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Vortex Alpha Release


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In response to post #57676981. #57705396, #57706276 are all replies on the same post.

Neato wrote: Hello everyone, loving vortex so far and for the most part is working for me, just takes a little to figure things out. I do have a question, during a fresh install on a Windows 10, 8 GB ram 512 SSD 64 bits, machine, I get "An unrecoverable error occurred" query command exited with code 1" Error The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value at regKey.get (c:\program Files\black tree gaming ltd\vortex\resources\app.asar\node_modules\winreg\lib\registry.js:632:7 and it list lot's more at errors. I have uninstall it and re-install it several times but the results is the same, if I ignore then say I won't whine it actually boots up and seems to be working fine, so not sure if is affecting any of the operations and or functions. Have anyone else had this problem? fix? ideas? I want to thank the developers for Vortex, I think is going to be my preferred mod manager.
haguerepairguy wrote: Sounds like your antivirus is causing you problems actually. Try disabling it to install it, then white-list the program before starting the antivirus back up.
Tannin42 wrote: This is a bug in the current version: the exception is from Vortex failing to find Steam and it shouldn't crash from it.
Ignoring this error is safe.

Better yet, just refer to the expert, lmao. Thanks Tannin!
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In response to post #57690726. #57703451, #57703491, #57705326, #57706291, #57722026 are all replies on the same post.

Zortyx wrote: Crashed my computer twice when trying to deploy mods and made the screen turn colours i didn't even know it could... yeah i'm going to leave this alone until it reaches beta.
peteredw wrote: Zortyx, when you state that your computer crashed first thing I would check is to make sure you have your graphics drivers, and the operating system are up to date. Even your Mod load order can cause crashes. From what your describing it sounds more like it could be a graphics issue.

I did have a similar issue on my own computer, uninstalling the drivers for the card then reinstalling them fixed the issue. :)
DarkDominion wrote: That has nothing to do with it being alpha
haguerepairguy wrote: If it's during deploy mods, that's one thing, but if it's after, when you try to load the game you just set up mods for, then you have a mod conflicting that's causing game issues. Could use a little more info as to what you were doing, with what mod, so maybe we can help you diagnose it. :)
Zortyx wrote: haguerepairguy It happenes 1/3 of the time right when i click the deploy button never when i launch the game. The only mods i have installed are texture mods, MCM and project nevada for fallout new vegas which work fine together on NMM and MO
haguerepairguy wrote: Sounds like a possible driver issue like peterdw said, just in case, I'd check that first, but also use the submit feedback button inside vortex, and take a screenshot if you can if it happens again and pass it along so they can see exactly what's happening, any errors that are generated, etc. It's very possible it's a bug.

This is the first someone has reported something like this. It's probably a problem on your end.
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Great work! Been playing with Vortex for almost the entire weekend. I love modding games and decided test Vortex out. I did some small steps at first, but after having no real pains decided to do a complete rebuild of a 200+ plugin Fallout 4 to test out Vortex. I'm hoping this will be a good bug test and I enjoy playing with mods almost as much as playing the games. I haven't run into any bugs that have stopped me so far, but I will continue testing. I have a couple of suggestions from a guy who likes to heavily mod. Nothing major, just some things I've come across after several hours of fooling around, which you may or may not want to put at the bottom of your multi-year list if they aren't there already.


For mod installations:

1) Some modders like to include a "data" folder at the top of their zip file chain. When extracted this adds a hard linked data sub folder under the game's data folder making the mod unusable in that state. An easy thing to fix on my side, but a nice to have would be the ability to pick the data folder during the install.


On the Mod page:

2) I like the link to view the mods in the folder. Would be helpful if it linked into the mod that was highlighted in the list instead of the root of the mod folders.

3) A "mod ID" column would be nice. For instance, when installing a mod with multiple patches it would be nice to have the mod id to sort by to make it easier to link dependencies. Of course there are other ways to go about doing this, so not a big deal.


On the Plugin page:

4) A sort or filter on the plugin status would be nice.


Hope this is helpful and thanks for all your work!


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OK im quite sure there use to be a submit feedback button inside of Vortex.

I saw it the first few minutes I was using Vortex a few days ago, but have not found it since.

