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Status Updates posted by Netwit2008

  1. I don't edit much, usually just to sharpen & lighten them up if too dark. I love taking screenies! I wish I hadn't used up all my pic space here posting gifs in gif wars. I'd love to show off some of my nature photos. 100 auctions at once?! Shoot I get overwhelmed when I have like 5 going, lol I wanna go someplace real warm for vaca tho, & I figure this would be one way to sweeten the pot :o)
  2. LOL! I have full confidence in you oh General :o)
  3. I guess they all are now. I know at Christmas ebay was not charging fees at all. I knew I should have jumped on it then. Now it's probably back up to costing your first born, lol Great job on the story and image btw. Great cliffhanger!
  4. I'll go check it out. I was in bed with the sniffles today. Well until I had to go save those guttering appraisal men from my ferocious dog, who in the process of getting chewed out by me, made me fall on the patio right in front of them >.< I was heated, lol So I snuck up a min. ago to see how my NV images were received. I haven't written any new poetry in sooo long! Too busy playing games, lol
  5. You're very welcome :o)
  6. I keep forgetting to tell you, I love the new sig! Very cute :o)
  7. Dang! I was wondering what you were doing up so late. Sucks to have to go in at 3 am! I'll check that site. The only reason I got on ebay was to sell these little couches my mom was making. They were so cute, a brick that looked like a couch. She was really good at it. Sold a few, but shipping was more than cost. Also makes dish towels w/a kitchen towel sewn to a fabric top that you can button.
  8. Etsy? I've never heard of that. Is it similar to ebay? I do a lot of shopping there on holidays. I've sold a fair amount too, although none lately. I need to get busy on it cuz we've got quite a few items that need to go. I forgot to say yesterday, we have a German Shepherd female named Trinity. Used to be a very friendly girl, now she's scary to strangers, lol Made me fall & skin my knee today!
  9. As Chet says in NV, "Can do!" :o)
  10. LOL! I rather like meadows filled with grazing sheep, looks peaceful :o) Actually, I've never been to Europe, one of those things I'd like to do, when the economy gets a bit better, lol
  11. Well with a new game engine, we can only hope the construction set will not be a hot mess to run, lol I bet making a companion in Skyrim or even Oblivion is much easier than FO3 or NV.
  12. Ok, I take that back, I gave you kudos long ago. But if I could, I'd give you another :o)
  13. Brigand, I'm giving you kudos for being an all around helpful person! I've seen you quite a bit in the FONV mod threads and you are always so kind and willing to lend a hand. So kudos and adding you as a friend. Plus you know MDC519 and he's another great dude :o)
  14. Oh look at all the pretty little sheepies, colorfully prancing across your friends list! But--Shhh! I'll be stoned by my sheep hating friends if they catch me admiring your friends' sheep! :o) Ok, that avatar just scared me, lol Love it!
  15. Custard & Burgers! That's so romantic, did you guys go to Culvers, or do you have it where you are? We love it here. I'm going to go look at your masterpieces. I saw on the 10 day forecast, it's going to be SIXTY EIGHT here this week!! Can you believe that?? I'm glad you didn't slip & fall. Lord knows until the great melt, everytime I opened my front door, I was taking my life in my hands, lol
  16. I want to go somewhere warm for vacation! Altho I bet Scandanavia is sooooo gorgeous.
  17. I gathered. I'm having trouble finding tutorials on creating companions, so I'm already confused, lol I want to give shouts to my friends and mentors thru her dialogue. I think for you, she'll say-"my thanks to the friggin master of fatality!" when she's being sarcastic & flippant with someone, lol
  18. CT, that baby pic is ADORABLE!! Thank you for posting & sharing your baby awesomeness with us :o) I'll be looking forward to those coming up. My favorite show is usually a reality show. I teach psychology so the interactions fascinate me. I should watch NCIS since I'll be teaching Forensic Psych in the fall. I didn't realize that abt Skyrim. I just hope it lives up to our grand expectations, lol
  19. *HUG* Just thought I'd drop by and leave one for ya Rebel :o)
  20. My you are handsome, aren't you Priest? :o)
  21. You know Fatal, I like your style. I'm adding you as a friend if you don't mind :o) Because of you and that thread you started, I've decided to finally learn to mod by making an African American companion with GECK. I don't know how it will turn out, or if I can do it. But hopefully l can and there will be interest in it. Thanks for being my catalyst!
  22. Isn't it nice to know your culinary legacy lives on? :o) You're always busy, but that's better than having idle hands. You know what they say about those, lol!
  23. Do you suppose all those black sheep have any wool?? lol! How you doin Thor :o)
  24. Well I didn't check out the faces, but for some reason, the graphics didn't look all that good to me. I hope I'm wrong about that. Oblivion did spoil me with the gorgeous vistas.
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