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Heroes Of The North


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Sophos arrived in solitude on horseback. The young noble man did not dismount at the gates, rather he rode into the cities it's self, causing quite a stir as he rode across the nose of a guard. As soon as he had dismounted the guard was upon him, placing a hand firmly on Sophos shoulder.

"Halt! You think you can just do that? I should drag you to the dungeons now..."

"I apologies, sir, I never meant to alarm you." Sophos said, it was said in a forced apologetic tone. The noble had been riding with no rest for over a day and was in no mood for this.

"Alarm me? You damn near hit me!"

"An honest mistake." Sophos reached for his pocket and gave the guard a small pouch of gold "Here. Please accept my humblest apologies."

The guard took the pouch "Alright, but dismount at the gate next time"

"Of course." Sophos gave a slight nod and walked towards the blue palace


He entered the courtyard and walked into the palace proper. A rough looking guardsman stopped him

"State yer' business" The guard demanded

" I have rode from cyrodiil, the great house Triarii has sent me, I wish to speak to Tullius"

"He is indisposed... Wait! You can't go in there!"


Sophos barged into the room, drawing the attention of two imperial officers who had been talking to Tullius

"Sir, I have rode from cyrodiil to aide in the war effort"

"And just who do you think you are to barge into my meeting?" Tullius barked

"I am Sophos Lupus Triarius."

"Another Triarii? Supposedly you people are apt in the millitary... though that doesn't look like military Attire..."

"It's not. I am a mage and I have come to offer my services."

The millitary officer gave a grunt "I guess your'll be some use. Alright, I suppose you should head down to castle Dour, I'll find a position for you in a while, there's something I must do first."

Sophos gave a salute of some kind, smashing his hand against his chest "Yes, Sir" he said, before turning and marching out of the room. He passed the Guard again on the way out, who seemed to have been hoping to be allowed to put a hole in the intruder. Sophos did not even look at the man.


He crossed the city to castle Dour and walked inside. This place reminded him of his family home. He stood in the entrance hall, but explained himself to no one. When a guard tried to remove him he simply stated who he was and threatened to have the man hung if he tried to make him leave again. Indeed, the arrival of a strange mage claiming to be a powerful heir had caused a stir among some of the guards, though some simply brushed it off.

Edited by Brutii
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Tenibrus chuckled at Selen's comments regarding the mortal. it was true, rare was the mortal who did not have a deep seated fear or abhorration of death. The fickle things would be terrified of their own one instant and embrace it the next, slaughter hundreds, then hesitate to kill a single being. It was all a matter of perspective. They only seemed to care about circumstance, they would quake in fear of dying in their sleep, of plague or some ambush, but would gladly through themselves into battle because it was 'honorable'. They pitied the ones they killed based on how much they knew, such a curious ability to dehumanize on a whim. None of it mattered to Tenibrus death, regardless of how it came about, was still death. "Mortals are quite peculiar in their views of life and death aren't they? It has been, it is and always shall be. It is inevitable for them, and for any of our kind careless enough, inevitable as well. They ought to accept it for what it is," Tenibrus mused.


At the silver mines comment Tenibrus smiled broadly, he couldn't tip his hand completely, "Ah, I did not mention my name, how callus of me m'lady. My apologies. Yes, I am Tenibrus Mortus, the Overseer of Markarth's silver mines. The title is largely a formality, I delegate heavily so that I can maintain my social spheres. Day to day decisions are left to my lieutenants but the overall design I still see to myself. Rest assured, those who are able to strike me down would find Markarth's silver pointed in a decidedly different direction before it should come my way." Tenibrus couldn't resist tip-toeing the line of his dangerous game but he did not feel he had revealed much. The implications were numerous but only a few were correct. "As you speak of Tullius, I begin to wonder whether it was he who summoned me at all. His seal marked the letter, but not his hand. I did not think this amiss as he has often had someone else wright his missives. But if he wanted me to see his chief adviser about a mission, he would certainly have informed her. I may have had no business in Solitude at all save a good excuse at a convenient time to visit." Tenibrus pondered over this. Selene knew nothing about a mission for him and had only recently learned of Dawnstar's issues. This was not the precise, detailed laundry list that Tullius had always given him in the past, or had someone else give him in the past. There was no 'kill this man,' 'Find where this goes,' 'Find how to open this,' 'turn these men to the Empire,' 'capture this person' objective set for undermining Stormcloak or Thalmor influence in an area. He was usually left to the how on his own but the what was almost universally given. This wreaked of deceit. Someone had forged the letter. But who and why? The Order was a clear candidate, but if they knew of him and his connections to the Emprie why risk attacking him in Solitude? It would have made sense to ambush him on his way. Perhaps he got lucky and they expected him to travel by night or their man was ambushed himself. Tenibrus would look into this but for now he was free from obligations but still needed a way to spend his idle time.


