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Status Updates posted by antonkr

  1. status? Umm status? what do you mean status... so whatever I write here will be my status am I right?
    1. Deleted54170User


      Your thinking is a form of status. What was on your mind at the moment you thought up that question is your thoughts status. What is on your mind? Or like in the movie, "Total Recall" Quantro the mutant says, "Open your mind!" We want to see what thought's you will share with us, "That Status."
  2. Wouldn't it be quite amazing if Nexus was a real town. A real community. We would all go to a church to worship our mighty leader Dark0ne. And I would be the village idiot :DDD
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Flintlockecole


      I dunno 'bout that. I prefer my Autocratic Anarchy.
    3. Deleted54170User


      You set yourself up for that one Antonkr, cause you made the statement which caused me to see humor. Since you showed humor and commitment, you proved you are higher on the rank and file than either job description. Maybe you should be the Town Mayor? Flinklockecole is near to pointing out a truth, this site has a good deal of Anarchy, Everyone want's to be the leader, no one want's to follow, It's Anarachy! O.O And I am getting old, so, I am a young mind gone Crazy. I thin...
    4. Deleted54170User


      ...k I will get a pocket knife, sit on a pad full of money to give me a soft cushion on the porch, grab a stick, shave off bit's of the stick with the knife, and when people ask me what I am doing I will say, "Whittling." Other wise I am going to take my money and go on a road trip.
  3. Well my town seems to be in the middle of the s***storm. Doubt I'll have internet, nor power tomorrow.

    Well I got food water and a sniper on a roof to keep off the baddies so I'll be alright hehe

  4. Someone neglecting their computer again eh?
  5. Hows my astronomer doing? Found any new habitable planets yet? White holes perhaps :P?
  6. Trying to hold. Onto a time when nothing mattered.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. antonkr


      ... I don't know my friend. Just try to live life like there is no tomorrow.
    3. Flintlockecole


      Drop everything, pick up a compass and start walking. I've been doing that for almost two years. Reminds me almost time to move on again.
    4. Deleted54170User


      Then tomorrow you and I will be living, while everyone else may be just trying to get by. I focus on my need's. What ever else come's along that I find interesting is a +Plus.
  7. Hey hows are you going dude?
  8. Oh nice :) Good luck with your PC
  9. Hey dude! :) How have you been?
  10. I got to shoot some tiny .22s and 12 gauge recently. Aaaaaaaand it was fun.
  11. Please get on MSN I need to talk
  12. Welcome back
  13. Last activity


    yea right you did quit >.>

  14. Dunno if you got my last message or not. Messenger has been acting strange lately.
  15. Good luck with school hope to see you back
  16. Good job man. All of us here are proud of how you are dealing with it. I know parents can be tough on you. My dad used to be an alchoholic untill he really messed up his kidneys. Keep up the good work man. You are doing awesome.
  17. Hey :D long time no see. When I am done can we go to the range? I want to shoot your AR-15 lol Now are you doing ?
  18. Hey how you holding up?
  19. You do realize it takes modders days to make mods. *facepalm
  20. You do realize it takes modders days to make mods. *facepalm
  21. Surely go for it.
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