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Coronavirus - Is there a silver lining?


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My silver lining to this corona virus crisis is that all these so called leftist//antifa/SJW types have suddenly gotten all quiet and run home because they are now afraid to go outside because they might die from some virus that they may or may not catch. Strange how when its all safe these types are ready to have a revolution to fight the "man" system but fall deathly silent when something dangerous comes along , in fact I now hear of these so called revolutionaries are now supportive of the "man" system if they believe it keeps them safe.


That's my silver lining , not having to listen to idiots like that and having some peace and quiet.

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For me, there is a shining silver lining.


As a casual agency worker I am getting more shifts than ever, 6 days a week for the past 2 weeks, 3rd week of it and no sign of stopping any time soon, they're practically begging me to come in. Concordantly, my higher pay rate means that I'm earning a hefty amount of money to take home each week.


What does this mean for me? Well, it means I am rapidly approaching the required threshold for being able to afford my new gaming computer. Soon, sooner than I thought possible, I may have enough to finally get my new rig and start modding again.


Oh, and also it looks nicer outside, something to do with air pollution apparently.

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it looks nicer outside, something to do with air pollution apparently.

Wish I could find a place to take all my old stereos, tvs, and computers that would recycle them. I hate to just take them to the city dump. Isn't there money in that kind of thing?

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it looks nicer outside, something to do with air pollution apparently.

Wish I could find a place to take all my old stereos, tvs, and computers that would recycle them. I hate to just take them to the city dump. Isn't there money in that kind of thing?


Goodwill takes them, along with various other charity organizations. They recycle them, not just trash 'em. Where I live, it's actually illegal to toss computers/electronics in the trash. Of course, no one is taking anything while the covid thing is ongoing.......

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As the world descends into panic and mayhem over the Coronavirus, it gives us an opportunity to fix some short sighted policies and practices that weaken us.


Production Diversity - We cannot continue outsource our world production of Antibiotics and other vital pharmaceuticals, Electronics and components to China. China itself cannot be trusted to deliver quality goods and are in fact an enemy of the free world (the Government not the people). The west has sacrificed economic security and the health of their people for short term gains. This cannot continue.


Globalization - The idea of globalization needs to die. Diversity is not a strength but weakens us. Just look at Europe. They have been on a steady decline as the EU experiment continues to fail them miserably. Terrorism, Disease and economic down turn are the fruits of the EU. It has failed and must be abandoned.


Self Reliance - Every nation must be prepared to become completely self reliant if needed. For some this may not be possible, however the closer to this goal they can attain the better off they will be. This includes military self reliance. The US cannot and should not be put into the position of being the world police.



Other than the the realizations I listed do you see a silver lining to the ongoing pandemic?


Stay healthy friends.




Lol Fascist Corporative Italy be like: am I a joke to y'all?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here are the things that I see:


1st - Silver lining. We are realizing that we NEED to take China out of our " health care " system.


2nd - My wife has decided to keep working, because she enjoys it.

But with this now she is going to be able to work from home even after the ban is lifted. :)

Because of our Fitbits, we walk every hour.


3rd - For the most, families are being FAMILIES again. Yes, I understand that some are falling apart and that is seriously sad. But I know a lot of families that were falling apart and now are growing stronger!

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A silver lining to covid? Hmm. The number of dead stupid people that hang on the chimps every word and think putting on a trump (lower case intentional) shirt, slinging an AR and stomping around with a flag keeps them from being infected.


May take a few months, but it's a problem that solves itself.


Another great thing is baby don-don mouth-shitting in public over being fact checked on twitter, being caught deliberately withholding medical supplies and economic aid from states with governess he doesn't like (read: anyone that doesn't fellate the cult of trump) and making a total mockery of himself on the international stage. His latest attempt at being the MAN IN CHARGE via executive order to make social media stop being mean to him is going to backfire so hard it's amazing. Assuming his cultist-packed court actually remembers how to do it's job.

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  • 1 month later...

Now I don't have to worry about all those young sick people in need of money more, that will go to work when they have just a Cold or the other kinds of Flu. :geek: They won't infect us with other common diseases, e.g., Pneumonia; when they think they only have a minor Cold or a case of the Flu we can get shots for. :laugh:

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