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Status Updates posted by Netwit2008

  1. Hello Chaterbox! What a pleasant surprise to come back and find you as a new friend! I'm honored. Thanks & nice to meet you :o)
  2. Well that's not far at all. I'll keep you posted on that if it comes to pass. And whew! Be careful what you wish for is all I can say. It snowed SO BAD, that all schools cancelled for today, including mine! Love the day off, but man we've got way more than a dusting this time. It's cool with me tho, as long as I don't have to go out, lol
  3. Ya!! All Hail the Nice People!! Be careful tho....you know power corrupts! :o)
  4. There's no denying you do have an artistic talent! Enjoyed viewing your work. Thanks for visiting my way. Beautiful baby boy :o)
  5. Sly, Sly where are you, are you ok? Hugs and Happy New Year!
  6. A poli?? Oh hell naw!! You're much too good of a person for that role. Although you would become rich, lol
  7. As soon as I wrote that to you last night, I went upstairs & looked out and it had snowed! Dusted, but still. It's snowing again right now, looks like it will be more than a dusting. Orion huh? That sounds so kewl! You gonna share those? :o) The conference is in Madison. I don't know if I'll get to go, but if I do, I'd love to visit if I'm close enough.
  8. Well we STILL have no snow. Had some spitting the other day. I had to say, Mother Nature you tease, lol And it has been so windy here too. Just about freeze your face off and blow it away, lol You'll have to tell me what part of your state you're in. I have the chance possibly to attend a conference there in the spring. If you're near, meeting will be mandatory! :o)
  9. Thank you Lex, I hope your new year is off to a dynamite start! :o)
  10. Thank you, thank you! Right back at cha VB :o)
  11. Well I bow down to you and say Congrats! I may give it a try someday. There's so many things I want to do and so little time. I'd still like to mod, but time is always an issue. You should consider building and selling. I bet you could do well. Plus everybody needs a side hustle :o)
  12. Girl I don't make resolutions, lol I figure either I'm going to do something or I'm not. If I had to make one, it would be to not sweat the small stuff. Too many weird things going on right now worldwide, so I just want to enjoy life and cherish my family & friends as much as I can. Did you make any? :o)
  13. It was a blast and then some. Yeah I know you are spotty on Nexus, lol Hope ya'll get to talk soon, she told me you got connected at least. She's been sick and not online much tho.

    Did I say I'm addicted to NV?? Uh...yeah, I am, lol

  14. Happy New Year sweet gypsy! :o) I hope you're having a marvelous time!
  15. Hugs and Happy New Year Rebel-Rebel!! :o)
  16. Happy New Year Weather Girl!! I hope you're not eyeballs deep in snow. Here it suddenly got bone chilling cold, so no way I'm going out, lol Besides NV is calling me...calling me...lol! :o)
  17. Feel better and Happy New Year!! :o)
  18. LOL! Yes you're right, only I'm not behind the times, they are behind me pushing me to do waaaaay too many things, lol One day, one day I'll learn to mod AND build my own rig! :o)

    Happy New Year Girl!!

  19. Happy New Year Keanu! May this year be better than the last :o)
  20. Oooooh! You are evil, lmao! Had me clicking for days! :o) LOVE the sig you made. Wishing you a Happy New Year back!
  21. Isn't it grand to be able to crank everything up?! I love it. I didn't see the weather report for here, but I know tonite we went to see the TransSiberian Orchestra in concert. It was 52 degrees! I still wish we'd had a lil snow. Any big plans for NY eve? Our tradition is to stay home & toast at midnite. I'm sure I'll be playing NV since nxt wk it's rite back...
  22. Ok, I feel better knowing that :o) Building your own PC?? You GO Gurl! I've always wanted to do that. I've upgraded things, added a card or two but nothing like starting from scratch. Is DAO2 out already? Lord I'm behind times! I started a game but got so caught up in OB that I never went back. Now NV has my attention & won't give it back, lol I'm sending you hugs for a bright & Happy New Yr!
  23. No! You didn't get anything for Christmas/Festivus?! Well dancing WILL cure what ails ya, lol Tonight my daughter and I are off to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. It looks like such a good show, I can't wait! Guess I should go to bed first tho, lol
  24. If you've been physically sick (as opposed to sick in the head, lol) then I hope you're feeling much better! :o)
  25. True girl, true. BUT, I didn't have to spend any money, lol My daughter was SO good to me. She was the one who got all my games, even NV which I had told her I didn't want, lol I'm loving it. And we danced till we sweated on Xmas day. Even my mom was trying it. I was a big DDR fan, so these are right up my alley! Hope you had a fantabulous day as well :o)
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