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Vortex messes up certain files in fomods


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I have an issue to report regarding the installation of certain fomod based mods.

When installing them through Vortex, they end up with 1 or more mangled files rendering them unusable.

However installing them through another mod manager such as MO2 they work fine. I will post an actual example below


This example is specific to fallout new Vegas but probably applies to other games using the Gamebryo engine as well.


Example when installing the mod configuration menu with Vortex the file start_menu.xml found under (vortex staging folder)>(mod folder)>menu>options ends up looking like this https://pastebin.com/3JDh7iWY

However if I install it through MO2 that exact same file ends up looking like this https://pastebin.com/cVYjLkZt


Now I am no programmer but the Vortex installed file looks like garbage data to me, while the MO2 version looks more like an actual file with some structure.
However to further test things I decided to boot my game with the Vortex file. Which resulted in some buggy UI elements on my screen before my game crashed.

I then purged my deployment in Vortex. Replaced the Vortex file with the MO2 installed file. Deployed again and booted my game and this time everything went fine with no weird issues noticed.


So with all that I can't help but conclude that vortex incorrectly handled the fomod which resulted in 1 file being pretty much mangled. Seeing as I haven't found other posts on this forum but have definitely heard of other users with similar problems I decided to make a post here about the issue as to report it.


Edit: I did some further testing. This issue occurs on both Vortex version 12.11 and 12.10. When reverting back to version 12.9 The problematic file completely disappears. However it does let me start the up the game and the mod itself appears to be functioning correctly. For good measure I did not have any mods with file conflicts with the mod configuration menu enabled when testing this.

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Hmm. Sometjing on your end. Not with Vortex. I installed MCM through Vortex. Here is a screenshot.


Here is my current mod list for reference:

