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Everything posted by IxionInc

  1. Pork Pie hats are cool.. I want one.. Now.
  2. "I enjoy the feel of grain, The screams of a man in pain, Blood coming down like rain, Showering me! Oh that everlasting thrill, During the final kill, Body dumped in a landfill, Got off scott-free.. These are all the little things that make me smile, this is all the stuff that makes life worthwhile. One day I shall eat your brains and it'll be great, so let's sing about the things we like and meet our fates!" O.o I need help..
  3. Banning AzirAphale for not being a stalker. *peeps through a pair of binoculars at Mono*
  4. Banning Jj45 for calling him an idiot. He's "special". We don't use such language here! *sarcasm*
  5. I approve of this, but please, punctuation? *inner grammar nazi calmed* I've been requesting a mod like this for a while, but no one seems to find it any good. I was thinking have it be like a guild though, where you re-piece him together, and eventually, you can summon obelisks that call forth Knights of Order. Either way, good luck with this. *Saunters off to another thread*
  6. Lol I already own tenpenny because I blasted everyone there. and have a lot of minions, but sometimes I feel like chilling in a more country stage. u can see them as my vacations and ordering everyone to clean the crap out the floors is very nice :D I have my own village, built myself, on the Nuka-Cola factory. (Settler mod) I have a bunker outpost, made by me, populated with robots and turrets in a cemetery. (Personal Equipment mod) I am commander of the Chinese Army (Enclave Commander mod) And finally I have my own slave trade going. (Vault 101 slave trader mod.)
  7. Vault 101's experiment could have been "What would happen if an outsider was allowed in the vault", but then again, I could be wrong.
  8. Oh! One more idea! If it's possible, make it to where you swim through some parts of the space-station, but make the water clear, and make it to where you can breathe in it. That way, it'll look like the gravity is disrupted in some of the more "Damaged" areas!
  9. This could tie in extremely well. Not necessarily lore friendly, but it could tie in. Say perhaps, the space station was a large experimental vault kinda, like a Vault City. The thing was experimental, and had FEV testing on it. It also had an extremely large population. Then, the Enclave/Vault officials started doing the FEV tests for effects in space (lol), and there was a mutant outbreak. Everybody separates to the other side of the space station, and sets up shop there. The rest of it is working and functional, but overrun with all kinds of mutants. Also, the alien explorers might have encountered it on their way into the atmosphere, and have boarded the station, with their ships outside. The way it could work, is you could find a launch pod in a vault somewhere, which is kinda like a Pulowski preservation chamber, except with rockets, and it locks it's coordinates to the space station. Also, once you finish the questline or whatever up there, you can find one of the alien UFOs attatched outside, and board it, to go to other planets. That's my take on it.. O.o
  10. Euugh... *shudder shudder* Those guys creep me the f*** out, especially after seeing that movie, Sickhouse or whatever. It would be cool to have the outfit though. Mebbe make it a little darker, like in the aforementioned movie.
  11. Mal'saras had arrived at the crypt door. It was large, made of gold and brass, with complicated designs running over it that looked like golden vines. The skull containing Kunnuptu was rattling violently, sending explosive curses at Mal'saras' mind. When I get out, I shall lay you upon a slab, and rip out your intestines! Then I shall implant eels inside them, and let them feast upon your innards for the rest of your life!!! The skull screeched, drawing attention from several of the outlandish beings of this realm. "If you do not quiet your insignifigant rant, I will shatter your soul into a million pieces!" Mal'saras shouted at the skull. He raised an open palm to the door, and sent a large fiery blast towards it. The blast did nothing, and sent him hurtling back 20 feet. He rose up, dusting himself off, and returned back to the door. This time, pulling out the Chaos Ring, and slicing it down the metal door, the metal crackled with purple and green lightning, and yawned open, revealing a dank, shadowy abyss. He put the weapon away, and went inside the crypt, a large flame hovering next to him.
  12. Banning Mono for not seeing the imaginary ball that we all fear!
  13. I want to play Morrowind, since it must have a better spell system than oblivion, and far better quests and such. Unfortunately, I can't buy it in stores, and I don't know anyone who has it. Anyone who did, and let me play it, I only was able to play for like 20 minutes or so.
