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Security Check hangs


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More problems as the captcha on the security check for making changes on your personal profile (the stupid "I am not a robot" checkbox) hangs after having made changes to said personal profile. The check is stupid because once you're on your perosnal profile, you're either where you want to be or security has lready been breached.


The harder you try to keep things 'secure', the more you'll fail and in the same process aggravate the people using this website. I'm one of them. So was my girlfriend who got tired of having to jump through mind-numbing hoops to simply download a mod. If you're so desperate for money, then make a contribution obligatory instead of putting all kinds of hamperings in place that serve no-one except the ego of the person who makes the obstructions.

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Sometimes, when you submit a big request to the forum which contains a lot of text and/or code (in this case BBCode) you'll be greeted with a CloudFlare hCaptcha to ensure you're not a spammer or trying to submit malicious code.


As Arthmoor points out, your security settings may be too high for this page to function normally, which would be causing the delay.

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