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Feature request - more save game info


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I lost track of a Fallout 4 companion some weeks ago. I should have reverted my saves then, but I was badly bitten by the settlement construction bug. I've now saved this work, and handed it off via Transfer Settlements to a new toon for completion. I now want to go back through my succession of save game file to when I last had the companion, and resume my game from there, deleting subsequent files.



The problem:


Inside Vortex, I can find a save game with the companion present, because she's pictured on the thumbnail. I now want to search through the subsequent saves to where she disappears. The problem I have is in trying to find the right saves from inside the game.


Now, Vortex shows me a "save game ID" (presumably the number of times I've saved the game) and it shows the creation time of the file. However, inside the game, the load game menu only shows me the time I've been playing the toon, in days, hours and minutes. Yes, it's possible to see the same thumbnails that Vortex shows, but this is very laborious, especially as Fallout 4 only shows you 3 saves at a time.



Proposed solution:


Could we please have the time played (for games that store this in their saves) added to the info displayed for each save in Vortex? It would make it much easier when trying to match saves in Vortex with saves in-game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The question is not whether a dev has seen my feature request.


The problem is that, on a forum that says it's for feature requests, no dev has replied, so I can't tell what, if anything, is happening to my request.

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It's very possible that Tannin/Nagev haven't seen it. They're both very busy working on Vortex. If that information is accessible in the save game it might be a future enhancement, although I'd say you may also want to send it as feedback inside Vortex so it goes into the GitHub tracker :smile:

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It's possible from a technical perspective but the playtime is stored inside the savegames in a very inconsistent manner.

Oblivion only stores the in-game time that passed, the other game seem to store real-world time - as a string (text) that differs in format between different games. So there isn't really anything we can do with the information except display it and hope that it's the same as what the game shows. That simply didn't seem all that useful in the past.


If you want this implemented please do create a feedback through the feedback system or directly on github.

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