  14. Banning Monolithic for thinking that Dezdi needs a reason for banning.
  15. Banning monolithic for contradicting himself. (You banned Azir, who was two posts above you.)
  16. A Challenger Approaches!! IxionInc throws a lolcat at Floggingmolly.
  17. Ban AzirAphale for changing the Oblivion Smiley D:<
  18. "Is that so?" Mal'saras said, "I don't think he will have enough willpower to break through the Seal of the Tiefling. It's my own special seal that I use for demons such as Balrogs and Yszekraags. Should he reach for a weapon with malignant thoughts in his mind, his arms shall break and twist the closer he gets to anything sharper than a boiled egg. When he pulls back away from it, his arms will re-attatch themselves, showing no sign of damage. It also causes extreme pain towards the soul, weakening it's resolve, and making ever closer to becoming nothingness." Mal'saras pulled a skull out, pricking his thumb with his sharp nails. He wrote the same seal upon the skull in his blood, and held it towards Kunnuptu. A red flame came out of the circle on the skeleton's diaphragm, in turn making it disappear, and floated eerily towards the skull. It went inside the skull, making the symbols on it glow brightly. The skeleton fell to the ground in a pile of dust and bones. "I will take your advice on using a different soul and body. I'm thinking along the lines of having a Chain Spirit become one of my servants." With that notion, Mal'saras pocketed the skull, and headed off towards the Dwemer Crypts.
  19. Ban Jaosals for not making the emoticon with an Oblivion Gate
  20. Ban AzirAphale for not knowing about Nmilek! P.S. cool emoticon! http://img185.imageshack.us/img185/3963/obliviongatecz9.gif Sweeeeet...
  21. Actually, theres a wizard tower mod that has a chest "Mimic" that has legs and a mouth. This would be a great project to have in oblivion! It'd be awesome to go to the Unseen University for training. I hope this gets lots of attention, and hopefully a team to work on it. Good luck! :thumbsup:
  22. In the stomach of Archaon, the death-ray, inside the Guild of Mute Assassins, the guildmaster began to wonder where that one member of his had gone. What was his name? Maldariss? Nichalris? The master couldn't think clearly, as he was too tired. In the city of the dead, time passed slowly, and even though it was an Afterlife Plane, Archaon wasn't the most exciting of places. The dead souls there wished dearly for sleep, slumber. I guess that's what I get for joining the Valkar I suppose.. He thought. He leaped up into the air, latching onto the fleshy rooftop, and crawled into his study. His study had several stuffed heads of his victims, and a large well in the center. He went over to the well, and picked up one of the scarabs from inside. It was a pale red, that of flesh, and had a large tumor-like eye on it's shell. He stared into it, looking for new recruits. He had heard of someone who had mercilessly murdered several in a realm called Nirn, and how many other hitmen were killed by a warrior. The guildmaster saw them now, through the scarab's bloody carapace. He saw the one known as Silent Pete, a relentless killer. The guildmaster decided that he would seek this person out, to strengthen the guild's reputation.. "Ahh," Mal'saras whispered to Llervu, concealing his own thoughts, "But he had no strife with me in his lifetime, he opposed my servants..." The skeletal servant, known as Kunnuptu, was wearing his old ceremonial robes, and was holding his master's books for him. He had tried to hear his master's thoughts, but couldn't hear anything at all, no matter how hard he tried. Must be this forsaken sigil seal.. He's probably saying something about me, but I cannot hear without any ears! His fragile body swayed and creaked, and each time he would hear it, he would wince. Argh! The least he could do is release me 'till I am needed.. If only I could slay him right now! He tried lifting his arm towards a blade, but his arm was snapped in half. Gah! What in the great mountain?!? He reached away, his forearm hanging from the socket, and it reattatched, showing no signs of ever being broken.
  23. It's supposed to be that way. It would be incredibly difficult to draw several dozen frames and attach them together, and it would increase file size. I see your point. Carry on.
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