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gun control - what are we waiting for ?


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Wish I was american so I could have all the guns :cool: Despite these mysterious 82 "mass shootings" that nobody's ever heard about unless they're counting gangsters killing each other or something

Yeah, south side of Chicago sees a 'mass shooting' just about twice a week....... and those statistics are freely available in the chicago newspapers.


Mass Shootings (at least, the 'real' ones) are indeed a problem, but, banning a selection of weapons, or large magazines, isn't the answer, as it really won't make any difference. The bulk of mass shooters use pistols, or shotguns. But of course, the liberal press will hype any shooting that involves one their so-called "assault rifles"......


I would also point out, that a fair few of the mass shooters had owned their weapons, regardless of what it was.... for years before actually committing a crime with it. A few more should not have had their weapons AT ALL, but, either someone in the government (Air Force, I am looking at YOU.....) or THEIR PARENTS screwed up. (Newtown shooter.... history of mental issues, but, his MOM bought the rifle for him.)


Besides all that, it has already been proven, quite effectively, that banning something, does NOT make it go away. All it does is create a black market, and another income stream for other criminals. If folks want one, they WILL be able to get one, regardless of the laws.


Maybe if we actually enforced the laws that are already on the books, it might help. Like, folks with a history of mental problems are not permitted to purchase/own/possess firearms......... That ones been in the books for decades. Working real good, ain't it.

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Wish I was american so I could have all the guns :cool: Despite these mysterious 82 "mass shootings" that nobody's ever heard about unless they're counting gangsters killing each other or something

Yeah, south side of Chicago sees a 'mass shooting' just about twice a week....... and those statistics are freely available in the chicago newspapers.


Mass Shootings (at least, the 'real' ones) are indeed a problem, but, banning a selection of weapons, or large magazines, isn't the answer, as it really won't make any difference. The bulk of mass shooters use pistols, or shotguns. But of course, the liberal press will hype any shooting that involves one their so-called "assault rifles"......


I would also point out, that a fair few of the mass shooters had owned their weapons, regardless of what it was.... for years before actually committing a crime with it. A few more should not have had their weapons AT ALL, but, either someone in the government (Air Force, I am looking at YOU.....) or THEIR PARENTS screwed up. (Newtown shooter.... history of mental issues, but, his MOM bought the rifle for him.)


Besides all that, it has already been proven, quite effectively, that banning something, does NOT make it go away. All it does is create a black market, and another income stream for other criminals. If folks want one, they WILL be able to get one, regardless of the laws.


Maybe if we actually enforced the laws that are already on the books, it might help. Like, folks with a history of mental problems are not permitted to purchase/own/possess firearms......... That ones been in the books for decades. Working real good, ain't it.



Considering that Colorado has Universal Back ground checks that completely over looked his guy shouldn't have a gun, nor the calls from his Family to Law Enforcement about him planning to use a gun in a kill spree get the Law Enforcement Agencies to use Colorado's Red Flag Law to take his firearms till they could find out if what is family call in about was true. But hey it isn't really about legislating the real problem away, it is about removing peoples right to say no this is wrong and won't fly with us.

Edited by Gracinfields
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if you watch the statistic do you really think this question is relevant if your wife is one of the victims ?

I would love to see their source information on where they came up with that info. However, I am not going to pay them money to see it. (that really seems like a scam to me......)


Would also like to see what 'incidents' they are including in their collection of 'mass shootings'....... Definitions vary, sometimes dramatically.


At least xrayy posts his sources - something you seldom do even after being asked to. Dismissing statistics/sources out-of-hand that challenge your own worldview is confirmation bias.


How is that site a scam? Sourcing, collation, analysis, storage and presentation of statistical data is a costly exercise, one that saves many other people a lot of time and provides a valuable service to society. Expecting people to pay for that service is quite reasonable.


And posting links to data or statistics without showing the sources or without clear and easy access to those sources is nothing more than flatulent pontificating, particularly where the data being used is freely available from the FBI and DOJ. So yeah, it is just a money making scam.


On a slight tangent to the above, the FBI for instance, does NOT include so called "gang related" mass shootings in their statistics, which would significantly skew those numbers.

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And posting links to data or statistics without showing the sources or without clear and easy access to those sources is nothing more than flatulent pontificating,

Like when you posted the Tony Heller (nutjob) content to this forum and then started preaching about the MSM having no accountability? You're clearly an expert on flatulent pontificating.


particularly where the data being used is freely available from the FBI and DOJ. So yeah, it is just a money making scam.

