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gun control - what are we waiting for ?


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Take Chuck Norris Korean Style Martial Arts Classes.

He was trained in the country Bruce Lee originally was from.

You will never need a gun ever again.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't have any.

A sign over the gates at his family residencies says.


We don't call 911!


You can be an Nth degree black belt, and some 98 pound anemic weakling can still pull his glock and kill you before you even get close enough to hit him.


Don't bring a knife to a gun fight.



What?! You don't believe Remo Williams, who North Korean's mythical (Oops! I mean :sweat:) Grandmaster Assassin Chiun trained to be an assassin, can really dodge bullets.


Grandmaster Assassin is better! Right?!


The Adventure BEGINS! :smile:


Guess the movie didn't do well enough to rate a sequel.


"I heard your tendons creak as you pulled the trigger." :D



The authors:


When "Warren Murphy and Richard Sapir" were writing there was a spirit that the two of them shared that kept their work interesting. The Movie and TV sequel were very over commercialized.


The movie and the television show made it so the Destroyer was not living by his training from the first days of the novels introductions. In which Remo had a lot of bad habits removed.


Not good for businesses because the movie goers would have had cause to not support all those companies with fast food, fancy clothes, jewelry, fancy vehicles, and watches to lose business. Only, rice, and Duck with some of Chiun favorite special sauce.


The two would not waste their time modeling clothes, although Chiun had a different outfit for several occasions. I remember Remo did do some crafting, in the books. In a subway or a hall, he made a mural of body parts so it looked like someone painted a mural of the macabre.


And no! There weren't any weapons used by either of them. If you read the novels from beginning to end you'll understand why. In one novel an army was shooting at them and they dodged bullets as they made their way to do their tasks to defend the U. S. A.

from evil people.


Just like it is not good for business to keep putting the public in horrible situations that cause Weapons Dealers to lose business. The contradictions are all over the news about people. These things only get public review when someone new is sitting in the White House. And some believe the news isn't covering any of it, they are staying in their cubby holes and just believe what they are paid to write is true.


Are there any of the hated News Hounds types. Working around the corner, under the sidewalk, in the shadows, behind the curtains in the oval office, sniffing out the news that people really want to read about? Those News Snoops during the Cold War years "1950s through to the 1960s" are pushing up daiseys. If they aren't wearing some concrete shoes or like not buried in cement wall of the hydro-electric dams some where. Or missing, like Teamster Jimmy Hoffa! Disappeared: July 30, 1975 (age 62)

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I'll just leave this here for people to argue over. It was in South Carolina after all, Just sayin' ...


It's curious though, that the "white" guy who killed 10 (alleged) "prostitutes" had a mental illness, but that wasn't accepted as an excuse in any way, shape or form. However, people are ALREADY making excuses for this mass murderer.


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here are most important facts you should know. it is not worth to debate about that because this is already given. the question is how long we wait with defending stupid repeated proven non-arguments before we begin to defend and to cover innocent life until no common civilian needs a weapon anymore like in most civilized countries.

why do so many amercans still think they need a weapon while many other civilized countries already have proven the opposite and the facts with 10x lower deathrates over decades ? statistically there is no valid argument for supporting lobbyists or u.s. civilian weapon loving hardliners. they just always ride their already proven non-arguments like in this debate.

ignoring the facts and just repeating them does not help this debate and anyone who dies in the next shooting (with or without wearing a weapon). the question is how to reduce or to minimize this problem and not to find stupid or proven wrong arguments to defend the proven reason for all the shootings: far too many weapons in wrong hands! you will not change anything by repeating stupidly your "but i have the right to defend my home with an ak47"

Didn't read the article I posted, did you? It seems that the 'average' mass shooter has owned his weapon for right around 8 and a half years...... Less than 8% of shooters bought their weapon within 3 months of committing their crime. What this means is: An 'assault weapons' ban won't make any difference whatsoever, for about a 100 years or so.


You also must have missed my post stating that removing 5 democrat run cities from the statistics, has the effect of showing that the US would be right in line with most other 'civilized countries' when it comes to death rates related to crime.


The chart you posted by Everytown for gun safety PURPOSELY skews the statistics on mass shootings as well. They included incidents in high-crime areas. (essentially, gang activity.) In reality, right around 85% of mass shootings happen in gun free zones. (which was also pointed out in the article I posted.)


Another little tidbit you conveniently ignore is, the use of firearms to PREVENT crime. Something to the tune of 2.5 MILLION times per year. (read here.)


The "assault weapons" ban back in the 80-90's had ZERO effect on crime.......


Face it, banning firearms won't make any difference in crime rates at all. It simply isn't possible to remove all firearms in the US. Any attempt to do so by our government would instantly result in civil war. And I doubt that the US military would be interested in helping the government accomplish that in any event. (their oath is to defend the CONSTITUTION, not the current administration.) It is also unconstitutional (read that: Illegal) for the army to be used in such a manner. A lot would need to change before that was even a possibility, and the population would see that coming far in advance, and take steps to make sure it did not happen.


