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Obama: Worst president in the last 100 years


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That fact that you don't want the job, tells me you would be perfect for it. If you run for president, I would vote fon you. :D

The only person qualified for the job of leading is the person who does not want the job. A government formed from randomly selected members of society is the closet you'll ever get to the ideal.


The real problem that would stand in the way is eliminating the presently entrenched systems we have today that claim to be democracies.

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I am not sure if Obama was the worst president in

the last 100 years, but he had the darkest tan....

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Based on C-Span Presidential Historians Survey of 2021, this here should settle things on who are the worst Presidents in history.




As you can see Obama comes up with a high enough score to be 10th place while Trump is in 41st place being extremely close to the very bottom. George W. Bush this year comes in 29th place.


Basically only 3 other Presidents are considered to be worse then Trump which are Franklin Pierce, Andrew Johnson, and in very last place is James Buchanan. From the looks of it, until historians rate a new President worse then Trump it looks as if Trump will remain considered 4th in line to the worst in our history for quite a while.

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  • 2 weeks later...

And now we have everyone blaming biden for the collapse of the Afghan government.


My take on it? This was gonna happen regardless of how/when we pulled out. Didn't matter who was in office. Trump tried to negotiate with the taliban, he should have known that was a bad idea. Biden, on the other hand, just surprised everyone, and pulled out our troops. Now, he is sending troops back in... Lost cause. Afghanistan simply doesn't want democracy. They have been a nation of feudal lords for centuries. That obviously hasn't changed.

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And now we have everyone blaming biden for the collapse of the Afghan government.

No everyone isn't blaming Biden for the collapse of the Afghan government.


They are pointing out that he assured 'everyone' that the $88 billion dollars spent training the Afghan military was money well spent, only to have the Afghan military capitulate to the Taliban without a fight.

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He basically said we made the agreement to pull out so that is what we were going to do. The United States needs to 1) stop trying to nation build and/or impose our democracy ( which is just doing great) on other people. If they want democracy they will have to instigate and begin the fight themselves. 2) Stop pulling out of places and leaving people high and dry. 3) Understand that when you leave a power vacuum someone or something is going to fill it.


I guess the military they are sending in is a few Marines to get the Americans out of Kabul Embassy.


However, I did do some reading a few weeks ago after we too off in the dark of night from one of the airport bases we built. Left tons (and I mean tons) of trash, used and unused water bottles, tools, equipment, bullets, literally thousands and thousands of them (but no big ones and supposedly no guns of any size.) We were supposed to do some official handing over of this to the Afgans but we thought doing the equivalent of a military walk-of-shame would be a better idea. So we just left and didn't even tell them, hand it over officially or even clean up after ourselves. We should be absolutely ashamed of that.


And I would say a large chunk of people in the military there and government are Taliban sympathizers at least. The president of Afganistan left like a full day ago. Anyone who did not expect this to happen is woefully naive at best. And the Taliban have lots of money. You know what they do for money? Well, it comes from this lovely flower called the Poppy that grows all over Afganistan. ..

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