Shouldn't it be easy to find? I would submit feedback about that but.. :)

Edited by mcdanielskh
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In response to post #57639276. #57653421, #57697701, #57699261, #57703476 are all replies on the same post.

hati39 wrote: Since I seem not to be the only one with this problem: do I install skse64 as a seperate tool like LOOT beside the games directory or do I install it inside the games directory (as described in the skse readme). And I remember some problems during my MO times, so: What do I do with the scripts of any mod that uses skse? Will I have to move them to skse/scripts or does Vortex handle them like any other mod file?

edit: the usage of FNIS reveals some questions in the same direction ;)

edit #2: ok, since I want to start testing and nobody has an answer for me, I've installed skse64 as I did with MO, so I installed the main files to the games dir and the data folder as a mod. I leave fnis uninstalled for now.
mcdanielskh wrote: disregard. accidental post. Sorry
lued123 wrote: You can just install the entirety of SKSE as "vanilla" files. MO required the scripts to be installed as a mod because the VFS was weird, but Vortex uses highly compatible features that come with Windows, so you don't have to do that.
mcdanielskh wrote: Let me get this straight, We should just install in Vortex as packaged?
Or dont use Vortex?
I want to use Vortex so I can easily remove them by purging.
Can Vortex install stuff outside of the Data folder?
If not then I'm back to doing it as I did it.,
DarkDominion wrote: Install SKSE64: dll and exe go into the game file ( afaik Vortex can’t do this ) and I would suggest to zip up the scripts and install those through Vortex as any other date file dependent file ( so its easier to remove ).
That’s how so do it and it never fails

Thanks DarkDominion, That's what I thought as well, and what I originally did. :) Which happens to be how I use to do it in MO as well. I was thinking lued123 was saying something more profound than he really was. No offence intended lued123 and I get what you are saying as well. However, I think adding the parts that go into the Data folder by zipping and adding as a mod makes a lot of since as DarkDominion also suggested. Edited by mcdanielskh
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In response to post #57727526.

mcdanielskh wrote: OK im quite sure there use to be a submit feedback button inside of Vortex.
I saw it the first few minutes I was using Vortex a few days ago, but have not found it since.
Shouldn't it be easy to find? I would submit feedback about that but.. :)

Press the three dot button next to your profile in upper right corner...
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In response to post #57700171.




votemarvel wrote:

The sorting option seems to have taken a step back since the Nexus Mod Manager. I just get a long list of mods, yes I can click to sort it by category but it remains just one long list. Clicking the categories button shows me a lot of empty folders until I have something installed.


Could the nested folders system of NMM not be reemployed in Vortex? With greyed out text for mods that are not installed?

If you're in the mod view, the status header is actually a filter box. Just set it to only show active mods and all the inactive mods will be filtered from the pane. Presently there are three filters. You can have more than one active at any time. Hope this helps you. You should play with all the headers that are filter boxes to gain an understanding of what each one does.


Thanks for the response. I'm aware of what each sorting option does, I just find them a step back from the nested categories that is provided by the current Nexus Mod Manager.


With NMM I can expand just the category that I want to see, it's in a simple alphabetical order with installed mods in dark text and ones not installed greyed out. With Vortex as it stands I can organise how the list is shown but it just remains one long list, with a separate popout view to show which of the categories those mods are installed in.


Personally speaking I don't find Vortex as quick or as simple as the Nexus Mod Manager for managing mods at this time. Hence my feedback in the hope things can be tweaked.

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In response to post #57676166. #57705431 is also a reply to the same post.

KeltecRFB wrote: Message to Tannin or maybe others,

When I try to load my current game, it states that Sim Settlements AddOn JtBryant's Foundations is missing even though I reinstalled the mod from the Nexus since receiving that warning message. Even after I enable and deploy mods after that mod's installation, the .esp is still missing from plugins and continue to receiving the missing .esp warning.
haguerepairguy wrote: Perhaps try redownloading it, but before you do, click the symbol on the right, next to both mods. You may need to make a rule for jtbryants foundations to load first.

It would have to come after Sim Settlements. It's weird, you can see the .esp file but it never makes it to plugins where it needs to be. Maybe the name of the esp is too long? That's what I will do, change the ESP name and repackage it.

If that doesn't fix it, I will report it as a bug on the Feedback page. Edited by KeltecRFB
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