I am a firm believer in Peace thru superior firepower. :D


look at the world, look at other civilized countries and look at u.s. death rate and compare. even mexico has lower rate. are you proud ? something is wrong with the u.s weapon lobby and the whole system and you close your eyes and deny it bringing up arguments maybe valid in the wild west long time ago ? :wink:

i've never said it is easy to demilitarize u.s civilians. your argument that an "assoult wepon ban" statistically did not work can just be joke. how should it - in a fully militarized country ? it will never work until you begin with a concept to completely demilitarize.

just look at europe - it works since decades. nothing is perfect and it needs time but death rate is 10x lower!

it is time for a change (ok - not for the nra) - instead of riding old fashioned u.s. constitution phrases written for another time.

it is a joke in 2021 to argue with remnants clearly written in another time. if you think it is a good idea to preserve wild west or what ever - ok- it is your country and your countries death rate. but the way the nra lobby is arguing is laughable.

don't tell me that u.s. death rate situation is somehow reasonable or good. it is a joke and it is not good that weapons are in private hands, just a potential source of danger - for authorities and for civilians! you could live without - others do this already with much better results. so what ? is this a debate about how to nurse "blockhead mentality" and about some people ego and how to satisfy their love for weapons the best way or is this a debate how we can change things to the better for all (probably not instantly) ?

if you feel it is the right time to defend old fashioned traditions instead of promoting a more civilized way instead of waving with or in worst case using your weapon(s) - ok! and just to make it clear - be sure i know what i'm talking about, i hope you too. i do not have to fear a neighbor with a weapon killing randomly and cowardly people when "he has a bad day" - but that does not mean he that can not use his kitchen knife.

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here are most important facts you should know. it is not worth to debate about that because this is already given. the question is how long we wait with defending stupid repeated proven non-arguments before we begin to defend and to cover innocent life until no common civilian needs a weapon anymore like in most civilized countries.

why do so many amercans still think they need a weapon while many other civilized countries already have proven the opposite and the facts with 10x lower deathrates over decades ? statistically there is no valid argument for supporting lobbyists or u.s. civilian weapon loving hardliners. they just always ride their already proven non-arguments like in this debate.

ignoring the facts and just repeating them does not help this debate and anyone who dies in the next shooting (with or without wearing a weapon). the question is how to reduce or to minimize this problem and not to find stupid or proven wrong arguments to defend the proven reason for all the shootings: far too many weapons in wrong hands! you will not change anything by repeating stupidly your "but i have the right to defend my home with an ak47"

Didn't read the article I posted, did you? It seems that the 'average' mass shooter has owned his weapon for right around 8 and a half years...... Less than 8% of shooters bought their weapon within 3 months of committing their crime. What this means is: An 'assault weapons' ban won't make any difference whatsoever, for about a 100 years or so.


You also must have missed my post stating that removing 5 democrat run cities from the statistics, has the effect of showing that the US would be right in line with most other 'civilized countries' when it comes to death rates related to crime.


The chart you posted by Everytown for gun safety PURPOSELY skews the statistics on mass shootings as well. They included incidents in high-crime areas. (essentially, gang activity.) In reality, right around 85% of mass shootings happen in gun free zones. (which was also pointed out in the article I posted.)


Another little tidbit you conveniently ignore is, the use of firearms to PREVENT crime. Something to the tune of 2.5 MILLION times per year. (read here.)


The "assault weapons" ban back in the 80-90's had ZERO effect on crime.......


Face it, banning firearms won't make any difference in crime rates at all. It simply isn't possible to remove all firearms in the US. Any attempt to do so by our government would instantly result in civil war. And I doubt that the US military would be interested in helping the government accomplish that in any event. (their oath is to defend the CONSTITUTION, not the current administration.) It is also unconstitutional (read that: Illegal) for the army to be used in such a manner. A lot would need to change before that was even a possibility, and the population would see that coming far in advance, and take steps to make sure it did not happen.


I am a firm believer in Peace thru superior firepower. :D


look at the world, look at other civilized countries and look at u.s. death rate and compare. even mexico has lower rate. are you proud ? something is wrong with the u.s weapon lobby and the whole system and you close your eyes and deny it bringing up arguments maybe valid in the wild west long time ago ? :wink:

i've never said it is easy to demilitarize u.s civilians. your argument that an "assoult wepon ban" statistically did not work can just be joke. how should it - in a fully militarized country ? it will never work until you begin with a concept to completely demilitarize.

just look at europe - it works since decades. nothing is perfect and it needs time but death rate is 10x lower!

it is time for a change (ok - not for the nra) - instead of riding old fashioned u.s. constitution phrases written for another time.

it is a joke in 2021 to argue with remnants clearly written in another time. if you think it is a good idea to preserve wild west or what ever - ok- it is your country and your countries death rate. but the way the nra lobby is arguing is laughable.

don't tell me that u.s. death rate situation is somehow reasonable or good. it is a joke and it is not good that weapons are in private hands, just a potential source of danger - for authorities and for civilians! you could live without - others do this already with much better results. so what ? is this a debate about how to nurse "blockhead mentality" and about some people ego and how to satisfy their love for weapons the best way or is this a debate how we can change things to the better for all (probably not instantly) ?

if you feel it is the right time to defend old fashioned traditions instead of promoting a more civilized way instead of waving with or in worst case using your weapon(s) - ok! and just to make it clear - be sure i know what i'm talking about, i hope you too. i do not have to fear a neighbor with a weapon killing randomly and cowardly people when "he has a bad day" - but that does not mean he that can not use his kitchen knife.