The Brethren were always looking for new avenues of power and increasing his own influence with the Imperials would make him an even more valuable asset. He smelled an excellent opportunity. He had traveled to the Thalmor embassy long ago for one of the common get-togethers there but it was long ago. He didn't see much of the compound so he knew very little. What he did remember was how amply suited it was to hosting social events. It was also quite expansive, he imagined there were numerous places torture could be conducted with very little notice. Especially as only nobles on distinct, planned occasions would visit. As Selene said, it was incredibly well suited to the designs she had for it. He also saw a wonderful niche for himself. He rose and followed her to the window, wine glass still in his hand. As she turned to her wardrobe he took another drink and set the glass down on the sill. "Your plans for the Thalmor embassy sound quite appropriate. It is ideal in every sense. It is far enough from Solitude and remote enough to be left alone when you want it to be, yet still close enough for you to receive prisoners. It is quite opulent and well suited to entertaining, which would indeed increase your leverage over the people of Skyrim. The Thalmor influence could be quite deftly combated through socializing and you would be able to torture your prisoners for information on a whim." Tenibrus turned and faced the room, placing his palms on the window sill and leaning back slightly. He glanced sidelong at Selene while she perused her finery. He certainly did not mind the reduction in outfit. He was overstepping the bounds of a gentleman but vampires were known for neither their chivalry nor their modesty. "I have some connections of my own, beyond just the Black-Briars, I could assist you in your efforts. And with your relocation. I suggest a ball, nobles can't resist the promise of a lively ball to save their skins as I'm sure you know. Invite the right mix of people and word will spread quickly. I would be delighted to help you with this and anything else you may require." Tenibrus definitely brought something to the table with the aristocracy. He knew many of the major families throughout Skyrim, the Gray-Manes, the Black-Briars, the Shatter-Shields, and the ruling families of Falkreath and Morthal. Most were from Imperial influence tasks but a few from prior acquaintances and business dealings after overseeing the silver mines. He used to know the silver-bloods when there was still a silver-blood family to know. He had some other designs as well but that was all in good time. "Just let me know how I may be of service, my dear." Tenibrus smiled broadly. He had wished that she might have refrained from unlacing her corset a little longer so that he could assist with that. He knew that he was being quite forward and normally it would be against his better judgement but Selene had great power as a vampire he could feel her pull. He could resist it well enough but he was far cockier than usual given the blood in his belly and he thought himself more than capable of digging himself out of any hole he might be putting himself in. He was, needless to say, using his ethereal charms in addition to his natural ones to expedite things.

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The Imperial Archives, the place where the Imperials stored their information about deaths through the years, how many that died in the wars, what was left to their family etc. etc. But there were not only death in the Archives, they also wrote down how much gold they had spent on armor and weapons and the city of Solitude, because it had to be repaired several times after the wars. Eykthain knew about it because he had been one of the volunteers to help restore Solitude after the wars, Solitude did not have enough carpenters and builders so the soldiers had to help with the repairs from time to time.

Apart from that Eykthain had filled in countless reports during his time of duty, its not all "Hack and Slash" that people tend to think. There´s paperwork too.