(Recommended) Upscaled Consistent Pip-Boy Icons-65046-2-103
16-10 Ratio Main screen for NMCs Texture Pack-43135-1-0
2 - UPDO VERA-68050-1-0-1577148537
24 Hour Clock NVSE-66857-1-1-1557796406
A Van Graff Scorned v1-1-45991-V1-1
A Wasteland in Bloom-66865-1-1b-1557227211
All DLC 2X-66368-1-13-1571954618
All in One 2X-66368-1-13-1572033571
Alternate Grass Atlas-39856-1-0-1583024803
Asterra's Many Fixes - Semi-Transparent Door Glass compatibility-67070-1-0-1559473890
Asterra's Many Fixes-67070-1-0d-1560078468
B42 Descriptions-68049-0-1b-1577223783
Barton Thorn Alternative Trigger-61383-2-0-0
Big MT Crater Exit Passage-42905
BOG Body Replacer FOMOD by sedaleare2_0-34702
BT Remove Powderganger Ownership v01-51078-v0-1
BugFix - The Screams of Brahmin-55751-1-0
Cass Barks.esp-64105-
Clipboards Retexture-66843-1-0-1555854300
Come Fly With Me Dialogue No Bears-61366-1-1
Companion Sandbox 3_2-44803-3-2
Container Respawns Warning-66832-1-1-1555767167
Courier Duster-62988-1
Courier Uniforms-60763-1-1
Creature Fix-67186-1-0-1561495035
DarNified Traits Menu-50657-1-0.1
Dead Money DLC - Penalty Tweak-40520-1-0-0
Dean Domino Theatre Turnaround All the Time-44653
Desaturated Textures-66865-1-1b-1557230340
Distance Gunfire Sound Fix V2p1-38759-2-1
Distributed Necklaces and Chains-56198-4-2-0
DMR (4k)-67628-2-0-1570216020
Duffle Bag Of Guns-41284-1-0
Dust Loading Screens (NMM)-59543-1-0
ED-E Flying Fixed-43187-1-0
ELECTRO-CITY and Freeside Open Compatability Patch-55346-1-0a
ELECTRO-CITY v12A-37908-V12A
ENB AO Hair Fix-64652-v1-0
Enhanced Grass-52017-1-0
Esstential Allies-67778-1-0-1572143916
ETL - 8K Terrain LOD Noise Normals-63139-v-1-01
ETL - Camos 4K Terrain Noise-63139-v1-01
EVE v1.18-42666-1-18
Fallout - New Callifornia 221
Fallout Character Overhaul-54460-2-3-1
Fallout New California BETA 222 PATCH-45138-222-6-1563162161
Faster Sleep Wait (NVSE)-66785-1-0-1554732127
Feral Ghoul Retexture Mod by Koldorn-38727-1-0
Fiends No Helmets Both Genders-38020-1
FNV Poco LOD Texture Patch-64698-0-1a-1551977971
FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting All DLC-52037-v5-542-1542790908.1
FNV RWL All DLC - Patch Collection-52037-v5-542-1542786543
FNVLODGen Output
FNVLODGen Resources-58562-1-1
Freeside and The Strip Redone-67946-2-1-1575486503
Freeside Open Cut Music-46355-V1-0
Freeside Open Patch-67946-2-1-1575517491
Freeside Open V0-7-46355-0-7
Functional Post Game Ending - Outside Bets Patch-66726-1-0-1554638258
Functional Post Game Ending - Populated Casinos Patches-66726-1-0-1553966786.1
Functional Post Game Ending - Populated Casinos Patches-66726-3-0-1571921365
Functional Post Game Ending - YUP Patch-66726-3-0-1571921599.1
Functional Post Game Ending-66726-2-0-1565387175
Gas Pumps of NV Update 1.5-60246-1-5
Gas Pumps of NV Ver. 1.0-60246-1-0
Glowing Star Bottle Cap FOMOD-37355-1
Grunt Perk Expanded HH LR GRA DM Merc Classic Pack-58666-2
HD Fire and Explosions-54619-1-0
