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Everything posted by Corakus

  1. No, sorry.The cities are still closed and have loading screens, so they can't have levitation in.
  2. All the fish in my pond are dying because there hasn't been any rain in over a month where I live and my pond is drying up, it gets lower and lower every day and soon all the ducks will leave when there's no more water.
  3. Let's see, it's been a long time since I read the LOTR books so I can't remember whether it was Merry or Pippin who said it and I can't remember the exact words but I believe it was something like this. "A mighty man may be slain by one arrow, and Boromir was struck by many." One of my favorites quotes.
  4. I didn't like it, probably because I tried to play as a mage but I only had enough magicka to cast two spells which almost always got resisted and then I would have to resort to swinging my staff.I tried other things such as making a cheaper magic damage spell that I could cast five or six times but it didn't do much damage and was resisted a lot.
  5. Bunch of immature spoiled teenagers who think that hacking a gaming forum is going to get Bethesda to release the game early or release more info....Yeah right.They could hack every forum from California to China and Bethesda still wouldn't release anything.
  6. There might still be a land generator, they said the creation kit is very similar to the TES construction set, they might have just kept it in their for those who want to use it.Speaking as someone who is a gamer and not a modder: Oblivion's generated gameworld wasn't that attractive or realistic because you could tell everything was generated.Trees and rocks would be floating in several places, and the entire land looked as if it was made up of retextured hills, the mountains were just very large hills, and the plains were just small collections of hills.Even the swamps of Blackwood had a lot of hills in it.One reason why the Unique Landscapes Compilation is so awesome is because it's all hand-crafted and there's more detail put into the land.But that's from the perspective of a gamer, I have no idea whether it's hard or easy to hand-craft an entire gameworld, but I'd assume it would be quite difficult.
  7. All shall tremble before my might. :devil:
  8. According to Bruce Nesmith.Which is found here. Todd also said that the world was hand-crafted when commentating on the demo that aired on G4TV, so far that's about all we know.
  9. It was one of the things I was paying attention the most, your health only pops up when it's being depleted or restored when it's not full, any other time it will fade into the background.If you wish to check your stats you bring up the skills page which is also a character page where it shows your race, the name of your character, your skills, and your main status bars, and I believe your progress to the next level.
  10. Then I'd travel back in time and pass the fourth grade. If you had a Master Sword...
  11. Likes to steal warthogs and then drive them off the nearest cliff.
  12. Again, a matter of opinion. The less HUD in a medieval/fantasy game the better for me. The part about the HUD wasn't an opinion, it's a fact.... They had a compass at the top of the screen active at all times and that's all. Health and such only appears when needed. That is a minimalistic view. This is exactly what you're saying you wanted in the Heads Up Display. I'm not referring to menus. The other part is pretty much saying better to have a game than not have one. Are you saying you'd rather not have the game? This is not me asking if you think the game they're giving you is one you'd like or if you think it's finished. Not completely minimalistic, if we could toggle the compass off then it would be minimal, which is something I hope for in the game regarding the UI.
  13. Vacationing in Florida?I'd sooner take a vacation in hell, probably cooler there than it is here.
  14. @ KradenEPC That doesn't seem to make sense to me, what's them being monstrous or feral have to do with being able to change into them?As I recall you could be a werewolf in Bloodmoon.And just because most of them live under lakes and supposedly reach through ice doesn't necessarily mean that they would do either of those in Skyrim.Bethesda doesn't always closely follow their lore when designing games, the vampires could just be pale, frosty vampires that tend to live in icy caves and have some frost-themed lesser powers to use against their enemies.Though I would prefer to have more Cyrodiil-type vampires, since they can actually interact with NPCs and whatnot.
  15. That fault lies more with the level-scaling than it does with the effectiveness of the spells, eventually almost everything except the most effective weapons and spells would become useless as you got near your character's level cap and every enemy had large amounts of health.
  16. I doubt it would be that overpowered, if it is it would probably have a long cooldown with it.
  17. @ Ghogiel Summoning isn't the only thing you can do with conjuration, you can also bind armor and weapons to you for a short time, though I'll admit I've never used it before, though I'd imagine there would be perks for that in the conjuration tree as well.
  18. No wait, you can hear the dragon speaking his shout if you listen closely to the part where he breathes fire on Dovahkin and the guard he's about to chomp down on, right before the guards says "Come on, you monster!", it sounds like "Foosh Raah!" or something like that but it's hard to understand what exactly the words are.
  19. Excellent work finding this, been hoping something like this would pop up on the internet.
  20. I was kind of thinking you would tap the button once to "charge" or to "ready" the fireball (even though your spells are already readied) and then tap again to cast the fireball but you would just the hold the button down to cast the flamethrower.But I guess I probably won't figure this out until I play the game.Speaking of things that are confusing, I found this in a PC gamer magazine summary. I wonder what they mean by that, does that mean that Whiterun is an open city, do they mean there's more space in it than Markarth, or are they referring to the buildings that are outside the walls?
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