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With my Arginians I've always had a preference toward the Vanilla Hide, Studded, and Scale armors because I've also felt Argonians would wear something looser and tribal looking. Also use the Foresworn shirtless armor a lot for my main Argonian character (found a mod that gives you the Briarheart 'kilt' without the actual hole in the chest cavity. The shirtless look and the human skulls in the belt are great for his ruthless and tribal character lol

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Just ideas I'd personally like to see. This is the style of Argonian I've always played as. Might make it easier to create by just modifying the existing tribal themed armors that are in game.


This all being said, we also have to consider the fact that these characters, although accustomed to the steaming marshland of Black Marsh, they aren't there any more - They're in the frost covered land of Skyrim. The Viking and tribal themed armors make some sense of the Nords as they're used to the weather and the fact that the game pretty obviously takes place in summer, so they're acclimated to much worse. Argonians on the other hand wouldn't be so lucky. It really just depends on how you want to interpret the lore and how realistic you want to try to make it. I personally lean toward the tribal look simply because that's the aesthetic I prefer on my Argonians

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http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs26/f/2008/068/4/8/lizard_warrior_by_chungking2399.jpghttp://fc06.deviantart.net/fs42/f/2009/149/b/b/Desert_Tribe_Warrior_by_RaXt0r.jpgSee when I think argonian armor I think of leather, bone, and chitin from the giant bugs of there native land and/or the giant spiders and Chaurus of skyrim. With very little metal and lots of spears, which sadly are unimplemented in to the game.

Edited by Slavidi
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The model is in the process of being made, and it's light armor. It is in fact inspired by studded armor, but I decided to not copy the design... Too many armors like it. It doesn't look as crude as the screenshots but still tribal. I think Argonians have good crafting abilities. My idea so far is probably not what Bethesda would make but I don't think it's a bad thing.
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Ok.. As for the sound on fleshy footwear... Barefoot... But for heavy armor, whatever seems to fit, if I'm barefoot it'd seem weird to hear metal or leather sounds while bare feet are exposed.

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