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Everything posted by Spaceritual

  1. ah...maybe work on some more wonderful screen shots :)
  2. ah..so it was you after all this time...:)
  3. he does seem to be taking a while hope there is not technical issues he can not overcome....
  4. it s still a little buggy and that is without any texture mods ...might play TDU 2 for a few days till that 3 gig thing comes out :)
  5. thanks for adding me and a very good scene indeed...highly original :)
  6. ah...so many sheep,...I can't remember them all :)
  7. nice pirate sheepy..thingy :)
  8. ah yes,...not sure where i went wrong..might be adding far too many mods ..anyway..re adding stuff back slowly to try and work out where I went wrong :)
  9. looking at the mod now ..having a bit of trouble playing NV at the moment due to that latest patch but should sort it soon :)
  10. it is more a watching thing of late...sometimes it is nice just to listen and see how things are going..I am like that in rl too..more a listener than a chatter...
  11. doing nicely ...having trouble getting my NV to work but otherwise having fun screen shot peeking :)
  12. Glad sense prevailed and nice to see you back :)
  13. ah yes have that on pre-order as well but DAO 2 is looking good as well so we are going to be spoilt for choice this year it seems and another Skyrim trailer is just out I have been informed :)
  14. is the new Ultimate mod going to have all the parts of your other reactive mods in it? :)
  15. seems to work fine for me as I get a pretty smooth game now...but it is sometimes hard to balance all the mods and fixes ..
  16. and they have updated the stutter remover mod as well now..
  17. it is the new NV patch/download that makes 3gb unable to run...the mod maker is doing his best to get a version that works out tomorrow...well..later today..
  18. ah,..nice one...had the previous incarnation of the mod...any news on a release date for the new one? will try and get some good scenes when it comes out... but probably needs a Photo shop person for adverts , something in your face and attention getting :)
  19. I think I am probably going to wait for Skyrim as my next game of that series, but have DAO 2 and the Witcher coming to hopefully keep me going till November :)
  20. Having fun getting the Dead Money DLC downloaded properly but I think I finally have it , will check later as I am a bit busy getting the DAO 2 promo :)
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      What is a download allowance limit? If you have one of those active accounts which gives you only a few minutes, I recommend you download after 9:30 pm your time as gamers quit crowding servers after that in any area making it the best time to download and upload stuff. It is the crowding in our area's that is using up the backbone during peak gaming time after dinner that causes downloading sluggishness. At least it worked for me when I was still a 56 KB Modem person.
    3. vvk78


      I am halfway across the world.. so when it is night for me, it is day for you folks, and that means my off-peak hours are your peak-hours and vice versa.


      These days there is no such thing as off-peak hours, except to suit the ISP's limitations.

    4. Deleted54170User


      That is why some people switch to a bit torrent service. When one server slows the download you are quickly switched to another. Sometimes that means a members computer in their home. Used to be kind of scary to some people as they fear getting the other member computer may be infected one time or another, hacked, or knocked out. Now-a-days? I am not sure if the bit torrent creator's have remedied that, it is an option for some.
  21. doing well but trying to sort out that new DLC for NV , seems like after a few tries Steam may have got it right this time , how are things with you? :)
  22. Strangely Steam now appears to be downloading more things which seems to include a .esm file...<br><br> And lots more besides...perhaps their delivery system got it a bit wrong earlier :)<br>
  23. Seems that sound.bsa is all you get but the DLC runs fine when you enter the game..got the radio message and such... only thing with me is NVSE 1.7doesn't appear to work :)
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