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In the Post above this there are the following sentences.


Thankfully it did not have any strong effect on any of the people there, a minority of whom were not human and who were all amongst the 'untouched'.


'any' should have been 'many'


Thankfully it did not have any strong effect on many of the people there, a minority of whom were not human and who were all amongst the 'untouched'.

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Stella arrived, with the return trip from five years in the future. She was Sarah's older sister who commanded the Pridescouts also being LyonsPriders. There came with her one squad13+ of the Pridescouts with auxiliaries of Steelscouts being a mixture of humans, animans and enhanced scoutdogs. They were to prove invaluable in the future of the past.


In a private room Banjosam examined Sarah's naked body for in truth he was not really a human let alone a 'he'. There was also a sense of trustworthiness about he who was a potent healer and doctor of many kinds. Her skin was scattered with tiny points of smooth steel like substance that had not only shrunk but about half of which had vanished away, they being formerly the smaller of the 'steel skin marks'. As he touched her, as respectfully as possible, he poured healing energies into her even as he analysed her with powerful alien methods.


He spoke. "Please put your utility suit back on. You are much better than you were before the purity light flash took place or so my special analytical abilities informed me."


Banjosam was an aspect of the EternalSeeker, being one of thirteen avatars of which he was one of the three secondaries. He had spent much of his time working with the Arisen for he was well able to assist them having work with such before. Five years in the future there was another secondary avatar, Banjosal, at work with the Arisen that had gone there.


He looked away, as she dressed, causing Sarah to smile at the irony of his gesture for she knew that he was still observing her in the fashion of his kind.


Instead of Banjosam, like the other EternalSeeker avatars, needed far less sleep than mortals did but supplemented it with short moments of special meditation. So he had lots of hours to use to carry out work and used all of it doing much good for others there but perhaps also for his people.


Fully dressed again, Sarah studied him carefully. "Were you drawn to the timeplace because of the purity flash?"


Banjosam nodded. "That and related matters. We true Eternals are not in trouble but there arose factions, of false Eternals, that are being drawn to this world. Both Steelhoods have dealt with at least two such factions being the TimeAngels and the Silence."


Sarah frowned. "What of the SteelFamilies?"


The Eternal shrugged. "I do not know, as yet, and do not wish to speculate with out obtaining more decisive information."


Sarah nodded, as if accepting this, but she was not truly convinced that he was being totally honest.

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Stella stood in WashingtonDF, being Washington city of the District of Funtime. With her were Pridescouts but also general Steelscouts including animans (human-animal humanoid hybrids) and special dogs. From the start the city was obviously the reflection of the thinking of small childlike perception as, for adults, it was of odd size proportions.


To each other the newcomers were normal appearing but to the local NPCs they appeared to be of local appearances wearing brightly colourful tunics or other gear in the case of the now cute looking dogs.


A happy clown sped past them, along the very wide hard chocolate-concrete sidewalk that they stood on. It was a clownrobot on a single wheel being shaped like a clown riding a unicycle. People, with permanent grins, rode in bumper cars that drove in all directions along, and across, the street. Traffic lights flashed randomly in a great range of colours.


Stella spoke with an understandable tone of amazement. "This is going to be a most interesting mission. We could easily get lost here."


The woman stepped seemingly out of nowhere and stood there looking like a female version of Banjosam complete with a banjo slung over the back. "My name is Banjosal, 'sal' being short for Sally. You need assistance in this place that a secretive intelligence, of exotic nature, took over and which has seemingly abducted OldPentagonus' grandchildren."


Stella, the older sister to Sarah, studied the cityscape. "Chocolate concrete, of multiple colours, crazy wheeled clown robots and bumper cars for the traffic, it seems crazy but not dangerous. Yet I feel myself becoming cautious as if in a dangerous area where the threat is concealed."


Then a naked man ran along the sidewalk, on the opposite side of the street, crying out in pain-humiliation as a clownrobot chased him and struck at him with a licorice whip; this would have seemed amusing except that the device left harsh red marks on the man's back. The man tripped over and his cry of fear was cut off as he disintegrated even as he kept being whipped.


Stella shook her head. "I thought I had seen everything but admit that was a surprise."


Banjosal frowned. "We must keep moving until we can gain access to the network-system from some internal point as we have failed to do so from any external one. This realm is heavily secured and I am starting to see why. The grandchildren could be in great danger."