Higher Voice For Cass - Type A2-67747-1-0-1571433437
Honest Hearts Letter-43560-1-0
Immersive Hit Reactions-66646-1-31-1553125180
Improved LOD noise Texture-46451-V1-00
Inspector 02dec2019-67952-1-1575328398
Interior Lighting Overhaul 6-9-35794-6-9
Intimacy Overhaul NorthRoad Patch-66600-v1-0-1560040794
Intimacy Overhaul Willow Patch-66600-v1-0-1560041191
Intimacy Overhaul-66600-v1-0-1560039094
IQO 2.2-66411-2-2-1552851207
JIP LN NVSE Plugin-58277-55-10-1554754259
JohnnyGuitar NVSE-66927-2-55-1572086892
Keep The Way of The Canaanite-55487-1
Kmart Radio-67063-1-0-1559291336
Kristinas Closet Main File v8-47059-8-1
Less Empty Primm-62036-1-60-1553159475
Less Empty Primm-62036-1-65-1559919417
Less Horrendous Vikki and Vance Casino LOD-63956-0-1
Lightweight Strip Overhaul - Uncut Wasteland Patch-65665-1-5-1572355229
Lightweight Strip Overhaul-65665-1-4-1546190508
Limestone LOD 1024x HIGH POLY-64271-3-0
Logic and Consistency Fixes-67168-1-3-1563704730
Lonesome Road Accidental Launch-58774-1-0
Lonesome Road Companion Passage-44001-1-0
Lonesome Road True Faction Allegiance-44042-1-1-2
Loot Menu-61723-1-13-1550950286
Lucky 38 Additional Content-58305-
Lucky 38 Container Ownership Updated-66003-1-0-1542678893
Main File-40695-1
Main Files-56299-2-0-1
MCM BugFix 2-42507-
MGs NCR Pack 7-42551
Missing Plugins-66810-v1-0-1555261700
Mojave Master- December 2018 Updated-62643-V6-1545021030
Much Needed LOD-64805-1-2
Music Recovery v1_0_1-39969-1-0-1
Mysterious House V3-53267-3-00
NCR South Gate Fix-63359-2
New one even newer-68098-1-2-1578233353
New Vegas Bush Fix-66420-1-10-1548716237
New Vegas Radio Speakers-41828-1-0
New Vegas Redesigned 3 version 3.7-56312-3-7
New Vegas Reloaded-65525-1-3-0
New Vegas Stories New and Alproved-66505-1-2-1552144100
New Vegas Stutter Removal for Windows 10-66063-1-1-1543922408(1)
New Vegas Stutter Removal for Windows 10-66063-2-1-1543922458(1)
New Vegas Tick Fix-66537-1-3-1553906753.1
New Vegas Tick Fix-66537-2-0-1575288770
New Vegas Tick Fix-66537-3-5-1-1579087698
New Vegas Uncut - Freeside Open - FPGE - Functional Post Game Ending-65755-1-0-1568562728
Nipton Fires Extinguished-53846-1-0
NMC LOD Patch-64698-0-3
NMC LOD texture fix-58562-
NMC New Vegas Patch for ALL Sized packs-43135-1-1-1566493738
NMC Road Update
NMC texture with rocky filter-61035-5-11
NMC's Lod (Original) (Perrfect)-67649-Final-1569524355
NMCs Textures NV MEDIUM Pack Part 1 of 2 FOR NMM-43135-1-0
NMCs Textures NV MEDIUM Pack Part 2 of 2 FOR NMM -43135-1-0
NMC_NVInteriors compatibility Patch Large v2.0-43534-v2-0-1551559830
No Loading DLC Message-66525-1-01-1550717791
No Witnesses (v2.0.1)-66607-2-0-1-1557862329
Nuked Lands Unlocker-67003-1-0-1558401947
NV Animated Terminals Screen Savers-66536-1-00-1550987068
NV Wall Terminals Animated Screen Savers-66536-1-00-update-1578543068
NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash-53635-7-5-1-0
NVInteriors Core v2.1.1-43534-v2-1-1--1551573205
