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Status Updates posted by antonkr

  1. Not in what I exactly call a happy mood.
  2. Can't say I have
  3. How could we forget you :)
  4. Oh hai thar once again. Hows the sky fairing? We surely aren't being invaded by shooting stars any time soon are we :D
  5. I got the pre-release. Quite an interesting experience so far. Hopefully to be released quite soon.
  6. Doing good myself. Glad that you are alright.
  7. I don't really play minecraft that much anymore anyway. Sort of looking forward to 1.8. Better be worth the wait. How are you anyway?
  8. When you removed all of our map and server files as I see.
  9. I am glad that you go on sometimes that is. I can imagine real life needing more time :P I hope you are doing well
  10. I remember you from the Vault. How you doing mate?
  11. You should go on more :O
  12. Last Active:

    Today, 12:59 PM

    So I see you quit eh?

  13. Hello there. Not quite sure who you are but saw you on friends list, so hey there.
  14. i've had enough of your disingenuous assertions
  15. Human stupidity and ignorance is limitless
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Flintlockecole


      I'm stuck in an endless sea of dumb people, hate it when people go on how a book is s*** compared to the movie it's based on. If I had a quid for every moron I've wanted to shoot, well I'd have more money than I'd know what to do with.
    3. Nadin



      Well, you could use that money to but ammunition and guns. Obviously.

      Oh, and you might want to set some aside for bail.


      Well, assuming that the universe/multiverse is infinite, which, for all intents and purposes, it is, then knowledge is infinite. And if knowledge is infinite, and what humanity knows is finite, than statistics will show that we know almost literally nothing.

      I gather that this isn't what you were implying, but still, it's a b...

    4. Nadin


      bit more cheerful (and accurate, if you ask me.)

      Oh, and the whole stupidity thing is just a temporary condition while we're sending you the new robotic brains. Please feel free to contact us if you want a refund or if there's a shipping error.

  16. Waiting and waiting and waiting. Waiting for something to happen. Then waiting and waiting and waiting. Waiting for something to wait for.
    1. Deleted54170User


      *Stops. Looks around.* Tell me if you heard this one, "Sargent say's to private on graduation day, " When I die I'll bet you, you will come to my funeral and spit on my grave." Private replies, "Sarge. I will never stand in line again!" Memories from the anal's of Military Humor in Reader's Digest.
  17. I'm pleased that the imminent destruction of all organic life has improved your career opportunities. Playing mass effect once again is so much fun :D
    1. Deleted54170User


      And, "MASS EFFECT 3" is on the way too. Yippee!
    2. antonkr


      There better be an option to punch an annoying journalist.
  18. I am still around. Don't post as much as I used to but still around :P
  19. Oh hai thar :3
  20. Hows are you doing :]?
  21. Nexus is the only thing that keeps my sanity. Or was it insanity? Can't quite recall
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. antonkr


      A mod? yes indeed I worked on a mod. I needed a couple more downloads to be able to see the modders only the section so I decided to go for it. :)
    3. Deleted54170User


      That wasn't a question. I was making a suggestion.
    4. antonkr


      It is one of the main keys in level design. Having your player try to look forward and be surprised when moving forward with quests and such. But you do make a good point
  22. I remember you :O
  23. TheCalliton it is eh? I remember when you used to just be Calliton :D
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