They went on moving with out gaining any troubling attention, or so it seemed to be, or witnessing any more disturbing incidents.

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Feedback would be greatly appreciated even if just using emoticons as suggested below. Could open another topic just for feedback on all of my Druid Garden topics to stop feedback crowding in this one. That other topic could also involve some general discussions on fanfic writing or just writing in general.

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Shyla, and her Priderangers, being heavy recon fighters instead of light recon fighters as the Pridescouts were, had been out in the Domelands of WashingtonDC. Now they were back five years in the past thanks to a second time jaunt by the DemiTARDIS as piloted by Romana.


Sarah was joined by her five sextuplet sisters Saran, Saray, Saral, Sarai and Sarau. They had been in status having fallen, one by one, to the steel affliction as Sarah feared she would as the last of the sextuplets. Now all were improved to a great degree and far more tuned into their increased steel abilities.


When an alien spaceship had crash landed in the Californian Wastelands, xenomorphs had come with it with their facehuggers and burning acid blood. Becoming totally 'steel bodies', a select few Steelorderlers had destroyed them. The acid did not burn them and the facehuggers could not penetrate mouths melded closed. Why no burning effect, because the steel infestation had in it elements of xenomorph which made them immune just as the creatures were from their own acid. The 'Steelmorphs' had mercy killed five ape like entities found on board, each having six arms and four legs; the primates were all invaded by xenomorph larvae slowly devouring them from the inside out.


Five years, back in the future, highly valuable item caches were being found as had been put away by those in the past.

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Banjosal was there, looking like a female version of Banjosam, and her presence in WashingtonDF was having a strongly positive effect on that virtualscape. Where bumpercars had been piling up on one another, with crazed drivers not seeming to care about their own fate or that of others, there was now a calmly efficient rescue operation going on. Banjosal used a 'console cheat code' to summon forth clownish looking, but professional acting, paramedics and their 'bumper-ambulances'. The Pridescouts assisted, their power armour proving to be of great benefit.


The animans, and animals, had been growing increasingly agitated but were now calm. The three chimpmans, in specialised power armour, leapt agilely up onto heaped vehicles to better reach victims. The dogs sniffed out IPCs (Interactive Player Characters) that were turning out to have an interesting nature to them beyond that of the software created-driven NPCs yet even they were sophisticated AI creations.


Banjosal brought up a floating console holoprojection in the air and studied the ever changing patterns of 3Ddatasymbols there. Every so often she frowned softly as a blinking amber, or even red, symbol appeared. Some 3DDSLs she shunted, with her mind, to one side to build up a pattern there.


Then she spoke and the others there all heard her easily. "There is a war going on here between two factions of OldPentagonis' grandchildren but in each side are allies to those progeny. Darkness has fallen upon one of the factions or has always been there. With it is an ancient entity of malice, avarice, fear and vile addictions that is a survivor of the Timewar itself being a Demovil deity originating in the Nullvoid. It is greatly weakened and seeks... something that is not clearly defined but that is linked with Doomsday as so much else appears to be."


Dead NPCs did not disintegrate but when IPCs did they were soon gone.


Banjosal spoke on. "The IPCs are linked with adult individuals in statuscapsules while the NPCs are linked to individual AI subprograms. There is one AIsupercomputer network-system that in theory should be directing, coordinating, supervising and service-supporting this and other virtual reality realms like it. It seems to have been locked out of a large area of WashingtonDF by the dark faction while it is allied with the positive faction. We are in the center of the enemy occupied virtual world."


They came sweeping, low, through the sky being funny looking biplanes firing not so amusing weapons. Flashy, colourful, bulbous rayguns fired beams of light that exploded upon striking targets while balloon bombs fell only to erupt in savage, consuming, flames. But even as they attacked, proving to be somewhat clumsy and slow, missiles came from an unknown source to destroy them in bright flashes. The last few were wiped out by Pridescout multipurpose missiles switched to SAM (surface to air missile) mode.


Doing no harm to the intended target, the enemy had caused death, and destruction, amongst those not involved directly in any conflict. None there doubted that the dark faction had no care for IPCs, or NPCs, that had fallen victim to its attack.

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Still no feedback! Would like suggestions on who-what could be included in this mishmash fanfic from already included shows or others.