NVR Gommorah Sound Fix-67001-1-0-1558382441
NVWillow v1.10-41779-1-10
OGG edition-40183
Ojo Bueno Texture Pack for FNV - HIGH-39755-Quiznak
Ojo Bueno Vending Machine Update HIGH-39755-1
OJO Poco Bueno LOD-67858-Final-1573746505
One HUD (oHUD) Darnified Patch-44757-1-1
One HUD (oHUD)-44757-1-1
Outside Bets V 1-4-46648-V1-4
Pipe Down Mr. New Vegas
PMS - Proper Movement Speed-61837-1-0-0
Populated Casinos V0_96-35369-V0-96
Pre-War Money Retexture -RRS-36718
Primm Reputation Restored-48918-1-1
Qwinns Refined FNV Redesigned 3 v2_2_0-65865-2-2-0-1554575929
Radio New Vegas Fix Ver 1 1-37459-1-1
Rebuild Ed-E-41575-1-2
Rocket Graveyard 1.1-61722-1-1
RWL - Doc Mitchells House Reduced Glare and Shine-52037-v5-5
RWL NV - Longer Transition Times-52037-v5-5
Save Cass 2dot0-36023
Saving Camp Searchlight-66854-Final-1556152495
Semi-transparent Door Glass-61326-1-0
Sierra Madre Exit Portal-40864-1-0
Sierra Madre Exterior Fixed-66775-1-0-1554594406
SmoothLight v1-45352-1
Spicy Wasteland Weather and Lighting - Cleaned Edition-67688-Cleaned-Boy-1573668105
Stewie Tweaks INI-66347-2-1-1562243757
Stewie Tweaks-66347-3-30-1571227188
Subtle Camera Motion-67728-1-0-1571106365
Texture Preload Feature-65459-1-0.1
The Cut Note and Terminal Restoration-56351-1
The Foundation Edition-65046-0-0-1548165853
The Living Desert - Main File 1.6-64623-1-6-1570602017
The Mod Configuration Menu
The Mogul Mausoleum - A Lucky 38 Overhaul-66622-0-15-1554023039
The North Road Remastered-66160-1-1544593308
The Unholy Lands-67186-1-0-1561367187
Tops Neon Restored-61819-1
Trees LOD Billboards Vanilla-58562-1-1
UHQNV Rocks - Roads and Terrain Overhaul-39856-1-0-1582995141
UIO - User Interface Organizer-57174-2-08-1553898528
Ulysses Bark Fix V1-0-47637-V1-0
Uncut Extra Collection. Freeside Open.-56625-0-91b
Uncut Wasteland plus NPCs. Freeside Open and Outside Bets.-56625-0-91b
Undies Underneath-45599-2-06
Unofficial Patch Plus - Addendum-62953-2-01
Unofficial Patch Plus-62953-2-04
Update from 3.7 to 4.4-56312-4-4(2)
Updated ESM-62643-V8-1545172630
Updated Unlimited Companions-44924-1-2
Van Graff Hostility Fix - Updated-40742-1-1
Vanilla Restored Audio Patch-64807-1-0
Viva New Vegas - NVGE Preset-66650-1-0-1578171171
Vortex Archive Invalidation
Vurt's Improved Plants-66898-1-0-1556924932
Wasteland Clothing HD V1-3 FULL PACK-54478-1-3
Wasteland Clothing HD V1-3 POWDERGANG FIX -IMPORTANT--54478-1-3A
Wasteland Flora Overhaul 3.5-39856-3-5-1582946936
Weaker Super Mutants-66745-1-0-1554261314
Weapon Mesh Improvement Mod-65052-1-3
Wendy Gilbert Companion V1dot0a-43247-1-0
Willow Beauty Retex
Willow Face textures
Willow's Eyes FIX-60114-1-0
Windows of the Mojave-67247-1-2-1563377016
Workbench Repairs-58743-1
xLODGEN Objects Trees - Copy
xLODGEN Terrain
Yukichigai Gameplay Tweaks-61639-2-2
YUP - Base Game and All DLC-51664-11-6-1553267945
_NVInteriors_Combo Edition v1.3.4-43534-v1-3-4-1552246844


