actually enjoy, consume such content and download it for free yet can't refrain from buying that extra pepsi/coke/starbucks, bag of chips, munchies or whatever other thing we really impulse buy everyday not really needing it, then don't know what to say.




1M - $1.00

1Y - $10.00


The Ad pricing is not fair for the site honestly but half is better than nothing in my book and can probably and most likely make up by volume being a bit more affordable because the current offering of $2.00 for No Ads ever is way to low and not really sustainable for the site and we all KNOW THIS FOR A FACT no need trying to act like we don't know that.



This is a fair-ish value for what is provided, not really for the Nexus more for us the users to be honest but also is not only the site and by the way a very well organized site with mods classified by games, category and type of mod, you can also customize your searches to only a specific category all in the search to find it quick, track mods your interested in, your own gallery of shots to show off your mods even allowing you a section for NSFW images etc, let's not forget we also get the Vortex Mod manager with it and that also has a development and maintenance cost.


If over 18 should have no problem with the values, if under 18 can do chores and help neighbors clean their lawn/snow to make the money these are very realistic numbers at least for the US region.


Just posting this to be constructive and give ideas. i know it's pretty much double the pricing as it they are right now but they are more REALISTIC for the cost of the site even if they won't do it.

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I 110% agree, this is ridiculous, and a very stupid move that makes the site user unfriendly.


Honestly I was actually considering getting a premium subscription because I use this site so often and it's actually fairly cheap as far as subscription services go (With lifetime subscription being under a hundred dollars at only 86$CAD). But now that they're being so incessantly pushy about it, I've lost all interest in going premium. I was fine with how it was before, with just a reminder every now and then. And seeing how much work clearly goes into this site, that's honestly a fair price to pay.


But reminding me about it constantly, and then actually hindering my ability to download the mods from the website by adding not only using speed caps but adding a soft-paywall and then an arbitrary 10 second countdown? Quite frankly that's insulting, it's the internet equivalent of hostile architecture, designed to punish poor people. And just like hostile architecture, if anything, this change will be far more likely to drive users away in search of more welcoming environments rather than bringing them more profit.


I hate late stage capitalism so much ð¤ Whoever thought this was a good idea should be hunted down and forced to take a class in user-friendly web design over and over again until they pass

Edited by Grox9994
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Just to clarify a few things:

  • The countdown is actually 5 seconds.
  • The speed caps have been in place since 2007, we actually raised the cap for mod authors and users without adblock.
  • We know that it's working.

Concerning the last point, Dark0ne said on 18th December 2019:

It's worked. For every person saying "I'll never buy Premium" there's many more who are now more aware of the limitations that were already there before and are willing to go Premium to either remove the inconvenience, or support the site.

If the results we've seen from making this change last Friday continue then we'll up the DP pool accordingly and substantially.

Selling more Premium Memberships has since enabled us to almost double the amount we put into the mod author reward program: https://www.nexusmods.com/about/donation-points/

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To the best of my recollection there has always been some sort of pause between hitting the Download Manually button and when the download actually begins. So now I hit the Download Manually button and then the Slow Download button and a few seconds later I'm presented with the standard Windows save dialogue same as before.


Yup one extra click per download ... oh no ... the horror!!


So far my left click finger has been holding up pretty well for an old guy's. If that changes should I consider sending a lawyer after Dark0ne?? Do ya think??

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I personally would never pay those prices

Why not? They don't carry a disease or anything...


bc you're more than doubling the current pricing of everything. I've made a post about my idea on how to get more people to give money to nexus. which includes getting rid of per month subscription system. (to which the only one that is worth anything is lifetime at $50 - which is reasonable already).


My idea is to divide everything into perks , so ads, data speed, unlimited data speed, multiple downloads, ect. and then price then based on the current lifetime subscription ($50). and allow donations to nexus. this would allow people who don't want the full package. those who want to support just to support. and those who want all the perks to get what they want for whatever reason they want.

increasing the cost not only slightly, but more than double would drive away many more people than those who would actually donate.


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Just came back here to download some new mods, and this paywall on automatic downloads is ridiculous, stop making me click through extra bullshit to download files. Yes I know I'm capped to 2MB/s, stop constantly reminding me. I've bought premium before and this bullshit is doing a great job of making sure I never do again.

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Just came back here to download some new mods, and this paywall on automatic downloads is ridiculous, stop making me click through extra bulls*** to download files. Yes I know I'm capped to 2MB/s, stop constantly reminding me. I've bought premium before and this bulls*** is doing a great job of making sure I never do again.

There is no paywall on Nexus Mods. All you have to do to gain access to the content here, is make an account.

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