"Hopefully I can find what I am looking for." He thought as he opened the door to Castle Dour. Once inside he got greeted by the guards. But there weren´t only guards in that room, Eykthain also saw a strange looking mage, well not really strange, Eykthain thought that every mage looked strange. There were nothing better than the feel of a weapon in ones hand, but Eykthain had to admit, spells were handy.


Eykthain noticed that the mage appeared very hostile, threathening to hang every guard that tried to move him out of the way.



"You hang no man. Calm down and explain yourself." There was nothing Eykthain hated more than people who thought they were important. Perhaps this one was, but threathening people only leads to violence. At the same time he readied his badge of authority, in case the mage did not know who he was.

Edited by Niborino9409
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Selene rustled through her wardrobe as Tenibrus spoke, the sound of fine fabrics rubbing together as she pushed numerous dresses out of the way was the only sound, other than the voice of Tenibrus himself. She nodded as he added in his opinion of Mortals and their struggle with death, what matter was the cause? It came to them all in the end, and most had to deal it out to some life form or another- Kill or be killed, that was the true, inner working of the world, there wasn't anything else to it, should you strip away political intrigue and ambition. Be that kill an enemy soldier, or the pig on your roast, it was still a kill. "They are afraid of so many things. Trapped in a Bondage of huge proportions, and for what? So that they can be considered 'Honourable' and 'Pure' in the eyes of the gods. So killing hundreds of Stormcloaks, each of them men and women with families who care deeply about them, is different to executing a feral beast?" Selene commented, gesturing to the ashes. "I think not."


"I was half expecting to have to call you 'Sir' for the whole of our exchange, Tenibrus, but i find that your full name rolls off my tongue far better, Mr. Mortus, Overseer of the Silver mines. You are a clever man to play a game such as this one, i imagine a game that provides you with a very tidy income, and connections that others would kill for. I have the ear of the Emperor, and all of his court... But that is useless in this province." Selene said with a sigh, her Leather corset dropping to the floor. There was barely an increase of the mass around her stomach, even as she did drop the corset, rather it maintained much of it's shape, albeit sitting a little more naturally. She was evidently a tight lacer, but not of ridiculous proportions. She stepped out of the Leather dress and hung it into the wardrobe, standing in her underwear. "Well, i did not send you the letter, nor have i penned anything for Tullius since i have been here. Nor was i informed to anything of your arrival, perhaps in his rage he forgot the small details of your arrival? Or perhaps he deliberately neglected to tell me, which, even for an Imbecile like him, isn't likely." The Vampiress removed her Bra, and held to her chest the deep, amaranth red dress she had retrieved from the wardrobe. Modesty was not a thing Selene abided by, and her opinion on the matter was bold and clear. "I never understood the Mortals concept of modesty either, nor that of insecurity. Every creature can be beautiful, but it is the insecure ones who deem it fit to hide away all of the best parts of their bodies- Leaving only the worst. And tell me, how can you see anything other than a horrifying visage, if the pretty eyes of a young maiden are hidden from view? How can a gentleman appreciate a woman if her Bosom is hidden away beneath layer upon layer of fabric? I hold no such constraints, and understand not how any can- We can be but our best, and if that means trying a little harder with the help of makeup and beauty enhancements, then why not? A little trip to the face sculptor if you are too ugly." Selene quipped, briefly flashing as she threw the gown into the air, and with her Vampiric speed, dashed to force her arms through the sleeves, it settling near-perfect on her body.