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Hmm. Sometjing on your end. Not with Vortex. I installed MCM through Vortex. Here is a screenshot.


Here is my currect mod list for reference:

(Recommended) Upscaled Consistent Pip-Boy Icons-65046-2-103


16-10 Ratio Main screen for NMCs Texture Pack-43135-1-0

2 - UPDO VERA-68050-1-0-1577148537

24 Hour Clock NVSE-66857-1-1-1557796406

A Van Graff Scorned v1-1-45991-V1-1

A Wasteland in Bloom-66865-1-1b-1557227211

All DLC 2X-66368-1-13-1571954618

All in One 2X-66368-1-13-1572033571

Alternate Grass Atlas-39856-1-0-1583024803

Asterra's Many Fixes - Semi-Transparent Door Glass compatibility-67070-1-0-1559473890

Asterra's Many Fixes-67070-1-0d-1560078468

B42 Descriptions-68049-0-1b-1577223783

Barton Thorn Alternative Trigger-61383-2-0-0


Big MT Crater Exit Passage-42905

BOG Body Replacer FOMOD by sedaleare2_0-34702

BT Remove Powderganger Ownership v01-51078-v0-1

BugFix - The Screams of Brahmin-55751-1-0

Cass Barks.esp-64105-

Clipboards Retexture-66843-1-0-1555854300

Come Fly With Me Dialogue No Bears-61366-1-1

Companion Sandbox 3_2-44803-3-2

Container Respawns Warning-66832-1-1-1555767167

Courier Duster-62988-1

Courier Uniforms-60763-1-1

Creature Fix-67186-1-0-1561495035

DarNified Traits Menu-50657-1-0.1

Dead Money DLC - Penalty Tweak-40520-1-0-0

Dean Domino Theatre Turnaround All the Time-44653

Desaturated Textures-66865-1-1b-1557230340

Distance Gunfire Sound Fix V2p1-38759-2-1

Distributed Necklaces and Chains-56198-4-2-0

DMR (4k)-67628-2-0-1570216020

Duffle Bag Of Guns-41284-1-0


Dust Loading Screens (NMM)-59543-1-0

ED-E Flying Fixed-43187-1-0

ELECTRO-CITY and Freeside Open Compatability Patch-55346-1-0a

ELECTRO-CITY v12A-37908-V12A

ENB AO Hair Fix-64652-v1-0

Enhanced Grass-52017-1-0

Esstential Allies-67778-1-0-1572143916

ETL - 8K Terrain LOD Noise Normals-63139-v-1-01

ETL - Camos 4K Terrain Noise-63139-v1-01

EVE v1.18-42666-1-18

Fallout - New Callifornia 221

Fallout Character Overhaul-54460-2-3-1

Fallout New California BETA 222 PATCH-45138-222-6-1563162161

Faster Sleep Wait (NVSE)-66785-1-0-1554732127

Feral Ghoul Retexture Mod by Koldorn-38727-1-0

Fiends No Helmets Both Genders-38020-1

FNV Poco LOD Texture Patch-64698-0-1a-1551977971

FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting All DLC-52037-v5-542-1542790908.1

FNV RWL All DLC - Patch Collection-52037-v5-542-1542786543

FNVLODGen Output

FNVLODGen Resources-58562-1-1

Freeside and The Strip Redone-67946-2-1-1575486503

Freeside Open Cut Music-46355-V1-0

Freeside Open Patch-67946-2-1-1575517491

Freeside Open V0-7-46355-0-7

Functional Post Game Ending - Outside Bets Patch-66726-1-0-1554638258

Functional Post Game Ending - Populated Casinos Patches-66726-1-0-1553966786.1

Functional Post Game Ending - Populated Casinos Patches-66726-3-0-1571921365

Functional Post Game Ending - YUP Patch-66726-3-0-1571921599.1

Functional Post Game Ending-66726-2-0-1565387175

Gas Pumps of NV Update 1.5-60246-1-5

Gas Pumps of NV Ver. 1.0-60246-1-0

Glowing Star Bottle Cap FOMOD-37355-1

Grunt Perk Expanded HH LR GRA DM Merc Classic Pack-58666-2

HD Fire and Explosions-54619-1-0


Higher Voice For Cass - Type A2-67747-1-0-1571433437

Honest Hearts Letter-43560-1-0

Immersive Hit Reactions-66646-1-31-1553125180

Improved LOD noise Texture-46451-V1-00

Inspector 02dec2019-67952-1-1575328398

Interior Lighting Overhaul 6-9-35794-6-9

Intimacy Overhaul NorthRoad Patch-66600-v1-0-1560040794

Intimacy Overhaul Willow Patch-66600-v1-0-1560041191

Intimacy Overhaul-66600-v1-0-1560039094

IQO 2.2-66411-2-2-1552851207

JIP LN NVSE Plugin-58277-55-10-1554754259

JohnnyGuitar NVSE-66927-2-55-1572086892

Keep The Way of The Canaanite-55487-1

Kmart Radio-67063-1-0-1559291336

Kristinas Closet Main File v8-47059-8-1


Less Empty Primm-62036-1-60-1553159475

Less Empty Primm-62036-1-65-1559919417

Less Horrendous Vikki and Vance Casino LOD-63956-0-1

Lightweight Strip Overhaul - Uncut Wasteland Patch-65665-1-5-1572355229

Lightweight Strip Overhaul-65665-1-4-1546190508

Limestone LOD 1024x HIGH POLY-64271-3-0




Logic and Consistency Fixes-67168-1-3-1563704730

Lonesome Road Accidental Launch-58774-1-0

Lonesome Road Companion Passage-44001-1-0

Lonesome Road True Faction Allegiance-44042-1-1-2

Loot Menu-61723-1-13-1550950286

Lucky 38 Additional Content-58305-

Lucky 38 Container Ownership Updated-66003-1-0-1542678893

Main File-40695-1

Main Files-56299-2-0-1


MCM BugFix 2-42507-


MGs NCR Pack 7-42551

Missing Plugins-66810-v1-0-1555261700

Mojave Master- December 2018 Updated-62643-V6-1545021030

Much Needed LOD-64805-1-2

Music Recovery v1_0_1-39969-1-0-1

Mysterious House V3-53267-3-00

NCR South Gate Fix-63359-2

New one even newer-68098-1-2-1578233353

New Vegas Bush Fix-66420-1-10-1548716237

New Vegas Radio Speakers-41828-1-0

New Vegas Redesigned 3 version 3.7-56312-3-7

New Vegas Reloaded-65525-1-3-0

New Vegas Stories New and Alproved-66505-1-2-1552144100

New Vegas Stutter Removal for Windows 10-66063-1-1-1543922408(1)

