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Skyrim Dragonborn


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I wonder how the DLC will work based on if you finished the main quest or not. It would be interesting to see the Dragonborn quest line change if you haven't finished the main quest yet. Also, I wonder what Paarthurnax will have to say about the whole situation.


Was wondering about Paarthurnax myself the other day. Wonder if Dragonborn will resolve the situation left in vanilla at the end of the game. Will be interesting to see if they just ignore it or if there are some consequences for doing/not doing the quest (trying not to include spoilers).

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lol my first view of it was impressive, the second I started paying attn to the landscape, and it looks like Morrowind, and Skyrim combined.


The giant mushrooms from Morrowind and the huts from placed like Ald Ruhn(? did I get the name right?)


Didn't see anything that reminded me of Solstheim

Edited by MiloHunts
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I'm placing my bets that the dragon riding will simply be a mechanic to allow you to travel from skyrim to the new lands and what looks like either fast travel within apocrypha or something like the MQ in skyrim... a one way ticket


what i am mostly excited for is the chance to expand dunmer lore in skyrim, much has changed since we played morrowind, it will be interesting to see how the dunmer as a people survived red mountain; currently in skyrim they just seem like refugees, not much there other than a side quest or two and some followers. always wanted a dcl on par quality/content wise like shivering isles, but having to do with following the nerevarines footsteps to see what happened to him/her. but i think this will be good enough ;) (for now :3 )

Edited by Riverwind
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I'm placing my bets that the dragon riding will simply be a mechanic to allow you to travel from skyrim to the new lands and what looks like either fast travel within apocrypha or something like the MQ in skyrim... a one way ticket


what i am mostly excited for is the chance to expand dunmer lore in skyrim, much has changed since we played morrowind, it will be interesting to see how the dunmer as a people survived red mountain; currently in skyrim they just seem like refugees, not much there other than a side quest or two and some followers. always wanted a dcl on par quality/content wise like shivering isles, but having to do with following the nerevarines footsteps to see what happened to him/her. but i think this will be good enough ;) (for now :3 )


We know what happened. He/She died in Akavir.


Well we only know thats where he/she went. I choose to believe the Dragon-Tiger guy roflstomped him/her.

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I'm placing my bets that the dragon riding will simply be a mechanic to allow you to travel from skyrim to the new lands and what looks like either fast travel within apocrypha or something like the MQ in skyrim... a one way ticket


what i am mostly excited for is the chance to expand dunmer lore in skyrim, much has changed since we played morrowind, it will be interesting to see how the dunmer as a people survived red mountain; currently in skyrim they just seem like refugees, not much there other than a side quest or two and some followers. always wanted a dcl on par quality/content wise like shivering isles, but having to do with following the nerevarines footsteps to see what happened to him/her. but i think this will be good enough ;) (for now :3 )


We know what happened. He/She died in Akavir.


Well we only know thats where he/she went. I choose to believe the Dragon-Tiger guy roflstomped him/her.



yes i understand that the nerevarine disappeared(not sure about any death though), but im sure there were adventures and things worthy of note that happened, maybe it was a murder, maybe he/she was onto something, trying to prevent something azura foresaw and only entrusted to him/her ;) there are many possibilities, but maybe i'm alone in thinking that it would be interesting digging up what happened there... and in the process discovering how events previously though unrelated are in fact a direct result of something done in the time of morrowind... meh, just fantasy at this point :)

Edited by Riverwind
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We know what happened. He/She died in Akavir.


Well we only know thats where he/she went. I choose to believe the Dragon-Tiger guy roflstomped him/her.

the Nerevarine going to Akavir was a RUMOR, just like how vivec was supposedly "taken by the Daedra".


the truth is, we have zero knowledge of what happened to the Nerevarine.

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to everyone who thinks "Dragon mount" is simply new fast travel, just look the video and try to pay attention.

I don't believe Bethesda would release pre-pathed fly paths like that.

It would be weird, and harder than actually flying dragons.


Also, you can see High Hrotgar behind the flying dragon (With dragonborn riding it), so I'd believe you can actually fly in skyrim too.


Also, dat dragon in Apocrypha looks badass.

A bit like those flying dragon-like things in LOTR.

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