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Owen Lyons watched a big 3Dviewscreen with changing perspectives from different 3Dcams. It was showing the raging battle between the heavy hitting SteelsiderOrder, with its powerful military units, and a massive swarm of radghoulers pushed before mutamutants of supermutants and zymutants. Towering behemoths led the charge of smaller hulkemoths, even smaller massemoths and bulky human sized metamoths. Massemoths, and metamoths, numbered about the same but apart from that the bigger the supermutants were, the less common they were. Zymutants were acid slime spitting zyspitters, spine shooting zyspiners, and humanoid zyclops with their single energy shooting eyesbulbs. The zymutants were slimy, slippery, and stank worse even than the supermutants, in general, which was saying a lot.


A behemoth fired off a big 2handcannon, a form of smoothbore pipegun made from special lined pipes scavenged from the Domelands of WashingtonDC. As soon as the giant humanoid had done so, it dropped down into a crouching movement to become less of a target. It was an unwelcome surprise that these mutamutants seemed to be more disciplined, better armed-armed and with standardised gear. Glimpses of metallic augmentations suggested they were guided or even basically cyborged.


A Predoomsday genius had come up with a way of turning such pipes into basic, reliable, pipeguns for 'good' people to survive post apocalypse conditions but refused to believe that 'bad' people could, or would, use them. He was proven wrong in a big way.


Heavy gunfire echoed as Steelsiders deployed battlemecha with heavy power armoured Steeltroopers and PARs counter attacking with them. Small hubcopters, of hubhubbas, darted zigzagging through the air firing 20mm autocannons, laser pulsebeams and small missiles. Sometimes they dropped bombs. Steelgunners fired off howitzers and big field-mortars as Steeltankers did the same from some of their their fanjet lifted hoverbattlers.


Owen spoke to his older brother, Richard, through a 3D2way link for the sibling was out in the field in a large, heavily fortified outpost. "They appear to be testing out defences. We must make sure that they fail to capture any of our people alive."


Richard nodded in his power armour with the helmet removed. "Question is what are their goals, especially any primary ones. They appear to be going straight for the CitadelDC but that could be for other than the obvious reason of attacking the SteelChapterDC."


Owen Lyons frowned. "This is not something to be discussed over a 3D2way link but Richard would know that. You also got the security IDcode wrong but I answered you out of curiosity. Who-what are you really?"


The false, very realistic, illusion of Richard the Lyonsheart, grinned stupidly before the screen returned to its normal scene. Owen Lyons shook his head in wonder, doubting the recording automatically made of the call would give any real clues; surprisingly he was wrong.


He made contact with Richard to both check on his status and to inform him of what had happened.

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The taskteam was in the Clown Quarter, of WashingtonDF, heading towards where the missiles had come from that had destroyed most of the attacking, clown piloted, biplanes that were actually just single robots. In the same direction was the massive, circus tent like, arena of the Funtime Circus. Even from a distance, at times, could be heard the muffled sounds of hysterical laughter, screaming and other horrific noises.


From various directions, occasionally, came sounds of gunfire and Banjosal explained that rebels were striking at the Funtime Government in the Clown Quarter. With fast moving hit-run action they were hitting at types of clown robots but not just them but other cruel acting robots. Oversized teddybears, wooden soldiers, cowboys-cowgirls, dollies, dragons, dinosaurs and yet others were often being fought against by the same as captured by the rebels and reprogrammed.


Banjosal had them change course as she gained subtle, positive, telempathic impressions of clues; the SAM strike had been from a hit-run rebel squad who had operated the weapons remote control wise; there was no good reason to go in that direction.


They passed by gloriously beautiful puppet theatres dotted, out front, with garish rebels warnings for none to enter those horror establishments. The same were outside of friendly looking diners, barbershops, shops and so much else it was hard to find places that were actually safe. Destroyed toy robots showed where they had tried to force people into those places to become victims but rebels had dealt harshly with them; rebel robots were recoloured for them to stand out from 'loyalist' ones. The whole idea, of robot loyalties, was mute because they were programmed as were all NPCs.


They passed through a shimmering barrier, that was invisible until they were very close to it, and into a former urban battleground where power armoured rebels were there along with rebel toy robots. There was reconstruction work taking place and even small scale farming taking place in empty lots.


It was a sealed, screened, off area where rebels were creating an enclave and soon the newcomers were meeting with a surprising individual that was one of their leaders.

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