New Vegas Stutter Removal for Windows 10-66063-2-1-1543922458(1)

New Vegas Tick Fix-66537-1-3-1553906753.1

New Vegas Tick Fix-66537-2-0-1575288770

New Vegas Tick Fix-66537-3-5-1-1579087698

New Vegas Uncut - Freeside Open - FPGE - Functional Post Game Ending-65755-1-0-1568562728


Nipton Fires Extinguished-53846-1-0

NMC LOD Patch-64698-0-3

NMC LOD texture fix-58562-

NMC New Vegas Patch for ALL Sized packs-43135-1-1-1566493738

NMC Road Update

NMC texture with rocky filter-61035-5-11

NMC's Lod (Original) (Perrfect)-67649-Final-1569524355

NMCs Textures NV MEDIUM Pack Part 1 of 2 FOR NMM-43135-1-0

NMCs Textures NV MEDIUM Pack Part 2 of 2 FOR NMM -43135-1-0

NMC_NVInteriors compatibility Patch Large v2.0-43534-v2-0-1551559830

No Loading DLC Message-66525-1-01-1550717791

No Witnesses (v2.0.1)-66607-2-0-1-1557862329

Nuked Lands Unlocker-67003-1-0-1558401947

NV Animated Terminals Screen Savers-66536-1-00-1550987068

NV Wall Terminals Animated Screen Savers-66536-1-00-update-1578543068

NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash-53635-7-5-1-0

NVInteriors Core v2.1.1-43534-v2-1-1--1551573205

NVR Gommorah Sound Fix-67001-1-0-1558382441


NVWillow v1.10-41779-1-10



OGG edition-40183

Ojo Bueno Texture Pack for FNV - HIGH-39755-Quiznak

Ojo Bueno Vending Machine Update HIGH-39755-1

OJO Poco Bueno LOD-67858-Final-1573746505

One HUD (oHUD) Darnified Patch-44757-1-1

One HUD (oHUD)-44757-1-1

Outside Bets V 1-4-46648-V1-4

Pipe Down Mr. New Vegas

PMS - Proper Movement Speed-61837-1-0-0

Populated Casinos V0_96-35369-V0-96

Pre-War Money Retexture -RRS-36718

Primm Reputation Restored-48918-1-1

Qwinns Refined FNV Redesigned 3 v2_2_0-65865-2-2-0-1554575929

Radio New Vegas Fix Ver 1 1-37459-1-1

Rebuild Ed-E-41575-1-2

Rocket Graveyard 1.1-61722-1-1

RWL - Doc Mitchells House Reduced Glare and Shine-52037-v5-5

RWL NV - Longer Transition Times-52037-v5-5

Save Cass 2dot0-36023

Saving Camp Searchlight-66854-Final-1556152495

Semi-transparent Door Glass-61326-1-0

Sierra Madre Exit Portal-40864-1-0

Sierra Madre Exterior Fixed-66775-1-0-1554594406


SmoothLight v1-45352-1

Spicy Wasteland Weather and Lighting - Cleaned Edition-67688-Cleaned-Boy-1573668105

Stewie Tweaks INI-66347-2-1-1562243757

Stewie Tweaks-66347-3-30-1571227188

Subtle Camera Motion-67728-1-0-1571106365

Texture Preload Feature-65459-1-0.1


The Cut Note and Terminal Restoration-56351-1

The Foundation Edition-65046-0-0-1548165853

The Living Desert - Main File 1.6-64623-1-6-1570602017

The Mod Configuration Menu

The Mogul Mausoleum - A Lucky 38 Overhaul-66622-0-15-1554023039

The North Road Remastered-66160-1-1544593308

The Unholy Lands-67186-1-0-1561367187

Tops Neon Restored-61819-1


Trees LOD Billboards Vanilla-58562-1-1

UHQNV Rocks - Roads and Terrain Overhaul-39856-1-0-1582995141

UIO - User Interface Organizer-57174-2-08-1553898528

Ulysses Bark Fix V1-0-47637-V1-0

Uncut Extra Collection. Freeside Open.-56625-0-91b

Uncut Wasteland plus NPCs. Freeside Open and Outside Bets.-56625-0-91b

Undies Underneath-45599-2-06

Unofficial Patch Plus - Addendum-62953-2-01

Unofficial Patch Plus-62953-2-04

Update from 3.7 to 4.4-56312-4-4(2)

