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Everything posted by BooneoftheWasteland

  1. I've got a lot of time in some games that I haven't finished yet, modded etc. Not the first time I've played them but would like to make the current ones I have going last a few years. However I feel my laptop may have only a couple of years left before it conks out. Has anyone every tried installing their games (FNV, FO4, Skyrim) onto a new laptop/pc, installed same mods, kept same load order, and cut & paste their saves? Does that work? Always been curious about that.
  2. So it's been difficult to purchase the dlc's off of Steam and it only offers the SE now. Are most mods compatible with SE? I'm asking here so that I don't bother mod authors in asking if their mod is compatible. What's your experience between the two and modding your game?
  3. Can anyone still advise on this? I've just reinstalled my Skyrim and would like to purchase the dlcs. I could buy SE but really don't want the issue of mods that aren't compatible.
  4. Ok nvrmnd. I usually play offline and I decided to reinstall Skyrim and it must have updated so even though I have backup mod installed that won't run so I'll just have to wait until f4se updates.
  5. Was just playing FO4 yesterday and now today it won't run as it says I'm playing a newer version of fallout then the script!?! Why would there be a newer version of Fallout or something happened that I missed?
  6. In my cart, viewed in firefox it says this: "All digital goods are delivered via the Steam desktop application.Steam and your games will be available for download at the end of the purchase." Would that mean then that it will connect after purchase?
  7. Thanks for response. I see the box Relevant to you but only see 'you own the base game' and 'user review'. I have yet to install it onto this current laptop however, would that effect it? Though none of my installed games show either
  8. So I noticed through a search that Steam hides the DLC's I had found links to each on Reddit http://store.steampowered.com/app/211720/The_Elder_Scrolls_V_Skyrim__Dawnguard/ http://store.steampowered.com/app/220760/The_Elder_Scrolls_V_Skyrim__Hearthfire/ http://store.steampowered.com/app/226880/The_Elder_Scrolls_V_Skyrim__Dragonborn/ However they launch in my firefox browser, so I log in there and add to cart but it doesn't connect to the Steam app I have had on my desktop since forever. Browser login has no games installed and prompts to install steam. How can I get the dlcs to show in the app version and put them in my cart? Thanks.
  9. Yes you are correct that I did manually delete, thanks for that info. Ok I would not have thought of my external mouse and keyboard, way to think out of the box imo, considering everything else was working. Soon as you mentioned that usb possibility it clicked in my head. Yes when playing FONV I had bought a cooling table for my laptop which is powered by usb, it also had the option to piggy back in so I used it for my keyboard usb. My main mouse wheel was no longer working so I have been using my traveling around mouse. Thing with that is that on laptop boot up my laptop doesn't recognize it and I always have to unplug and plug it back in. Moving forward to launching FO4 again with that set up...bam the issues. My friend you nailed it on the head, thank you!!!
  10. actually I did find the immersive settler esp in the data folder which is odd it was still there but not in the mod tab of NMM
  11. As an update. When I launch NMM it says I have no Fallout 4 ini and to launch the game but I do have and I've launched already. Also for some reason Memo1233-Immersive settlers.esp is on my mod list but it doesn't exist in my data folder. I have no idea why that is there.
  12. Ah also same thing when in pip boy and going to the menu screen to exit. My cursor swings around the screen as I try to hit the quit button.
  13. Hi, so the game has been fine since I bought it on day one. Recently took a break to play some FONV. Came back and dl'ed Sim Settlements recent update and RISE. Since then I have lost player control and movement. I've discussed it on the SS forum and tried a few things, uninstall SS, checked on Steam player controls and everything was enabled/true, so last resort was to uninstall and reinstall. Did that. Launched the game again and still the same issue. I launched NMM and plugin tab was as expected, just fallout esms, however when going to the mods tab all my old mods from last game was still there!?! I had to individually delete each mod which was a 20 minute ordeal. What baffled me was what was I deleting? All the files have been wiped and non-existent from my hd, Anyhow my issue is this; image being drunk and the room is spinning and you play the game walking around and looking left to right and you have not control. If I run forward and release the 'w' button the pc continues to run 3 to 4 more steps, so the pc runs into everything and just can't stop, strafing is the same. looking around and trying to pick something up is a dizzying task. At this point the game is unplayable and I don't know what to do. I've never come across something like this in my 10 years of playing OB & FO games. I really hope someone can help.
  14. Thanks for response. I looked like crazy then thought of perhaps adding item in console and it worked. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Brotherhood_of_Steel_mission_holotape player.additem <item code> 1 works. Use the item code listed on the page, if anyone else comes across this
  15. Hi, haven't played FONV in a long time and never finished it which is the plan now. So as title I'm on the BoS quest Still in the Dark and I can't find Paladin Raseleanne at Nellis for the holotape, seems to be common. My google search came up with no resolutions though. Anyone have suggestions to find her or further this part of the quest so I can continue with the quest? Thanks.
  16. For years now I have been dependent on my download history so I can refer back to old mods and check for updates or redownload them because of playing a new game. Now I noticed the history is lumped together of all the different games I play!?! Also searching by categories no longer searches by most popular, most downloaded? Are these going to be address or changed or is this new format the end?? Can't say I'm a fan of the new format. :(
  17. Thanks, did a quick google on that and seems that should work. Will give it a try
  18. Hi so I made an error with several settlers. After helping to defend an owned settlement I decided to go into Workshop mode and send a few of them to another settlement, felt one was getting too crowded. I had done this again at another location and at another time. Unfortunately I have found out that when talking to them at their new locations they are stuck in the "Thanks for helping us out" dialogue. More then several of them and it's been several in game days now of playing. I would be fine if I made the error with just one but there is quite a few of them, if they can't be saved I would need to delete them. Any chance I can get back in to "I just need to trade with you" dialogue and if not what's the safest way to delete them and remove from settler count? I'm on PC and am very familiar with using console. Thanks!
  19. Cass and Piper are my favorite female companions of all the games. I give a slight edge to Piper. I liked Jericho's cussing when you have him as a companion. Also honorable mention to Bittercup and thanks to the mod community I was able to have her as a companion as well. Moira Brown is a great character and very memorable too.
  20. Heard of it mentioned. Going to check it out now then
  21. Sometimes for me it doesn't load the icon, also if you don't have the materials to build nothing shows up for me as well.
  22. It doesn't seem to allow me to switch that access to Admin or User
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