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The shaming of non-premium users needs to stop!

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Let me get this straight, this topic is about ppl that don't want to pay for a service, wich they openly declare they abuse of (100 mods installed, and i bet you used some kind of mod manager... maybe NMM at start right?).

Does any of you geniuses have a job? do you think that professionals, servers, partnerships are all free?


Also premium membership is about 3000DP, a couple of translation mods and you are done free of charge, and if you don't have time, this means you have a job, then that you can pay. Also that you don't understand this simple loop right here...

The point is in the design of the way this site's trying to get people to pay for premium: It's bad. It's invasive and aggressive.


Imagine going to the supermarket - call it the Nexus Market: everyone's free to enter and shop around, but if you don't have a membership, everywhere you look, there's someone in your face trying to get you to buy a product wholly unrelated to what you're looking for. There are so many sometimes that they swarm you, depleting you of resources which makes you fall; crash, knocking your sensitive knees on the unforgiving concrete. You cry from the pain. You are so tired of hurting your knees (and you can't afford knee replacement surgery) that you hire some anti-sales bodyguards to skewer each life sucker with a spear, leaving their green, corrosive blood oozing on the floor. Time & money wasted, but good riddance foul parasites! When you've managed to find everything you need, in order to purchase your items and leave the store, you must go through a single line reserved only for those who don't pay up: it has multiple security checks where people scan you and pat you up and down and look into your orifices for no reason. Once you manage to undue your wedgie and have finally reached the checkout counter, the cashier begins scanning your items but the thing has "limitation software" built in so each scan takes 20 seconds or so to complete. "Just get me outa here!" You scream - but you needed those specialty diet items available nowhere else, so you put up with all that carnage and probing and time wasting.


Meanwhile, you go into every other store where the isles are free of life-sucking salesman and there's no security guard with a probe waiting to extrapolate your insides. Everyone has access to the same speedy checkout and sales workers only once offer a membership with great benefits. You politely decline or accept depending on whether or not you feel the perks justify the cost of membership. Then you leave satisfied as no one has assailed you or searched your bunghole.


Dramatic? Yes. On point? Also yes.



Sounds like you should do all your shopping at the second store ... seems like the first one is damaging your calm.

Edited by Striker879
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"Dramatic? Yes. On point? Also yes."


No. Just dramatic. Perhaps it's time to stop, yea? You said your piece, you know this won't change, no reason to clutter this thread further.

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Let me get this straight, this topic is about ppl that don't want to pay for a service, wich they openly declare they abuse of (100 mods installed, and i bet you used some kind of mod manager... maybe NMM at start right?).

Does any of you geniuses have a job? do you think that professionals, servers, partnerships are all free?


Also premium membership is about 3000DP, a couple of translation mods and you are done free of charge, and if you don't have time, this means you have a job, then that you can pay. Also that you don't understand this simple loop right here...

The point is in the design of the way this site's trying to get people to pay for premium: It's bad. It's invasive and aggressive.


Imagine going to the supermarket - call it the Nexus Market: everyone's free to enter and shop around, but if you don't have a membership, everywhere you look, there's someone in your face trying to get you to buy a product wholly unrelated to what you're looking for. There are so many sometimes that they swarm you, depleting you of resources which makes you fall; crash, knocking your sensitive knees on the unforgiving concrete. You cry from the pain. You are so tired of hurting your knees (and you can't afford knee replacement surgery) that you hire some anti-sales bodyguards to skewer each life sucker with a spear, leaving their green, corrosive blood oozing on the floor. Time & money wasted, but good riddance foul parasites! When you've managed to find everything you need, in order to purchase your items and leave the store, you must go through a single line reserved only for those who don't pay up: it has multiple security checks where people scan you and pat you up and down and look into your orifices for no reason. Once you manage to undue your wedgie and have finally reached the checkout counter, the cashier begins scanning your items but the thing has "limitation software" built in so each scan takes 20 seconds or so to complete. "Just get me outa here!" You scream - but you needed those specialty diet items available nowhere else, so you put up with all that carnage and probing and time wasting.


