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Status Updates posted by Netwit2008

  1. Ok, you had me rolling as usual, lol! Welcome back. And of course I'll do a companion just for you. I gotta get them packaged to upload one of these days. But how you gonna bust my chops abt NV comps & you ain't even playin right now?? C'MON SON!! Hey, send me the story, I'd love to read it...Son :o) Oh Lawd, lol
  2. Well it's running, but I'll have to make a move here soon. Get another vehicle or something. Blah! That one is paid for, I don't want a car payment :o( I hope you have a good weekend to make up for your lonely b-day :o)
  3. That was really nice! See...handsome and thoughtful, that is a super winning combo :o)
  4. Wow! Sounds like my kinda holiday. I'll have to research how it originated. I hope you got your girl and your mum something nice :o)
  5. Go to Bethsoft's official site and then the Downloads page. Just scroll down the list, you should find what you need. Follow the install instructions and you'll be patched to the latest version.
  6. How VERY kewl to be able to put a face with the infamous name! You're a handsome devil Push, even if you are stricken with "the dumb" lol! Thank you very much for your Women's day wishes. *whispering* I didn't even know it was women's day, lol
  7. I didn't realize you didn't eat meat. Sorry abt. that! So I leave you a hearty bowl of vegetarian chili instead :o) It will keep ya warm, lol And the vehicle has given me no trouble till now. I take very good care of it, but it is older. Just time to get a new one or start fixing normal stuff. I love that van, so I'm resistant to the idea of getting something new, lol
  8. I remembered! HAPPY HAPPY!! I hope you have a marvelous day! Car's a minivan. Plymouth Grand Voyager. Horrible sound followed by strong electrical burn smell & smoke. Mechanic said the air conditioning compressor ran out of fluid & locked up. I still don't get it, but I'm not car savvy. He says $1000+ to fix. I say oh sht!! He put on a used compressor so I could drive it. Does that sound right??
  9. Done! Sad tho it may be, lol Hey did you like that chicken? :o)
  10. I hope I don't need a new vehicle!!!! You can thank wk78 for this pity party, lol But seriously, electrical burning smell and smoke rolling out from under the hood, can't be good.....
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Netwit2008


      Hmmm.....maybe that burning smell isn't electrical wires burning but some type of party substance, lol
    3. vvk78


      Substance abuse is illegal!


      Parties are not!


      So let us sell your comatose car and spend the proceeds at a lavish party at Las Vegas!

    4. Netwit2008


      Sounds good, lol But what happens when the fog of gambling and liquor wears off and I'm still vehicle-less?! Brings a new meaning to what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas doesn't it, cause that's where I'd have to stay lol!!
  11. How ya feelin Weather Girl? Hey just being alive, living a happy life is gift enough, yanno? All else is gravy :o) I hate car sticker time too. But rite now I'm waiting anxiously to see what happened to my vehicle. It had smoking and burning on Sunday, had to be towed home. I'm scared to see what they're going to say is wrong and how much it will cost! Pray for me, lol No seriously.... :o)
  12. You joined Nexus on my birthday! Just saying hi as if I don't write enough on the NosCo thread, lol :o)
  13. Hi Push! Just saying hi, I hope all is well. Haven't talked to you in awhile, but you seem to be your as always lovable self :o)
  14. *sneaking in with a plate of homemade fried chicken and a big cool glass of cola* ~taking a bite out of your chicken and running off giggling~ :o)
  15. Took a break from FONV to check on Oblivion. Of course I HAD to have the 1.6 ver of the Goddesses store. Man those new wigs are SO cute! The new clothes are too. All I did after not playing for 7 months was go to the shop and buy new stuff, lol Hope all is well :o)
  16. Oh you and me both! I wasn't too hyped up until I saw that trailer. Man how geeky is it that I got goosebumps from it, lol I got sidetracked from Oblivion when I got FONV for Christmas. I can't believe it, but I made my first companion mods using the NosCo system. Not half bad if I do say so myself. Now I just have to learn to package them so they'll be upload ready. It was fun, that's for sure.
  17. Rofl! No it's still true, but I must admit, your Beethoven clothes did throw me, lol Now you look handsome and sagacious :o)
  18. Oh! and in case I forget by Thursday-

    *****HAPPY BIRTHDAY Weather Girl!!!*****

    Keep us posted on what you get from b-friend hehe! :o)

  19. Oh man! We went on a vaca once to Orlando. The house we rented had an alarm similar to a smoke det on the door to the pool. Somehow we caused it to go off & then couldn't get it shut down all nite! lol It was awful! Yep, 60 one day with rain, then 40s again. But it was sunny today. I hope spring is around the corner, but I'm not sold yet, lol You have a good one too. A quiet one hopefully :o)
  20. Aleve is good. It's in the same class as ibuprofen. I'm just glad you're feeling better. I was not feeling so well on Tuesday, but it passed quickly, thank God. Well blah on the weather front! It was 60 today, but rain and dropped temps coming. Yuck!
  21. This weather is so finicky & unpredictable. It was in the 40s yesterday & today. All the snow has melted & now it's just a slushy muddy mess! My girl was a trooper cleaning house tonite & getting up all those stupid dog prints, lol! Put your head under a steam bath in the sink or shower. Take 2 tylenol or 2 ibuprofen (400 mg.) every 4-6 hours. Get well soon! Can't have my weather girl down & out!
  22. Man, the hangover sounds much worse than all that snow, lmao! I hope you feel better today. I swear, it would be so crazy to live where that much snow falls so close together. It's gonna take until next August to dig out and all melt, lol! You be well and be safe :o)
  23. You are very welcome! :o)
  24. Aww, thanks for the compliment on my mod. Since then, I've made a male companion and another female. They are really turning out good. As soon as I get really good at it, then I'd like to release them with backstories and perhaps a quest or player home. It's fun and easy using NosCo. I'm glad you liked it :o)
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