Most murders are a result of inner city crime, and yes, they use guns. Of course, taking away their guns won't reduce crime, they will just use different weapons. Of course, that assumes that you COULD take away their guns. And that is flat out impossible.


Mexico has a murder rate of 15/100000 people, the US has 5....... How is that "more"????


"Demilitarizing" the US?? Or, in other words, taking away everyones guns? Not gonna happen. We don't take kindly to folks attempting to deprive us of our constitutional rights. (which are just as relevant today, as they were when they were written, thank you very much.) First, the government would need to convince two-thirds of the states that changing that amendment was a good idea. That simply is not going to happen. Have a look at what happened in darn near EVERY country where the citizens were disarmed. MILLIONS dead at the hands of their own government. Do you really think the american people would just sit back and watch as their government attempted to disarm them? Do you think we wouldn't fight back?


I really don't care 'what works' in Europe. The US is NOT Europe. Most european countries have banned civilian ownership of weapons in general, for hundreds of years. Don't want the rabble overthrowing their despot, no do we? It is part of YOUR culture, just like gun ownership is a part of ours. That isn't going to change any time soon.

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i posted my source of death rate numbers already with context in a link some posts before. seems your numbers are out of another context.

i know that you don't care :wink: and you are not the only one. and just to clarify: there is not one specific american gun culture. there are different gun cultures in the u.s. with their own prominent priorities. self defence, recreation, freedom aspect and mixes of it apart from some individual "weapon cultures".

i know that plain gun control is no solution in the near future. the only thing that happens after such an announcement is that u.s. weapon lovers buy even more guns. sounds stupid and like a childish reflex - but this is a fact! as long as too many americans think they should feel for some reason proud because of their weapon cultures whatever mix they chose, nothing will happen while the mountain of needless weapons grow day by day - and also the death rate - for whatever reason - at least statistically :wink:

so what will be your next weapon ? i recommend you an automatic weapon with a high death or kill rate in case too many neighbors try to attack you at the same time... and buy it before biden tries to steal your "freedom"

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I heard a woman crying. Between sobs she said. If they ever drop another Atom Bomb I'm just going to walk out the door into the blast.


I found out she ran to a bomb shelter leaving the baby of five children behind. None of the older children even thought to grab the baby.


It was 1952. The day they tested a Hydrogen Bomb. After the test. The governments realized there is no where safe if Hydrogen Bombs are used. They drain the water out of every living body that has water in it.


Schools stopped the routine of Duck and Cover because Hydrogen Bombs would dry us out no matter where we hide.


Selling weapons is a big business. No one wants to be without their security blankie.


But most of us can't afford a weapon single shot, dual action revolver, semi-automatic, automatic, or any weapons of mass destruction.


Can you afford any weapons of any kind?!


If you say 'yes', I am going to move as far away from where you live as I can.


And anyone who knows the troubles of living on a planet with weapons dealers surely knows how much the covid-19 hurt business for them. Thus an upscaling of local neighbors shootings from a couple of neighbors, often just one has a weapon that shoots bullets, to the school grounds where children of all ages can bring items to school for show and tell from Kindergarten to 6th grade, and Crazy Day from 7th - 9th grade, to the latest portable rocket launcher schematics a 12th grader made after learning how to make a blueprint in shop class in 10th grade and on through 12th.


Don't point that compass for drawing circles on a piece of paper. The point on the needle on the compass could be considered a deadly weapon. Now wait! After a few weeks a bright bulb that read this will go to school and make a mock attack on a friend in shop class.


Oh! MY. Will it be your teen age child?!

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Maybe you don't want people to have weapons because you wouldn't trust yourself with one. Some people only follow the laws in fear of punishment, not out of the goodness of their heart. I'm not saying yo're one of them but I'm not saying you're not either. Like batman said to joker, not everyone is as ugly as you, when the people on the boats didn't blow each other up

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it becomes day by day clearer why so many people voted for trump. at least more than the half did not. and don't try to convince me that only "hard liners" and weapon lovers are real americans. no they are not the only americans!

it is a very long way to go... as long as too many people associate deadly weapons with personal recreation, leisure time activity and freedom instead just as a matter of defending democracy, law and order as the only meaningful purpose.as long as weapon lobbyists make civilians believe they need a weapon we will have a severe problem and no chance to lower high death rates of innocent people. that is the simple and sad truth.

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