Meanwhile, you go into every other store where the isles are free of life-sucking salesman and there's no security guard with a probe waiting to extrapolate your insides. Everyone has access to the same speedy checkout and sales workers only once offer a membership with great benefits. You politely decline or accept depending on whether or not you feel the perks justify the cost of membership. Then you leave satisfied as no one has assailed you or searched your bunghole.


Dramatic? Yes. On point? Also yes.


It's frankly nothing like that. You're not "buying" anything here, every single download comes out of the Nexus' pocket. It's as if you've gone into a (hypothetical) grocery store where they don't charge you to take anything but ask that you leave a donation occasionally to keep them in business. What you've done is come into the store every day for seven years and taken all you please, and haven't given them a single cent. Now you're surprised that the store has put up some polite, if direct, signs by every display reminding people that running a supermarket costs money.

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Imagine going to the supermarket - call it the Nexus Market: everyone's free to enter and shop around, but if you don't have a membership, everywhere you look, there's someone in your face trying to get you to buy a product wholly unrelated to what you're looking for. There are so many sometimes that they swarm you, depleting you of resources which makes you fall; crash, knocking your sensitive knees on the unforgiving concrete. You cry from the pain. You are so tired of hurting your knees (and you can't afford knee replacement surgery) that you hire some anti-sales bodyguards to skewer each life sucker with a spear, leaving their green, corrosive blood oozing on the floor. Time & money wasted, but good riddance foul parasites! When you've managed to find everything you need, in order to purchase your items and leave the store, you must go through a single line reserved only for those who don't pay up: it has multiple security checks where people scan you and pat you up and down and look into your orifices for no reason. Once you manage to undue your wedgie and have finally reached the checkout counter, the cashier begins scanning your items but the thing has "limitation software" built in so each scan takes 20 seconds or so to complete. "Just get me outa here!" You scream - but you needed those specialty diet items available nowhere else, so you put up with all that carnage and probing and time wasting.

Meanwhile, you go into every other store where the isles are free of life-sucking salesman and there's no security guard with a probe waiting to extrapolate your insides. Everyone has access to the same speedy checkout and sales workers only once offer a membership with great benefits. You politely decline or accept depending on whether or not you feel the perks justify the cost of membership. Then you leave satisfied as no one has assailed you or searched your bunghole.


Dramatic? Yes. On point? Also yes.




Imagine watching a free Streaming Channel, or Regular TV in fact, and it's interrupted by INVASIVE ADVERTISEMENTS every couple of Minutes.


Imagine PAYING A MEMBERSHIP fee to Netflix and watching Streaming videos with NO INVASIVE ADVERTISEMENTS.


Imagine that, how cool is that idea?


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"Dramatic? Yes. On point? Also yes."


No. Just dramatic. Perhaps it's time to stop, yea? You said your piece, you know this won't change, no reason to clutter this thread further.

Nope much was on point, you're just forcing yourself not to see bc you're a paying user & probably don't like those who do not pay. Anyway, It's not a big deal this thread is already way too long anyway.



it was just a fun thing to write and yes I was over the top but who cares - most of what I wrote parallels (i.e. the leech salesman = the invasive ads; slow scanner = bottlenecked dl speeds; slow checkout line = popups for every dl). The only thing that doesn't really parallel is the fact the items you're purchasing don't cost money - there's no store like this. The only free things I can think of in real life are services like library services, which are either funded privately or through taxes. You can't exactly tax people for this lol. I honestly wish the nexus made enough money to do well but the truth is their practices are just bad/unprofessional. If I didn't have an ad-blocker, the ads would "corrupt" the webpage, and it's happened many times where the ad has "overtaken" the page, forcing me to refresh it and they use up so many resources it makes the internet practically unusable. It's only the really scammy websites where I've had this happen in the past.


