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QoL feature...Export Load Before/After RULES to TXT file.


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So, I've got 300+ mods installed for SKyrim SE, sometimes when certain mods update, and I remove the mod and install the new version, I have to set all of the LOAD BEFORE and LOAD AFTER rules again.
Sometimes some larger mods or mods that change a LOT of NPCs (like Botox for Skyrim) can need quite a few rules and sometimes mods that have something in common, such as FISS (A mod that lets you save mod settings), so you end up having to do the LOAD BEFORE and LOAD AFTER thing with those too, and avoiding any possible 'cyclical rules' if the mods happen to be in different groups.

Anyway, a nice TXT file containing something like

Bijin Wives - Loads Before - Bijin AIO
Bijin AIO - Loads After - Bijin Wives

Botox for Skyrim - Loads Before - Tempered Skins
UNP Female Body Renewal - Load Before Botox for Skyrim

Maybe to make the list shorter, only put ONE rule per mod in the txt file?

No Need for the Load Before AND Load After, between the same two mods right? (Like the Bijin's example, technically only "Bijin AIO - Loads After - Bijin Wives" is needed, I don't need to read the LOADS BEFORE rule too.)

It'd be nice to have around for referencing when updating mods, and also, if you want to uninstall your mods and game to make space for another game, and then return a year or two later, you can just look up the text file and quickly go through the Rules.

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