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Everything posted by MizerD

  1. haha no worries CBR 125 Rw-7
  2. Haha your in the same boat as many of us. Damn the price of peat! :tongue:
  3. Plus for anyone wanting to play as an imperial, i'm sure they wouldnt want to join the rebellion!!!!! :no: not unless i couls sabotage it from the inside of course :mellow:
  4. Cool, I'd love to build one but wouldn't know where to start lol
  5. Mate its cheaper to get it from Play.com, its only a few quid but every penny counts right?! :happy: http://www.play.com/Games/PC/4-/18028090/The-Elder-Scrolls-5-Skyrim/Product.html?searchtype=allproducts&searchsource=0&searchstring=skyrim&urlrefer=search .
  6. Lol happy pills are a welcome substitute for any pain :P i know what your talking about when i fell of a motorbike in Florida literally the very first question i was asked by a medical professional was "do you have insurance" followed by "for your sake, i hope so" lol the very first question i was asked was "are you alright" (eh, NO!) followed by "where the hell did yall come from man" ha But anyway back on topic, your quite right, money mends everything (within reason)
  7. I bet that's the last time you look at the art book too :P Lol except everytime I go out somewhere. XD haha gonna keep a picture of it in ur wallet? :laugh:
  8. there fixing it now lol http://shop.gameplay.co.uk/playstation-3/dead-island-special-edition/_/PX3040/productpage.html good thing i ordered it before they started to try n fix it :D Kudos buddy!!!
  9. Oh I know I already asked about pickpoketing, but I had a thought, what happens if you cast a frost spell on water?!?! EDIT: it's really bugging me lol
  10. I fekin wish! Usually when I preorder games online they come a damn day late. So I've arranged for in store pick up for skyrim. I usually order with play.com because shipping is free in Britain, and it's normally extorsionate rates for postage where I live. Who do you order with?
  11. MizerD

    What time is it???

    I'm in the uk and it's 21.47
  12. I know what you mean, I lost my dad 18 month ago to lung cancer. Due to some uncanny things they caught it early but with all the waiting around pushing things back a month here and a month there, forgetin to tell him that he has appointments lined up for him, and a hole bunch of stuff I'm sure your aware of, it spread to his liver and bowel. All because they didn't act quick enough. ( not that thay see it that way)
  13. That's not true at all. Pete just recently said that they are aiming at 11.11.11 as expected, and that the game would be delayed only if something horrible would happen. (Aliens kidnapping Todd, for example) I don't think that would stop em :P
  14. You never hear of anyone wanting to play as Redguard?! i didnt think they'd be so low on the poll
  15. I'm guessing your pretty happy that dual wielding is in the game, yeah? :laugh:
  16. haha just sayin..... you where caught once already...... :laugh:
  17. I wish there were brothels! If you could try lockpicking and pickpocketing see what thats like. maybe you'll be able to tell us all if its like oblivion or fallout :) cheers
  18. maybe the water is scared of the DRAGON BORN and is just trying to get away from his stomping nord feet
  19. Haha good idea but you'll be thrown in jail if you get caught trying to get back in to Skyrim!!
  20. From morrowind? Yup sure is! :D The ultimate explore track from Morrowind - the greatest of them all, the almighty.. hrm.. you get the point. ;D lol Yeah i get the point :laugh: i love it too!
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