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What Is The Best Game Ever


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Third is Turok 2.

Now that's a name I haven't heard in some time! :happy:

The only bad part about it is that you get lost so easily. I don't know how many days it took for me to finish the first chapter. :wacko:


Am I the only one who have ever played Grim Fandango? :unsure:

Turok: Dinosaur Hunter is my favourite from the Turok series... the other ones all got a bit too gory (well I was well under 15 at the time :P).


I never really knew Grim Fandango existed until I played a demo of it on a PC Gamer disk a few months back. Seemed pretty good but it kept crashing at a certain point, so I wasn't too encouraged about the stability of the full version. :P So I didn't really bother with it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Kind of a four-way tie between FFX, Perfect Dark (the real one on N64), Morrowind, and Castlevania Aria of Sorrow. SOTN is right up there, but I still think AOS is the best Castlevania game ever made.


Perfect Dark is simply the greatest stress-relief game ever produced. I still play it occasionally when I feel the need to hurt something (without going to jail).


FFX frankly has the best (and most depressing) story of any game I've played. All those games are my faves for their own reasons.


As far as influence, I'd have to fully dispute the claim that SMB is the king of vid game influence. There is precisely one game that I believe has had more of an effect on videogames than SMB, and that game is Pac-Man. To me, Pac-Man is the undisputed king of video games, even over SMB. SMB is still in the royal family to be sure, but without the success of Pac-Man, there would be no such thing as video games, and to this day, it remains the highest-grossing arcade game of all-time.

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Apart of TESIII and TESIV I liked very much Hidden & Dangerous II & NOLF2. But also CoD and MoH series with both Dungeon Siege. And in the past Panzer General series (very much) with WoW II and Throne of Darkness plus a lot of strategical ones.


Sorry, it seems I've mistaken. This topic is for other systems games. Is it?

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A game I really like is Baldur's Gate 2 Shadows of Amn and the expansion Throne of Bhaal. The story line is absolutely great. For this last couple of weeks, all I wanted to do was play that game. Even now, after I beat it, I still want to play. Also, ToB got the award for the best expansion of 2001, and I concur. The story is great, and you get a real sense of choice (mainly because, in the end, you do have a huge, life altering choice). Also, the game and especially expansion, you actually can be evil (it helps that the game is focused around the player having to deal with the fact that s/he is the child of the dead god Bhaal, the former Lord of Murder). There are some parts that seem almost impossibly difficult, but overall, I love the game. It is the god of all rpgs.

Also, another aspect that adds to not only the rpg effect, but also the realism: romance. As strange as that may sound, there are several npcs in the game who you can have relationships with. This makes the player seem all the more human (ironic as the player is part god :P ). Also, the relationship isn't those perfect feel-good types of relationships found in tv or movies; they're more. I've only done two so far, but they both ended in her breaking up with me for one reason or another. (Viconia said it wouldn't work, which I believe her. I'm a half-elf and she's a drow. Aerie is whiny. I don't really know what she had against me.) In the expansion, the relationships continue despite them 'ending' in SoA (unless you screwed it up at some point). Which brings me to my next point: watch out what you say to them! some things will end the relationship. Period.


I'm sorry this was so long, but I just love the game. Play it! You'll thank me.

(You kind of need to play Baldur's Gate before this so you can get the full story. It isn't required, but things will make more sense.)

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Company of Heroes is the best game I ever played. It really feels as if you're in the front line... And I've always liked the comments of the units: "Hans, they are scratching your paintjob" (if a tankhunter attacks a tigertank) or: "If a mouse farts in this [censor]minefield, I want his ass blown sky high!"


But when Opposing Fronts hits the stores, I think that will become my fav game





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  • 2 months later...

I've played so many, PC & console (Atari-PS2).

Some of the ones that come to mind are:

Thief Series (always)

Slime World (Lynx)

TES Series

Doom (early years)

Hexen / Heretic

Contra (Nintendo)

California Games (Lynx)

Duke Nuk'em / Serious Sam

No One Lives Forever

Army Men Series

Klingon Honor Guard

Unreal Series

Star Trek The Fallen

Dune (all)

& some of the Star Wars games


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Unreal Series


Now THAT'S a word I haven't heard in quite some time. Among the best games I've ever played. And the only game series that made it hard for me to sleep at night....


...I still remember the lights slowly going off, and hearing the distinct sound of a Skaarj warrior... :ph34r:

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