The pay for premium pop-ups opened my eyes to the fact they're trying to make better profits, so maybe it's a good thing they changed this, but imo they took it too far, especially for the fact they've run the website a certain way for so long, never forcing things on users. If they had been upfront about it, giving us all a warning and expressing their desires to change their business model, I don't think this thread would be so long. Every other service company I've used has always sent out a courtesy message before they've made big changes. Like I said, The Nexus is just not professional and their practices invasive. If you can't see that then you're choosing to be blind. If I was a premium member I'd say the exact same thing.

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Dark0ne does send out notice of things that may be coming/are certainly coming. They are long detailed reads, not something you'll skim in 5 seconds and get the story ... maybe you missed them.

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it was just a fun thing to write and yes I was over the top but who cares - most of what I wrote parallels (i.e. the leech salesman = the invasive ads; slow scanner = bottlenecked dl speeds; slow checkout line = popups for every dl). The only thing that doesn't really parallel is the fact the items you're purchasing don't cost money - there's no store like this. The only free things I can think of in real life are services like library services, which are either funded privately or through taxes. You can't exactly tax people for this lol. I honestly wish the nexus made enough money to do well but the truth is their practices are just bad/unprofessional. If I didn't have an ad-blocker, the ads would "corrupt" the webpage, and it's happened many times where the ad has "overtaken" the page, forcing me to refresh it and they use up so many resources it makes the internet practically unusable. It's only the really scammy websites where I've had this happen in the past.


The pay for premium pop-ups opened my eyes to the fact they're trying to make better profits, so maybe it's a good thing they changed this, but imo they took it too far, especially for the fact they've run the website a certain way for so long, never forcing things on users. If they had been upfront about it, giving us all a warning and expressing their desires to change their business model, I don't think this thread would be so long. Every other service company I've used has always sent out a courtesy message before they've made big changes. Like I said, The Nexus is just not professional and their practices invasive. If you can't see that then you're choosing to be blind. If I was a premium member I'd say the exact same thing.




Currently there are about 200,000 people, out of a total of 18 million who are helping to fund this site through Premium Memberships, so that it can stay online so you can complain about a little inconvenience, some people have been using this site for free since 2008 and are suddenly complaining about a small inconvenience being thrust on them, while not thinking how inconvenient it is to try to keep servers online, and for bandwidth etc.



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The pay for premium pop-ups opened my eyes to the fact they're trying to make better profits, so maybe it's a good thing they changed this, but imo they took it too far, especially for the fact they've run the website a certain way for so long, never forcing things on users.

The likely situation is that Nexus Mods was too charitable for too long. A large number of free users used up too much bandwidth (costing Nexus Mods a whole lot of money) and they offered almost nothing in return. And for those users who used adblockers, who literally leeched off the site, offering zero in return, Nexus Mods should have removed their downloading privileges completely.

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Imagine watching a free Streaming Channel, or Regular TV in fact, and it's interrupted by INVASIVE ADVERTISEMENTS every couple of Minutes.


Imagine PAYING A MEMBERSHIP fee to Netflix and watching Streaming videos with NO INVASIVE ADVERTISEMENTS.


Imagine that, how cool is that idea?



Sorry mate you've missed my meaning. The problem with nexus ads are they're parasitic. Do TV or streaming ads crash your TV or app? Don't think so. And before you refute this, nexus ads in fact do, hogging up so much ram it forces you to have to reboot the internet browser. If they didn't do this it would be a non-issue.

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Imagine watching a free Streaming Channel, or Regular TV in fact, and it's interrupted by INVASIVE ADVERTISEMENTS every couple of Minutes.

Imagine PAYING A MEMBERSHIP fee to Netflix and watching Streaming videos with NO INVASIVE ADVERTISEMENTS.


Imagine that, how cool is that idea?

Sorry mate you've missed my meaning. The problem with nexus ads are they're parasitic. Do TV or streaming ads crash your TV or app? Don't think so. And before you refute this, nexus ads in fact do, hogging up so much ram it forces you to have to reboot the internet browser. If they didn't do this it would be a non-issue.


Then you should be reporting those bad ads in the "Report Bad Ads" forum so that an admin can fix the issue.
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