She adjusted it's position, the fine satin gown was a wonderful specimen of the racy décolleté style of clothing. Selene's shoulders and the tops of her breasts in full view. It did not feature long sleeves either, rather just embroidered straps that rested level with her Humerus. She smiled at the Vampire as he offered his service, her hands unclasping the many pins that held her updo in place, her raven hair falling down in waved locks. "Indeed you can, although not with my clothes." She paused for a moment, walking over to sit at her vanity table. Initially, her face showed not in the Mirror, as though she was not there at all. But with a touch, the mirror shifted, ripples alike those in a pond leapt across it's surface, and the Vampiress's face smiled back. She began to work on her hair, sharing her words with Tenibrus as she worked deftly. "You are becoming quite a useful friend, Tenibrus. If you are so well connected, then i cannot refuse your offer in this matter. Despite my extravagant bravado, i find my funds are dwindling dangerously low, i have a mere Fifty-thousand septims to my name! My connections stretch to but Maven and her family, and the Legion itself does not trust me... You must become my intern, my chief of operations. If you truly meant this offer for help, then i offer in return a position at the Embassy... I can't ask for a simple favour and be done with it, i require a more direct bond on this matter. I can provide all the entertainment, the extravagance, the coddling, but without your contacts in this places nobility, whom would attend? And what noble would enter a room with old furniture and stale food?" She spoke her plight softly, hating deeply to admit a time of financial inability. The Strident family was once perhaps the single richest group in Cyrodiil, and that wealth had carried through to all the great Nieces and Nephews Selene had related to her: While she had mothered no children, her siblings had, and while she has watched many generations die off completely, still some remain, and over the many hundreds of years, it, along with her relationship with the rest of her distant family, has dwindled significantly.


Her hair now up once more, but curled finely and extravagantly, a beautiful, multi-tiered pearl-necklace adorned the Vampires neck, and a dangling pair of delicate pearl earrings hung from her small ears. She tipped up a bottle of fragrance, smelling of sweet floral bouquets and dropped with a subtle hint of Belladonna, she applied it very generously to her chest, neck, behind her ears, on her wrists and the back of her neck- As her body pumped not with heat, small amounts would not suffice as with the average woman, a dead-cold and walking corpse required much more.


She grabbed a beautiful black velvet coat, adorned with subtle golden patterns, and trimmed with thick black fur, she put it on and closed it partly, searching around the top shelf of her wardrobe for another hat. This one was as small as the last, but was round, more hat-like, and again featured a veil, this one much darker, and covered every inch of her face. Still, the netting was thin enough to see her through this time. She noted she was still wearing her black leather boots, but thought the heeled footwear was far better for walking snow in than flimsy silk. She smiled at Tenibrus, and offered her elbow, unlocking the doors to her chamber. "If you will kind sir, we shall leave. Tullius must be notified, and i shall need to check the condition of the Embassy... soon to be my Consulate."

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The Imperial Archives, the place where the Imperials stored their information about deaths through the years, how many that died in the wars, what was left to their family etc. etc. But there were not only death in the Archives, they also wrote down how much gold they had spent on armor and weapons and the city of Solitude, because it had to be repaired several times after the wars. Eykthain knew about it because he had been one of the volunteers to help restore Solitude after the wars, Solitude did not have enough carpenters and builders so the soldiers had to help with the repairs from time to time.

Apart from that Eykthain had filled in countless reports during his time of duty, its not all "Hack and Slash" that people tend to think. There´s paperwork too.


"Hopefully I can find what I am looking for." He thought as he opened the door to Castle Dour. Once inside he got greeted by the guards. But there weren´t only guards in that room, Eykthain also saw a strange looking mage, well not really strange, Eykthain thought that every mage looked strange. There were nothing better than the feel of a weapon in ones hand, but Eykthain had to admit, spells were handy.


Eykthain noticed that the mage appeared very hostile, threathening to hang every guard that tried to move him out of the way.



"You hang no man. Calm down and explain yourself." There was nothing Eykthain hated more than people who thought they were important. Perhaps this one was, but threathening people only leads to violence. At the same time he readied his badge of authority, in case the mage did not know who he was.


Sophos turned to the newcomer, and looked disgustedly "Who are you to demand something of me?" The mage approached the dark elf "And I can find no rest despite a three day ride from cyrodiil!" Sophos' voice raised slightly "I come to Skyrim, hearing bold tales of great deeds, of victory and glory. Yet I arrive to find our lands taken, and our troops in disarray." The mage paused, before begining to pace "And what is such a great foe, that could bring the mighty imperial legion to it's knee's? A group of rebel nords! I do not blame the leadership, Tullius is a great and respectable leader, yet I find these troops... lacking. I ask for peace, and yet I must resort to death threats to get it!"


