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Tony the Wookie

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Posts posted by Tony the Wookie

  1. So basicly you would need a new child NPC that is found in Paradise Falls


    Then you would need to create dialogue for that NPC for them to ask you to save them or whatever


    You would also need to add dialogue for Eulogy Jones and a few other people in Paradise Falls to acknowledge the existance of the child NPC



    Then you would just need dialogue for the child NPC to acknowlegde that you saved them, and to have them follow you around, with some possible dialogue options during this time


    Add an option that you can have them stay st your house, which would open up even more new dialogue for the child as well as have them stop following you


    Finnaly just add a new line of dialogue to your father




    Really, once you break it down it seems quite simple


    you could probly pull this off yourself if you really wanted too

  2. maybe have something like the ammo press in the Pitt, that turns scrap into ammo


    That is what the blacksmith is going to do, so I don't think the player house needs one


    but items that up the SPECIAL skills seems a bit unfair, since the only other way to raise them is through perks and bobbleheads (all of which aren't easy to get, or are a big decision to get)


    It only raises it temporaraly, and once you are not well rested anymore you lose it



    but how would it change?


    I was simply going to add it to the well rested bonus


    maybe have one of the more girlish/younger characters help you with a garden (that just looks nice), but would any of those kinda characters be the flower type?


    That would deffinatly be Popari

  3. Ok, so what exactly do you think the upgrades to the players house shold be?


    I want to have upgrades, that when you add them to the house it upgrades your well rested stats when you sleep in that house


    You don't actualy have to waste your time useing the upgrades, it just adds on when you sleep there



    I was thinking about these


    Weight Room - adds to strength and agility (mabe have multiple upgrades for the weight room)

    Zen Garden - adds to luck

    Jacuzzi - adds to carisma

    Tool Set - upgrade to wrokbench, adds repair


    I also thought it might be cool to repair an old solar pannel that allows you to create ammo for laser weapons


    but anyways, give me your ideas on what you think the upgrades for the player house should be

  4. polycount dont really matter. the biggest thing that eats up space is textures.


    i was playing with a stargaye atlantis full city & its masive, it still went ingame no bother.


    i have allsorts of models but over 1gig of textures. iv managed to trim it down to 800mb by texture shareing & stuff.


    that is why I went through and merged the stuff into seemless peices, so there is zero texture overlaping


    but haveing 12 windows at about 1000 polys each will deffinatly slow things down, but I can simply make some low poly versions



    but doesn't making it one peice make texturing a bit harder, since they have to be put together perfectly?



    it is welded together, so when i unwrap it i will just stitch the edges and it will come out with a better result, since there won't be seems in the textures and stuff


    but the whole house is going to be in 5 peices


    top level roof

    lower roof



    main house



  5. polycount dont really matter. the biggest thing that eats up space is textures.


    i was playing with a stargaye atlantis full city & its masive, it still went ingame no bother.


    i have allsorts of models but over 1gig of textures. iv managed to trim it down to 800mb by texture shareing & stuff.


    that is why I went through and merged the stuff into seemless peices, so there is zero texture overlaping


    but haveing 12 windows at about 1000 polys each will deffinatly slow things down, but I can simply make some low poly versions

  6. http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/2890/thehouse16.jpg


    It doesn't look as different as it is


    but I went through and connected all 3 of the bottom level roofs into one seemless peice, and then went through and fixed issues with the geometry, that arn't real noticable on the render, but would have caused problems when I unwrap the thing, I also decreased the poly count of the main body of the house from 856 to 660. I will still have to make some low poly windows and stuff, since each window is between 700 and 1000 polys...

  7. it looks great

    maybe make the houses out of a mixture of brick and wood (though that would be a pain to build and not make all the houses look the same)

    I think fairly intact brick would be kinda rare (just like wood) and there wouldn't be anything to bind it

    maybe have some metal plating with sandbags on the inside, but that would look too much like Megaton

    could have some wooden planks stuck together or something

    maybe primitive concrete made from water plus small bits of rubble and dust/etc.?

    bricks could work, but would need alot of explaining

    the bar could be a big several story building near the entrance (very impressive face to grab traveler's attention)

    this is like the bar from Cheers, right?



    It looks like the same bar, or at least it has the Island kind of layout that I was talking about


    I just like that it has the Bar in the middle and room for regular tables around it, and it would take up enough room to put 3 rooms upstairs

  8. Well, the Player House, Mayor's House, Tavern, and mabe a few other various buildings will be Pre-War houses that had major repairs done, and really, wood would be much more likely to still be standing after the bomb...


    I know for sure that the wall around the town will be a combination of stone sections, uniform brick sections, and thrown together various size and shape brick sections... I'll even have brick ontop of stone and stuff like that. I wan't it too look very patchwork like. The Barracks will be made out of the exact same texture


    I want a variety of buildings as well, since it is a wasteland and they would just be grabbing whatever resources they can find, so I need to find a way to make the town look good with a combination


    Pre-War rebuilt buildings

    Post-War brick and stone structures

    and Post-War log cabins


    I wan't to use the different buildings based on when they were built




    The town was first started by the current Mayor's grandpa (Charles) and Franklin the Ghoul, who were at the time part of a group of Raiders. The Raiders had sucessfully gotten into a Vault and destroyed the place and split anything of value between themselves (and by value, that includes the surviving Vault Dwelers as slaves). As his part of the loot, Charles just wanted the water purifier.


