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Better to mod SSE or the old rim ?


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So i am wondering which one is better for modding ?

Old rim have larger selection but it is also 32 bit engine which means 3gb limitation.

Not to mention that textures are lower quality.

Thanks for yours opinions.


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The modding scene for LE is MUCH more developed than it is for SE...... I had considered 'upgrading' to SE, but, a fair few of the mods that I consider 'required', simply aren't there for SE. SKYUI hasn't been updated since 2017... and various other considerations......


I suspect though, that SE has a larger player-base at this point...... Don't have any stats on that though.

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At this point, just go with SSE. It's 64 bit, and modding it is much simpler because you don't have to mess around with all of the memory hacks that you need with LE to make it run well. Yeah, LE has a bigger selection of mods, but unless you are after something obscure, just about anything you want is on SSE; and even if it isn't, it's generally not too difficult to port things over.

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The modding scene for LE is MUCH more developed than it is for SE...... I had considered 'upgrading' to SE, but, a fair few of the mods that I consider 'required', simply aren't there for SE. SKYUI hasn't been updated since 2017... and various other considerations......


I suspect though, that SE has a larger player-base at this point...... Don't have any stats on that though.



Uh...SkyUI for Skyim LE hasn't been updated since 2015.

So SkyUI for SSE is actually NEWER

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At this point, just go with SSE. It's 64 bit, and modding it is much simpler because you don't have to mess around with all of the memory hacks that you need with LE to make it run well. Yeah, LE has a bigger selection of mods, but unless you are after something obscure, just about anything you want is on SSE; and even if it isn't, it's generally not too difficult to port things over.

With original skyrim i have always problem with memory so it is probably better to go with 64 bit version.

Thanks for the info.


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I'm conflicted by the question. LE or SSE, I still use both. Stability or absolute gaming goodness. That is always the question. Oldrim has utilities that overcome some of it's limitations. Slowly SSE is acheiving that level of gaming goodness. Where you can truly make the game the way you want it. One major achievement is called Maximum Carnage. It promises to bring the level of realism of "Deadly Mutilation" to SSE. So far so good. I have never asked for gaming perfection or complete stability from Skyrim. Modding is half the battle. We can hardly complain about a 10 year old game engine that still entertains us. We will constantly try to break it....and we will succeed. Let's hope Elder scrolls 6 benefits from our efforts. All hail the modding community.

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As others have said, LE has a larger pool of mods to pick from but a lot of those will be outdated and often unsupported. The amount of content hitting the Nexus for SE is now much greater than LE and most mods (certainly the popular ones) would have been updated fairly recently and are more likely to still be supported.


In addition to the other technical advantages already mentioned, one of the LE's greatest annoyances, Z-fighting, is either greatly diminished or non-existent with SE.

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