Sophos suddenly stopped ranting and put his anger back in check, he took a deep breath, before speaking again "I apologize, I am not used to the cold, nor am I used to spending days riding I suppose I ought to get used to it, if I am to be of use to the empire. Sophos Lupus Triarius at your service, Julius Triarius has sent me to join the legion, lest I bring shame to our name and the empire. Now, who are you, and if I may, what is your station?"

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"Try not to keep that attitude, otherwise your life will be cut short in Skyrim."


Offering his hand and showing his badge of authority in the other, Eykthain presented himself.


"Eykthain Rightain. I am one of Legate Rikke´s most trusted men. I am stationed, or was stationed as a Scout. I am not on active duty for the time being." After a small pause Eykthain continued.

"You are here to bring the Legion back to its former glory? Tullius is resided in the Blue Palace nowadays, then why are you in Castle Dour?"

The mage seemed to be of noble birth, but Eykthain had not heard of his family. He had heard a bit about them, but he knew very little about them. Politics wasn´t something he enjoyed participating in.

Edited by Niborino9409
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"Try not to keep that attitude, otherwise your life will be cut short in Skyrim."


Offering his hand and showing his badge of authority in the other, Eykthain presented himself.


"Eykthain Rightain. I am one of Legate Rikke´s most trusted men." After a small pause Eykthain continued.

"You are here to bring the Legion back to its former glory? Tullius is resided in the Blue Palace nowadays, then why are you in Castle Dour?"

The mage seemed to be of noble birth, but Eykthain had never heard of his family.


"I am waiting for someone to show up who can actually acknowledge the fact I'm here to fight and find me a position in the legion. Apparently Tullius is too busy to convene with me. Annoying, in cyrodiil we may as well own the world, fame, fortune, power. We are some of the most values officers in the legion. Yet up in skyrim... well, nothing from the empire matters up here." Sophos said with regret "So, you come from morrowind, Eykthain?

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"No I am afraid not, unlike most Dunmers in Skyrim I am not from Morrowind. I have never seen the land, I were born in Skyrim, in the midst of war.

My father on the other hand were stationed there in his youth but he never told me about how it was. Would probably be nice to go there some day. But sadly Morrowind is not so friendly, not that it has ever been, but now its even worse considering the eruption of the Red Mountain. Because of that event Skyrim is full of Dunmer refugees.


Eykthains voice suddenly got a sad tone.

"I wish I could help them all, but I can´t. I wish that I could help everyone, I want every race to be able to live in peace with each other, Dunmers, Nords, Kahjiits, Altmer, everybody! Sadly that is not the case. The Dunmers and Nords will never get along neither will Nords and Argonians. They should realise that its our differences that unites us."


"Sorry for making you listen to my beliefs. We should get you geared up, let´s go see Rikke or Aldis."

Edited by Niborino9409
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"No I am afraid not, unlike most Dunmers in Skyrim I am not from Morrowind. I have never seen the land, I were born in Skyrim, in the midst of war.

My father on the other hand were stationed there in his youth but he never told me about how it was. Would probably be nice to go there some day. But sadly Morrowind is not so friendly, not that it has ever been, but now its even worse considering the eruption of the Red Mountain."


"I'm sorry, it must be hard to know you will never see the lands of your ancestors, at least, not how it was before the eruption." Sophos paused for a moment, then continued "Is he still alive? Your father I mean. If so you should get him to tell you about it when you next meet, being one of Rikke's most trusted soldiers I'm sure you've earned that at the very least"

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"Not something I should spread around Mundus, but my father, General Eyrevehn Rightain, is dead, or at least I am led to believe so. He were killed by Stormcloaks. The cowards attacked our home and killed my mother. My father tried to fend them off but they brought him down with arrows, the cowards." Edited by Niborino9409
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