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Status Updates posted by Netwit2008

  1. I can't complain Sly. I actually have a bit of time to fool around here & guess what?! I want to make a companion for FONV! I just got GECK. Don't know how I'll do, but we'll see. I got it for Xmas & I haven't played anything else since. It captivates me much more than FO3 did. I think I burnt myself out on OB. Takin a break, but I will check out your mods for later when I go back. Good to C-U!
  2. Hello Camonna Tong! Lovin that name :o) Reminds me of my old Morrowind days. Thanks for the add, it's always nice to log on and see a new friendly face! What were you referring to in the msg. you left me? Forgive me, I'm slow, lol And for the record, I say show that cute little face! :o)
  3. "We're havin a heat waaaaave, a tropical heat waaaave!!" lol! I hate the mushy, muddy part, especially when doggie dear wants to go outside and track all around. Sounds like we're both having the same heat wave. It was warm enough today, I contemplated leaving my coat behind, lol
  4. Still no reason to get all riled up cause you said that! The story is SO important. Honestly, I'm glad a new one is coming, but why oh why did they choose Skyrim?? I hate the cold and that's all that area reminds me of. I was disappointed. *Looks around nervously..* Hope nobody slashes my tires cause I said that, lol
  5. The vampire is off to bed, but you be sure and check your e-mail. Test 2's samples are better than 1's IMHO. Lemme know what you think :o)
  6. Hey you! I have some voice samples I can send if you're still interested. They are for a friend modding FONV, but still may give you an idea of how I sound. Lemme know if you want them. Say hello to the missus! :o)
  7. Hello Silver my friend! Long time no talk to. Still enjoying those wonderful recipes :o)
  8. What have you been up to Sly? It's been ages since we talked! I hope all is peachy in your world :o)
  9. Hey Beautiful Gypsy! Belated Happy Birthday :o)
  10. Well I don't know if it was REALLY 60 today. My vampire arse was asleep. Snow is melting though, along with the concrete on my front steps! Dang salt :o( I never could get into sewing. I tried, really I did, lol My mom got my daughter a sewing machine when she was younger. She made me a pair of *ahem* culottes (I think they were, lol) and that was the end of that, lol!
  11. I don't know why they're acting all crazy about it. There's nothing wrong with a new story line. I like the idea of having elements perhaps of the old story, but each new installment really needs to be a story of its own so that folks new to it can enjoy it too. So naw, that's not to much to ask at all, IMHO of course :o)
  12. You are just a woman of many talents! You have to post pics now, I wanna see that purse :o) Who knows, it might turn into a lucrative side hustle. I crocheted years ago. Taught my daughter to crochet and knit. Bad thing is, I STILL have the projects I started and I know that was 20 years ago at least, lol! Guess what?? 60 degrees being predicted :o( ) what kind of crazy is that??
  13. Don't feel like the lone ranger, girl- neither have I and we get snow almost every winter, lol Just like the lamb eating, it will be a new adventure! :o)
  14. You crochet too? What colors? You should upload a picture :o)
  15. You want it sister, you got it, lol All we'll need are pieces of coal, a carrot, some twigs, a funky hat and a halo for you of course :o)
  16. Well thank you so much, lol Somebody needs to tell the weather controllers you gave us the sun. Yesterday it snowed AGAIN! And today, so cold it's ridiculous! Hey, I meant to say I hope you are nowhere near the massive flooding. I hope you & your family are safe!
  17. I had to laugh my butt off! I thought I was the only one to have the heat go out in the dead of winter, and then use the oven until I got it fixed! Hey it works, lol Still cold here *sigh* then it snowed just enough yesterday to cause wrecks. I'm ready to go on vaca BIG time, lol Hope you get the heat back on soon! At least you have someone besides a dog, cats and daughter to snuggle with :o)
  18. LOL! I hope it was tasty :o)
  19. 17 below?! And here I was griping about zero! I didn't realize it got that cold in your neck of the woods. But you're right, the snow is pretty, I just don't want anymore of it right now, lol
  20. Well we didn't get that second wave, altho they've threatened us with it twice now. Just sunny...but cold, yeeech, lol! No shoveling here. We paid some guy with a blade on his truck to clean out the driveway. My front stoop and steps are death traps, literally, lol We had a bad storm like that once. Ice broke everything down. We had battery TV and candles, ahhh! so rustic!
  21. Thanks for that sun girl, Lord knows we need it! We had some today, too bad the temperature isn't playing as nice as the sunshine, lol
  22. I sense your campaign must be working! I see much less sheepies jumping around on the Nexus these days, lol Sssshh! don't tell anyone, but BE is trying to get me to eat one, lolol!!
  23. Praying to Oprah?? Oh Lord, I'm going to have to debrief you lol She has her own network-OWN over here. I'm sure she showers as many blessings on you as Almalexia did on her followers lol Hey, I could use a good kabob right about now! You'll still have to sell me on the lamb, I'm afraid to try anything other than grilled. Altho CC's campaign must be working, I see much less of them than before!
  24. Yo Yo Yo! How ye be? Been snowy here to the point of being snowed in with no internet! I'm so glad you stopped by. I've been wondering how you are. Lost in Tamriel I bet, lol I LOVE the new avatar! Blessings to you, stay warm and safe :o)
  25. Hey Keanu! I didn't have internet. We got the same blizzard my weather girl partner Illiad got. It was crazy, schools and businesses cancelled for about 3 days and they're saying it starts over again tomorrow. I'm trying to dl all the NV mods I might want, so I'll have something to do if we get snowed in again, lol Sure is nice to know I was missed! I missed you guys too :o)
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