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Everything posted by rjhelms84

  1. Thanks mate. I'll be in touch, if we need your expertise! :) A Demo video of a voice actor in Beyond Boulder Dome: Click In these low-quality video clips, the lipsync seemed a little off, but in-game it's matched up much better.
  2. Awesome, thanks mate! A couple of writers should be finishing up either today or tomorrow, so I'll PM when I've got the stuff ready for you. No prob about the LIP files, lol, I can do that myself, I just keep trying to get out of it! ----- To anyone else reading this thread, still apply, as I could definitely use more than one scripter, etc.
  3. Beyond Boulder Dome contains a working sheaved sword/cane (with a black panther's head handle.) It will belong to a companion, Deadpan the Ghoul.
  4. go on 'task manager', then 'processes', and see if the Geck.exe is using any resource percentage. If not, then geck has crashed and your pc isn't strong enough to generate such a large worldspace (which can take like 2 weeks, even with a great pc). If the Geck.exe is using resource, then it's not really crashed, so just sit back and relax for an indefinite period of time, lol.
  5. At the moment I'm looking for scripters/quest creators, for Beyond Boulder Dome who have a good knowledge of the Geck, with the ability to set up basic scripts and quests, and install dialogue using the dialogue tree. You'd be working on finished worldspaces, and adding in sidequests, etc, based on written scripts. (The ability to create lip files would be preferred as well.) Rob
  6. At the moment I'm looking for scripters/quest creators, who have a good knowledge of the Geck, with the ability to set up basic scripts and quests, and install dialogue using the dialogue tree. You'd be working on finished worldspaces, and adding in sidequests, etc, based on written scripts. (The ability to create lip files would be preferred as well.)
  7. Hey there! Thanks for the offer; we'd definitely like you working with us. Are your skills exclusively level designing, or can you use scripts and create quests as well? Doesn't matter if you can't though, as we definitely need another level designer, especially one with your skills. Rob ------------------- kiraofthewastes --- We have enough writers at the moment, but I'll let you know if we need any extra help, later on. Thanks for the offer!
  8. Yeah, this is still being worked on. No idea on the release date, to be honest, so I won't bother guessing. The level design is mostly complete, aside from a few interiors that need doing. At the moment, we're waiting on our writers to complete the side-quest dialogue and story, which will then need programming in. So yeah, I'd say the bulk of the mod is done, but it'll be a while yet before all the fine details are finished.
  9. Thanks, guys! If you could both email me a sample, at [email protected], that'd be great. I'd don't need specific dialogue for the samples, as I just need to get an idea of your voice and recording quality, so just say a few lines from Fallout, or something. Rob
  10. If we didn't, we'd need multiple texture files. Redoing the UVs means we can use one texture.
  11. Basically, the outfits will be created by mashing-up pre-existing outfits, and the UVs will be done again, so we can have one texture path. So the texture-artists job would be to create new textures, or to take parts from pre-existing textures to create them. Personally, if I took over the job myself, I would borrow parts from pre-existing textures, and play with color-levels, that sort of thing, as I'm not a skilled texture-artist, so that'd result in the best quality from me. But if you've got the skill to create new textures that compare to the vanilla ones, then that'd be the preference. The outfits are mainly basic clothing, rather than armors.
  12. Could you guys relocate this argument to the willow thread, please? I don't want this thread cluttered with arguments about other mods.
  13. Outfit Texture Artist Wanted I'm looking for a texture artist who can create new textures for new outfit meshes. You'll need to be able to work to a standard comparable to the vanilla game. If you have the time and skills to dedicate to the task, drop me a line at [email protected] Thanks, Rob
  14. Outfit Texture Artist Wanted I'm looking for a texture artist who can create new textures for new outfit meshes. You'll need to be able to work to a standard comparable to the vanilla game. If you have the time and skills to dedicate to the task, drop me a line at [email protected] Thanks, Rob
  15. Just import a body model, so you can line it up to the skin there. Then just weight it exactly like the body mesh (can use bone weight copy script) and it shouldn't clip, as it'll move with the body.
  16. Just add in the doors, open their reference windows and give them both a unique reference ID, then open the reference window for one of them, and click the Teleport box, then find the other door's ID in the list. Or a quick way is top open the reference window for one of them, and leave it open, then navigate to the other door in 3d view, then go back to the 1st one's reference window, and select Select In 3d View (or in window, whatever it says) and double click on the second door, when the curser turns white over it. Then you just need to adjust the yellow teleport markers that are generated, so they are facing the right way for each door. And that should be it.
  17. --I've not actually tried that mod, even though it looks awesome, so there's no danger of that, hopefully, as Kate's voice actress is very talented and unique.
  18. Well, for a light, you have the light-fixture static, and you have the light object you want to use (the actual glow of the light.) You give the light object a reference ID, and set it as Essential. Then in your script you can simply disable or enable the light object whenever you light. This script, for example, will turn off a light, when the player enters a trigger: begin ontrigger player LightREF.disable ;;;;;disables our light object ref disable ;;;;;;disables the script box itself, so script can only be triggered once END
  19. if you have specific creature refs the player has to kill, then you can script that pretty easily. You just start a script that has a condition that it only triggers the effect, when all refs are dead. You can say "if Creature1REF.getdead == 1", etc, for the condition. Then say "MyQuest.setstage 100" or something like that. Assuming you've set the quest up.
  20. Send me a PM, and send me the file if you like, and I'll fix up the UVs for you.
  21. Hahah, one can dream! --------------------------------------------- Kate Companion http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v210/misterr84/Kate.jpg
  22. -- Dog City 2 is my next Fallout project planned, actually.
  23. LOL, yeah Dog City is an embarrassment to me. I would delete it, if it didn't have so many endorsements. Not bad for a first attempt though? The voice acting was bad, as I voiced every character personally, on a crappy microphone. I'm British as well, so I struggled doing American accents. Boulder Dome has tons of talented voice actors. Some of them are amazing. Some of them have imdb profiles. As for story, I never even considered it for Dog City, as there wasn't much planning involved at the time, I was just getting to know the Geck and having fun! In Boulder Dome, a ton of effort has been put into the story and characters. We have a talented team of writers to that effect. So hopefully you'll enjoy it!
  24. Some updates by Xenoo (also updated on initial post): Environmental Armor: http://i40.tinypic.com/14u06w.jpg Mutant Cannibal (early progress shot): http://i42.tinypic.com/s32az8.jpg
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