Updated ESM-62643-V8-1545172630

Updated Unlimited Companions-44924-1-2

Van Graff Hostility Fix - Updated-40742-1-1

Vanilla Restored Audio Patch-64807-1-0

Viva New Vegas - NVGE Preset-66650-1-0-1578171171

Vortex Archive Invalidation

Vurt's Improved Plants-66898-1-0-1556924932

Wasteland Clothing HD V1-3 FULL PACK-54478-1-3

Wasteland Clothing HD V1-3 POWDERGANG FIX -IMPORTANT--54478-1-3A

Wasteland Flora Overhaul 3.5-39856-3-5-1582946936

Weaker Super Mutants-66745-1-0-1554261314

Weapon Mesh Improvement Mod-65052-1-3

Wendy Gilbert Companion V1dot0a-43247-1-0


Willow Beauty Retex

Willow Face textures

Willow's Eyes FIX-60114-1-0

Windows of the Mojave-67247-1-2-1563377016

Workbench Repairs-58743-1

xLODGEN Objects Trees - Copy

xLODGEN Terrain


Yukichigai Gameplay Tweaks-61639-2-2

YUP - Base Game and All DLC-51664-11-6-1553267945

_NVInteriors_Combo Edition v1.3.4-43534-v1-3-4-1552246844









With what version of Vortex did you install the MCM exactly?

If it's 12.9 or earlier yeah you are probably fine, as my edit would suggest.


This seems to be an issue related to 12.10 and 12.11 The 2 most recent (stable) updates.


Also UI replacers like Vanilla UI plus and Darnified come with their own versions of the problematic file. I don't think that's the case for you but I figured it might be worth mentioning. Since that would also indirectly fix the issue.

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The inability to correctly install some FoMods is known and has been discussed. It will install some perfectly and others not at all.


It is caused by not having a standard format for FoMods.

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I have an issue to report regarding the installation of certain fomod based mods.

When installing them through Vortex, they end up with 1 or more mangled files rendering them unusable.

However installing them through another mod manager such as MO2 they work fine. I will post an actual example below


This example is specific to fallout new Vegas but probably applies to other games using the Gamebryo engine as well.


Example when installing the mod configuration menu with Vortex the file start_menu.xml found under (vortex staging folder)>(mod folder)>menu>options ends up looking like this https://pastebin.com/3JDh7iWY

However if I install it through MO2 that exact same file ends up looking like this https://pastebin.com/cVYjLkZt


Now I am no programmer but the Vortex installed file looks like garbage data to me, while the MO2 version looks more like an actual file with some structure.

However to further test things I decided to boot my game with the Vortex file. Which resulted in some buggy UI elements on my screen before my game crashed.

I then purged my deployment in Vortex. Replaced the Vortex file with the MO2 installed file. Deployed again and booted my game and this time everything went fine with no weird issues noticed.


So with all that I can't help but conclude that vortex incorrectly handled the fomod which resulted in 1 file being pretty much mangled. Seeing as I haven't found other posts on this forum but have definitely heard of other users with similar problems I decided to make a post here about the issue as to report it.


Edit: I did some further testing. This issue occurs on both Vortex version 12.11 and 12.10. When reverting back to version 12.9 The problematic file completely disappears. However it does let me start the up the game and the mod itself appears to be functioning correctly. For good measure I did not have any mods with file conflicts with the mod configuration menu enabled when testing this.



It's currently a problem with Vortex, Tannin knows about it and will be fixing it for the next release, it was caysed due to trying to Optimize FOMOD code, and instead it ends up corrupting the xmls.

Pickysaurus or BigBizkit covered this in another thread.


A fix will be coming soon

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