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Custom rule not overwriting masterlist


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Alternate Start - Live another life needs to load after ELFX - Hardcore. However when specifying a custom load order rule, I cannot sort and apply because Vortex reports a 'Cyclic Interaction'.


Screenshot attached. The first arrow shows a 'masterlist rule' and the second arrow shows a 'custom rule'. Overwriting a masterlist rule with a custom rule is exactly what I want to do, however Vortex doesn't seem to allow this.


What am I doing wrong?

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Interesting. I am investigating a similar issue. While I generally trust LOOT, in my case the master list rule is wrong. I get the exact same cyclic warning, which of course is impossible between only two mods.

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Few things:

a) Of course you can have a cycle between just two mods. The explanation text in that very dialog describes the concept of cycles based on two mods.

b) You can't replace masterlist rules. You can add your own rules but those will always be in addition to the existing rules, if your custom rules directly contradict the master list, you get a cycle and your only solution is to get rid of your custom rule or to request the masterlist to be fixed (with the maintainers of the loot masterlist, not with us)


The masterlist for SSE specifically states that ELFX - Hardcore.esp needs to load *after* Alternate Start.

It has done so since 2018 and that was added by CptMcSplody in this commit to the masterlist: https://github.com/loot/skyrimse/commit/829f04b1

If you claim that is wrong you have to request the masterlist to be fixed.


Please don't look for a solution that works only for yourself when the entire community would profit from a fix to the masterlist.

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Good point, @Tannin42. My issue is another set of mods, but similar issue. I will let the LOOT team know.

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@Tannin42 Makes sense, thanks.


What do you mean when you say "Please don't look for a solution that works only for yourself when the entire community would profit from a fix to the masterlist."? Now you've explained the way Vortex works a little more clearly for me, and I understand this isn't an issue specific to me, I'm happy to request the change with LOOT. That would seem to benefit others in the community as well I thought, but am I misunderstanding, and that is not the case?

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@Tannin42 Makes sense, thanks.


What do you mean when you say "Please don't look for a solution that works only for yourself when the entire community would profit from a fix to the masterlist."? Now you've explained the way Vortex works a little more clearly for me, and I understand this isn't an issue specific to me, I'm happy to request the change with LOOT. That would seem to benefit others in the community as well I thought, but am I misunderstanding, and that is not the case?



He means that this would benefit EVERYBODY if it was reported to the team that makes the LOOT Masterlist, instead of just being an obscure post on the Nexus Vortex support forums.


Apparently, the way the masterlist is right now, is that ELFX is assigned to a GROUP that is set to LOAD BEFORE Alternate Start, so when Alternate Start is put in a group such as "Dynamic Patches" where it's supposed to LOAD AFTER ELFX, the cyclic rule problem comes in because of the LOOT rule.


I had to do this with a certain mod, that needed a Conditional Rule that "If Mod A and B are installed, then put Mod C, AFTER Mod B and A, if only Mod A is installed, Mod C can load before Mod A


I went to the discord and they pushed the change in about 15 minutes.

If I had just come here instead, the problem would still exist.

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Thanks for explaining. For sure this sounds like something to raise on LOOT discord or Github, but I wouldn't have known/understood all this if I hadn't come here first. I'll be much more careful about using this forum in future, thanks for your insight.

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