    After the takeover of the Vault, Charles and Franklin left the Raiders with the idea of using the Water Purifier and setting up a business selling water to the people of the Wasteland. They found the remains of a mansion by a small pond that they could use the water purifier on. It was in pretty decent shape considering it was in the middle of a Wasteland. Soon they had customers giveing them all the suplies they could need. They soon hired a guy who was a skilled carpenter and a team of workers to fix up the mansion, as well as the tavern. The carpenter also fixed up a building for himself in the town. They also set up a small farm and repaired the remains of the pre war house to have the farm hands live in


    So the first four buildings are the Mayor's house, then the Tavern, the Carpenter's place, and the Farm House eventualy belonging to the player, all of which would be the remains of pre war houses


    Then as more people started comeing to the town, and Charles started worrying about security, so him and the rest of the people that had joined up with him went about collecting all the brick and stones they could find around the area.


    (cement if deffinatly possible, considering the Roman's had cement, and modern third world countries like Haiti have it as well, so building with cement and brick/stone marerials would be an obvious choice)


    They build the Wall and the Barracks in order to keep people from getting into the town without permission, and then they set up a tradeing store for official business and a blacksmith. They also set up a house for the people working on the town, which later becomes the Library


    So the next set of buildings includes the Town Wall, Barraks, Blacksmith, Library, and Barber, which will all be made Post War out of a combination of stone and bricks.


    The town stays like that for a while, and then a man from Point Lookout comes in search of a safe place to settle down. Charles offers him protection in their city if he would allow them to take his boat back to Point Lookout and colect Punga Fruit seeds and Lumber. They bring back a huge load of lumber that they use to build Log Cabins and repair the older buildings. (there is still a pile of extra lumber in the city today, which will be used as you make repairs to the town) The guy from point lookout eventualy takes his boat apart and builds a second farm in the town.


    So the third set of building would be the Second Farm, made out of lumber and boat peices, and then the log cabin structures for the Medicine Shop, the Bakery, and the General Store.


    The remaining two open houses will probly be re-made pre-war houses, but much more repaired, since those houses were in far worse shape than the origional ones

  9. That looks amazing.



    I wish I lived there........but I'd have to drop my computer and me into a pool at the same time causing our electromagnoenergies to be combined into one. I just seems like a hassle. Good work though.


    Well, thats good to hear, since that was kindof the idea, make a player house you would actualy want to live in :wink:


    though I am still debateing whether I want to use it as the player house at all, or make a similar style house but smaller for the player, and use this one as the mayors house... once I get this done I can make a copy of it to cut apart and form into other houses...


    The town is really going to be a mix between pre-war houses that have been fixed up (like the one im working on) and post-war made log cabins that were build after the creation of the town. The wall is also going to be post-war built.



    But anyways, what do you think I should do for the walls? Normal siding, brick, stone, or mabe it would look cool with old worn out wood like this texture I put together last night for the log cabins and stuff... I tried to make it look all faded, but I think I might have gone a bit too far



  10. Well, if it was in any way, shape, or form something unique or origional you were sugesting, then yes...


    But anyone can come on here and say, "hey, I want someone to make this for me, but I am not going to do anything to help..."



    All you did was type 3 sentences with no sort of puntuation, asking someone to do something, you didn't even bother to post reference shots of the outfit, so if I wanted to make this thing, I would have to go to google to find some pictures to go off of... which would probably take more time than it took you to throw this topic together...




  11. I think if you avoided the use of the words Total Conversion, people would be alot more supportive, positive and helpful. That word, TC, turns people off right away. Everyone throws it around, but only one in ten million will ever actually make one


    One in ten million :confused:


    isn't that more than just a little bit optimistic...

  12. Ah, still looking even better than before :D The houses look they are kind of from our era, if that is supposed to be when they are from...


    Start working on the other parts of the house before you continue texturing. It will make you feel like you accomplished just a bit more ;)


    I didn't do any texturing yet, I just changed my render settings to be higher quality (just learned how to do that today...)

  13. "And here I thought cptkrush only meant for an alternate start mod."


    yeah, actually. all my resources would be from the game, im awful at art lol. And it wouldn't be huge at all, maybe just a small town, then i could build on it over time. Basically i planned on keeping the setting in the D.C. area to keep workload at a minimal, maybe change a few things and get rid of some little villages.


    If all the resources are from the game, and it is still in the Capital Wasteland, and all you are going to be makeing is a small town... then it would in no way, shape, or form resemble a total conversion... :confused:


    Well, sort of, I mean im talking way into the future after i know how to actually efficiently use the GECK. I want to know if you can just wipe the whole game and make a totally new concept as a total conversion , thus removing all vaults, and anything Fallout related in general in order to make a whole new experience , or is this not possible at all, because i love the gameplay mechanics and everything, and i would like to be able to just create something totally unique with it.


    I'm just curious... do you really know what exactly you are trying to do? Your posts seem a bit contradicting...

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