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Vortex Application Install Path


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The TL;DR for Vortex is that Vortex was developed specifically with the knowledge of the potential "pitfalls" of placing applications in the Program Files folder and thus was made to work with this in mind, i.e. how Microsoft intend, the correct way and in such a way that it should not cause any issues for our users.

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Thank you Tannin42 and rmm200 for your very instructive and helpful posts.


However, with this new (to me) information, I'm now in a state of permission paranoia. Given what you've said, I've been extremely lucky with Steam games. Using the Steam download and installation defaults, I've never had the permission issues that other people have reported. Does this mean that, in regard to permissions, my Windows setup is not correct? I've always opted for a single user Administrator account when installing Windows. I never "run as Administrator" unless there are specific program instructions to do so. I always have UAC enabled. I've done this on the assumption that this was the most secure way to operate with Windows. Am I wrong?


Wandering Talos Plaza in a permisssions daze, I await clarity.

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I would say you are fine.

My own recommendation would be use Vortex to purge your mods and then have Steam move your games to a better place.

Tell Vortex where the games are now - and Deploy. If the disk changed - of course have Vortex move the staging directory also.

But that is only if you are bored and need something to do.

You have no problems currently - leave it that way.

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Thank you for your encouraging response. Right now I'll go with the maxim, "if it ain't broke don't fix it." (Of course, it could be broken but asymptomatic!) However, at the first signs of trouble, I will follow your always excellent advice.

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@AugustaCalidia I agree: If you have no problem, don't fix it. My statement that Steam shouldn't be in Program Files was probably too strong. I think Steam overrides the file permissions on its own directory, allowing it (and us) to write logs and games with a regular account. My point was more that Steam itself isn't a good windows citizen and doesn't fit into the "pattern" I described.


I should also probably say that this isn't meant disrespectful to steam (well, just a bit), I'm sure if there was a steam dev here they'd probably have a justification why they're doing it this way. Steam is "special" and in general, in the interest of everyone's sanity, software should try to avoid being "special" as much as possible.

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Good. Now maybe @AugustaCalidia will stop wearing out the floors in and around Talos Plaza.


It would be cool if we could get all the devs to play nice with the same rules. Thank you @Tammin42 for your efforts.

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However, with this new (to me) information, I'm now in a state of permission paranoia. Given what you've said, I've been extremely lucky with Steam games. Using the Steam download and installation defaults, I've never had the permission issues that other people have reported.

I'll chime in a little late and say, that I've never had problems except with the first version of WinXP, then I found it useful to have the Pro version, since I could change perms on the steam directory. But somewhere around SP2 or 3 I never had a problem again.


Ironically I now install steam games themselves to a separate steamlibrary for file management reasons.:) Plus my ssd is small so I leave windows on the spinning disk and put some of the newer games on yet another steamlibrary on that!



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