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Status Updates posted by antonkr

  1. Of course!, once you get it let me know since I am not sure that it would show you in Battlelog.
  2. Whats your battleblog name again?
  3. Battlefield 3 and Skyrim pre-ordered!
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      I don't mind shooting, war, street fighting, skirmishes, and such, But...sometime's I have just got to stop and smell the Heather flower's along the way.
    3. VesemirTheWitcher


      ^ lol, paga.

      you know, to tell you the truth I've never played any of the battlefield series. i just did oblivion for a scary period, then i went on to AC1 and Crysis1, which was quite a revolution to me. i hadn't played action games for...well, a scary period.

      oblivion, of course NOT being action.

    4. VesemirTheWitcher


      afterwards i was hungry to do more runshootkickarse. i got mirror's edge, and, by my BFF's constant whining, COD6. i loved it. i did some other games, then went onto COD7 but it killed the series for me. cheap sh**. Crysis2 and the witcher 2 were next. now I'm quite neutral to both series, and i HAVE NO FRIQUINGUES IDEA what to do.
  4. Just pre-ordered from Amazon, now pre-loading. Probably gonna do the campaign, and some co op before starting on multiplayer. Can't wait to see you on the Battlefield.
  5. Did somebody say Bacon?
  6. Mod authors forums. My shack making finally paying off!
    1. Deleted54170User


      *O^O^ I have been on the road. I was involved with a newb whose friend decided to see if it was true about what happen's when I go into the battle mode. Shame that the fellow wasn't prepared for it. He could have made a fine ally, good thing there was a hospitable wizard close. ;- } His plan's have been altered so he may become a mage instead of a ranger. ;- } Shack's? Okay. I will scan the forum to see what shaky shack you have built. If you uploaded it won't you giv...
    2. Deleted54170User


      ...e me a clue to where the mod is to save me some time. :- )
  7. Shacks are rather, shaky don't you think?
    1. XanAlderon


      Are they shaky... or are they shacky? Shacky like a shack.
    2. antonkr


      Both really. Shaky, and shacky.
  8. I was about to brag about my Flight Sim X experience, but now it seems rather silly :P
  9. Presidenting the lounge.
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Illiad86


      Oh you're the president now? Congrats, Mr. President! :)
    3. Deleted54170User


      Here's where I got my first image of a Gremlin. And I had a duck I named George, a mud turtle too. I think I got the name George from several places' during my youth and named my pet's George because of the frequency of hearing it. Come on over and see my Post of one of the cartoon's I saw that had both Gremlin's and George got mentioned.
    4. antonkr
  10. We should co-op once Battlefield 3 goes live. I am sort of good at flying (I get destroyed and obliterated only sometimes) :D
  11. Hows your bf going? Work still tough :/?
  12. I need to get Witcher someday. It looks quite good :D
  13. Heh if not for steam I would have probably not even known you. Well not as much that is. :P
  14. Please don't worry about it. Please. Last thing I want is you feeling bad about something so minor.

    I've... got it more or less figured out.

    But, can we talk on MSN when possible? I really missed you.

  15. Now for much anticipated tea and cucumber sandwiches, your highness?
  16. Turian with a mini mass relay capable of transporting a small metal slug into a pony at FTL speeds as a weapon?

    I think I win.

  17. I never knew you were Russian :P
  18. Thor for.... err vice president of the lounge? :P
  19. Antonkr for president!
    1. antonkr
    2. Deleted54170User


      You got me out of my FO: New Vegas Lonesome Road dreaming slumber of the apocalypse for this. I vote for me! ;- }

      <,^,> board's flying saucer and goes to Saturn to relax until steam vent's Mother ship are repaired. Waiting until Mass Effect III arrives.

    3. Deleted54170User


      I see you are the President. I am a good sport. Congratulation's! *Knocks on wood. Oops that is fake wood. Now where is that tooth pick I was just using?* Anyway good luck with that! :- )
  21. Don't hypnotize me. I am still too young to be a pony.
  22. Oh no... PONIES

    *turns off computer

    *Reports this to the major of the internet

    *flees his house,

    *Flees the country

    *Flies to moon







  23. Welp. There goes all my Saturday mornings.
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