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Help with finalizing my mod build (Skyrim SE)(Vortex)


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So over the past few days I've been in the process of finalizing my mod build for Skyrim SE, and I've been using Vortex to install the mods. LOOT shows me as technically having 285 active plugins - but when I check Vortex it shows as actually having 218 active, 67 light.


I'm new to Skyrim Modding, this is my first attempt at making a real mod build, but aren't the "Light" plugins as shown on Vortex .esl files and not .esp's? If so do am I technically still under the hard plugin limit despite what LOOT says? If not, how can I convert them to .esl's?


If you want to take a look at my load order, I can give you a modwatch link.

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First off, don't use LOOT with Vortex, LOOT is already built into Vortex.

Vortex is telling you that 67 of your plugins are ESL or ESPFE, meaning LIGHT, meaning they aren't taking up a slot in your order like ESP plugins do.

If you go to the PLUGINS TAB, and select the FLAGS FILTER and set it to "COULD BE LIGHT", you'll see all of the PLUGINS that Vortex can COnvert to LIGHT for you.
Represented by a Empty FEATHER

Double click on one of the PLUGINS, and a panel opens up on the right, and click MARK LIGHT.

That plugin will be converted to an ESPfe, like an ESL but with the advantage of being able to SORT it.

Do this with any other Plugins that show up when the COULD BE LIGHT filter is turned on

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