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Everything posted by Corakus

  1. Don't you need an internet connection to play Diablo 3, though?What did they say about it, that you could "Play this game on dialup", well I'm pretty sure dial-up doesn't work for the PS3.
  2. Well yeah, to me it seems like sprinting already makes you move pretty fast, so the good thing to do would be to increase how long you can sprint, not how fast.In fact, I was under the impression that they added in sprinting so they wouldn't have to have an increase in overall movement speed, it seems somewhat redundant (and overpowered) to add in both.
  3. I can't find any source, either, though I do remember one stating that it did increase how long you can sprint, I'm not sure if it also increases overall movement speed or not.
  4. What, you mean like at the end of the GTTV video?The shout was something they added in, if you look at it again you can see his magicka bar drain by a lot, so he's just casting a spell.And I don't think mages shout "Dovahkiin!" everytime they charge up a two-handed spell.
  5. I'm guess then he's voicing the wood elf males?Hopefully he'll only voice the Bosmer and not the other mer.
  6. so increasing stamina increases overall movement speed? Someone said it just increases the length which one can sprint... I think I said it over 3 times or so in this post alone that increases the overall movement speed, max carrying weight, how high you can jump and take a fall and more. No offense but it seems that you didn't read earlier posts. Or at least didn't understand them. How does that make sense with the sprinting mechanic in the game?Think about it, if it doesn't also increase the movement speed of sprinting, then sprinting will eventually become useless because the player's running speed would catch up with the sprinting speed as he invested in Stamina.If it did increase sprinting speed and running speed, then sprinting would become overpowered because sprinting already makes you move very fast and if you invested in Stamina then you'd soon be able to sprint much faster than a horse.Any other alternatives where you can increase overall movement speed without making sprinting useless or overpowered?The only thing I can think of is that sprinting and running would start out very slow when you first started the game in order to stop the player from outrunning dragons.
  7. Not sure about the jump height, so I'll disregard that for now.As for the running, I thought stamina increases how long you can sprint for, if it also increases running speed, then that sounds terribly overpowered to me.
  8. Now if we can just have werewolves and the ability to become one, my life will be complete.
  9. From what I've heard you can change the angle at which the 3rd person camera stays.For example you could have a Fallout 3 over-the-shoulder style camera, or you could have it center on the character a'la Oblivion.You can see something like that in the GTTV video, though I was under the impression the angle only changed because he drew his weapon, that may not be the case.
  10. My impression of vampires is that they aren't supposed to age, it would actually make more sense if they looked younger if anything. I wouldn't mind it if one was turned into something like a nosferato from vampire the masquerade: bloodlines though,,,, Isn't it supposed to be that a vampire stays the same age he was when we was turned?Like a vampire who was turned at 80 years old would continue to look like an 80 year old.That seems to quite common, actually, in most vampire fiction.
  11. Jim Cummings!?Are you serious?The man is a god among voice actors.
  12. Yes, I saw that, considering it's on the same page.And I don't see the word initiate or anything that implies that you aren't forced to level-up like Fallout 3's leveling. All this tells me is that the leveling is done immediately, instead of the player having to rest in a bed.Doesn't necessarily mean you're allowed to exit out of the level-up menu.I would prefer that you were able to hold off on leveling, especially since I like to take things slowly with leveling, but I don't see where it says this or suggests it heavily enough to confirm it.Methinks someone should ask Pete Hines, as this is getting confusing, and I don't know how to use Twitter.
  13. Because he was talking about how you initiate a level-up. You select the option in a menu. This means you can skip leveling just as before to stay at level 1 the whole game (not as beneficial as before though because the level scaling is much reduced, and you can only get perks through leveling), except you can even sleep while doing it. Source?
  14. So you can still skip leveling up, I see... Where in that line does it suggest that you can skip leveling-up?
  15. The high elves look awesom, less Asian, more arrogant, I especially love their eyes.And it appears that the beast races and the dunmer get more than one eye color, which is also awesome.
  16. A mage.Mostly because I like to set people on fire, which is frowned upon in real life, unfortunately.
  17. PAX is two days from now right?Hopefully they'll release some more info when it comes.I wish we cold get some more gameplay footage but I doubt it.
  18. And it''s over.And we didn't get a whole lot of good info out of that.
  19. Nothing on the vamps and weres.Just "Let 'em wait for it." OOOh, if you commit a crime and you kill all the witnesses to it, it erases your bounty! :biggrin:
  20. One of the questions on the Bethesda forums was about the provincial borders, did I already miss it or have they not asked that yet?Want to hear how that works. Also Pete keeps talking about how they're going to release some more info and screens soon. No necromancer faction. :wallbash:
  21. No New Vegas style hardcore mode, apparently. Also said no Oblivion-style Arena. :sad: He also said that you can't edit your character's looks after you've already created them a'la Fallout 3. Lynda Carter's back in as a voice actor.Not sure if that's new or not but I sure haven't heard it yet. No locational damage. Most likely no horse armor.
  22. Err, it worked that way in Oblivion too (though the formula has surely been tweaked) so I didn't see the need to mention it. Eh, what?I thought increasing stamina only changed how long you could sprint for?It changes overall movement speed too?
  23. The only thing I don't like is how frail the arms look.It looks out of proportion with the gloves she's wearing, but I think without the gloves she'd look just perfect.
  24. I believe they said that aside from having the same movement speed and jump height, that the racial differences would remain mostly the same.That might not have been their exact words but was their implication.
  25. Though at least Daggerfall had a reason for fast-traveling. It would take years to beat it without. 2 weeks just to walk from end to end on the map non-stop. Yeah fast-traveling wasn't a problem to many in Daggerfall it was a need. Oblivion however it is not. Though I still use Fast travel, cause if I don't my game crashes around certain areas and I have spent hours already fixing them. About the level scaling. I love Level Scaling it was just that in Oblivion the way they did it was a bad choice. If I was level 100 or so and level-scaling wasn't there I would basically kill everything in one hit which basically many call that your too god-like and don't like the game in Morrowind. Then for Oblivion it was everything became too hard later. If there was a combination of the two I would love it. But it seems Skyrim has dealt with this issue. I never stated that there was anything wrong with fast-traveling in my comment, note that I said problems and features.
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