So post the link to those sources showing the comparison to what xrayy posted. Statista covers more than just crime statistics. Still, given your propensity to propagate the sort of BS peddled by Tony Heller, you'd be fairly familiar with scammy behaviour.

Edited by gnarly1
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@danteredfield - play a game like fo4 and be happy. nobody really needs a weapon for private use apart from some special cases.it is just a childish mess if a weapon is used like a toy and every simple mind thinks he should have ability or the power to play god and to decide who has to live and who has to die.


the always repeating try to cherry pick my sources without presenting own valuable or better ones is just annoying, i do not comment this anymore.


i know that no masterplan exists and nobody can reduce the risk for such shootings to zero. to debate about this in a black and white pattern seems to me just silly.

but i can confirm that that dumb and unreflected support of nra and selling more and more weapons is definitely a valuable solution for making money with guns but not for a better or more secured private life or as a valid measure to reduce mass shootings.


i admit that i have no solution. this was the reason i just asked what we can do. but this does not mean that we always have to start a debate like new born babies or on a level below zero. maybe my mistake to overestimate common sense in a gamer forum...

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Oh, if you couldn't be bothered to do your own proper research then please feel free to look over the following webpage, as it has extensive data WITH sources, that actually refute several of your claims.


And actually several things would lead to a significant lowering of gun crime. =


Revoke or suspend the broadcasting license of any media company that perpetuates shooting related myths such as the "hands up, don't shoot" lie, or that it's only 'white males" who commit mass shootings.

Ban so called "artists" from producing music such as "f*** the Police" or making music video's explicitly showing "gangsta" themes that romanticize violence.

Stop incentivising women to make "the state" the father of their children and stop demonizing the "nuclear family" model, and make fathers take responsibility for the raising of their children.

Start addressing the underlying mental issues, such as depression and stress, which contribute to the biggest cause of gun related deaths, which is suicide.


That would be a start.


You could also implement "work for welfare" schemes that get young men (the biggest perpetrator of gun crimes) off the streets and into doing something useful and productive, and perhaps even educational (to paraphrase "idle hands do the devils work")



Oh, And your thread title doesn't say ""what can we do?" it says "what are we waiting for?" indicating that YOU believe their is a solution/s, and we should implement it/them straight away.

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even if these numbers are not 100% accurate you should read this:




or use this 2021 list


downplaying the situation in the u.s. and tunnel viewing does not make things better. if all murderers are so predictable - why do we let that happen permanently even in my home country where legal weapon use is already restricted (incidents are 12x lower than in the u.s.) ?

if we talk about claims - perraines source is at first not more than bunch of claims of one man regardless of the source. it is not all plain wrong but it seems some arguments here are at least questionable if not somehow weapon lobby guided. and this should be discussed.


some simple minded lobbyists - even if it is an u.s. official - as trump also was - not looking behind the scenes does not impress me.

most adult thinking know already better - including right wing adults - at least they could know better.

there is no black and white pattern but hopefully some common sense. and i'm sure we can bring this debate to a common sense level. so if you compare the u.s. numbers with other countries it is very simple to recognize a connection between crime, weapons and related deaths, regardless what a u.s. weapon lobbyist tries to claim. and it is not the time to praise the u.s. just because they have a better number as brasil or south africa or honduras. even mexico has a slightly lower death rate than the u.s.

so what tell these numbers intelligent people ?


if you compare high income countries the u.s have by far the highest weapon related death rate. no doubt about that.

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It's quite obvious you aren't actually interested in the thread subject, because if you were, you would have actually looked at the link I posted and actually read the sources. Otherwise you wouldn't have written the OUTRIGHT LIE, that higher gun ownership equals higher gun crime.


But as usual, you simply parrot the left wing media's lies, without actually looking for the facts and thus finding ACTUAL solutions that WORK.


And in case my earlier statements weren't clear, I'll re-iterate them - I find the 'Murican obsession with guns, and their whole "gun culture" abhorrent, and I think the whole "gangsta" culture and the American disdain for human life and limb equally disgusting. But ... I understand that AMERICA, is the way it is, and sadly, owning a firearm has become a necessary evil for self preservation.


I'm with RufusYoungBlood666 "We need people control, not gun control". In other words, the entire American culture needs to change before there would be any meaningful lowering of gun crime and death.


I also note that you completely ignored anything I suggested to decrease gun related crime, which also tells me that you don't actually care, that you don't truly want to find a solution, you simply want to repeat and perpetuate the outrage and victimhood culture and try and assign blame to the easiest target, then sit back and congratulate yourself, even as society crumbles around you.

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