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Everything posted by Jaradin

  1. Short Answer: No. Long Answer: Probably a complicated explanation defending the same result of "no."
  2. Well, I can't confirm the location of the SH_ esps or omegard, so you might want to check into those mods. But I doubt the CTD is being caused by your load order. Have you modified your .ini files at all? Are there any other mods you use which do not use .esp files?
  3. Are you at the "Starving" phase of vampirism? At that phase, people can tell that you're a vampire, and they will attack you on sight. And yes, once you go vampire you cannot return to the Dawnguard quest.
  4. The Dwemer disappeared sometime in the First Era, so they definitely outlived the Dragon Cultists. As for their origins, no one knows. One theory is that they were a splinter group of the Aldmer (the "First Elves" from the Summerset Isles, and the alleged direct ancestors of the Altmer) while Imperial scholars suggest that the Dwemer were a second race of Elves from another, likely northern or northwestern, continent. As for when they arrived in Tamriel, no one's certain, but it's assumed to have been before the start of the First Era. Also, the assumption that they arrived in Tamriel sooner than all other races isn't entirely valid, as the Dwemer might have gained their advanced alchemy before migrating to the continent. My presumption is that the Dwemer, if they did arrive in Tamriel during the reign of the Dragons, likely settled in Morrowind and took to the underground to avoid having to challenge them. The ruins in Skyrim that we explore were likely built after the fall of the Dragon Cults. However, it's also just as likely that the Dwemer were here before the arrival of the Nedic men or even arrived at the same time, which could have led to a struggle between the two races to gain control of territory, all the while having to deal with the might of Dragons. Nedic men did not have the power to resist their Dragon overlords, whereas the Dwemer likely had enough power to hide away in their cities and prevent the Dragons and their Nedic slaves to invade them. Then again, this is all purely speculation, less someone has valid evidence from the lore. But it's a valid question, certainly.
  5. Did you delete your Skyrim.ini and Skyrimpref.ini files? Did you make sure to delete any files or folders left behind after uninstalling Skyrim?
  6. You don't download it. You activate Steam and make sure that Skyrim can automatically update to the latest version. You'll know what version your game is when you start Skyrim and pull up your escape/pause menu - it'll say the latest version in the bottom left corner of the menu (along with your latest SKSE version in parenthesis). But if you don't have Steam, well... then you're screwed.
  7. I'm sorry, but I laughed out loud at that comment there. I thought that the sex scenes in Dragon Age were definitely cheap porn. In fact, I'd be hard pressed to find any sex scene in a film where one could describe a sex scene as a character developer. It's only purpose is to emphasize the physical and emotional bond between two characters, or suggest subconscious things, such as a character's tenderness or ferocity. But that's it, and that's only if you're really getting deep with it. Sex scenes almost exclusively have one value, and that's fan service. As for this thread, I smell a gay versus anti-gay fight coming, so I'm jumping ship before it blows up.
  8. I've heard of this issue in the past. It has something to do with your files failing to decompress on command. I wish I knew more than that, but I remember my friend having this exact same issue. Someone finally recommended some program which permanently decompressed all of his bsa files and that resolved the issue. Perhaps you could search for such tools? If I hear from him on the name of his thread, I'll link it.
  9. I wasn't even aware that it could work without COT 3.0
  10. ... That is some serious dedication. And serious accuracy to old school banking, too - since that's what all bankers ever were back then.
  11. I think he's referring to your images? I mean, they've never bothered me, but with a body of 1800+ images uploaded, you'll naturally dominate the uploaded images page at times. But hey: to each their own.
  12. To be honest, that's not a great image for a modder to refer to. Further, you're better off waiting until TES:O revealed more information about these armors and characters as their beta flies out. So this isn't something I can imagine people could accomplish now, but I imagine you can see some of these armors being modded into the game within a few months to a year. However, they'll all have to be custom-designed since porting from TES:O is illegal, so we'll all have to be patient.
  13. I'm going to make the classic reaction to the "remove fast-traveling" crowd for you: Then Don't Use It.
  14. Just a note: I don't know the wedding traditions of ancient Nords in Northern and Northwestern Europe, but I wouldn't be surprised if they're outside the norms of what we consider normal in the modern age for a wedding. In fact, the vanilla wedding ceremony might be the closest to the modern feel of a wedding that made sense compared to Nordic weddings. But again, I speak out of ignorance. Just something I thought should be considered.
  15. Props to BBen, that was a classy example of rule moderation.
  16. Note to you, DarthSith: this is not a game that you play for three to six months to reach the "end-game." EVE doesn't have one, and even if one could interpret such an ending through flying Titans or running an alliance, that takes more than three years to reach at best. EVE is probably the most challenging MMO ever made, the most complex game ever conceived on a day-to-day basis, and one where "fair" is not in your vocabulary. It doesn't hold your hand (even the latest tutorials still need some dedication) and you're going to cry tears and rage every so often. You're going to fly with corps that you don't like, you'll probably get griefed and popped several times, and you are going to likely have to start over - especially if you take risks to grow. EVE, in many respects, is real life virtualized into a space simulator. But damn does it offer you something new. Just look at the prestige some have attained through this game: look up "Vile Rat" on Google and you'll see what I mean. People can become legends in this game - not through stupid little viral videos like Leroy Jenkins, but through real, discernible actions. The Band of Brothers, Goonswarm, The Mittani, all these are names that you'll come to know through stories passed around the chat room about real events and real people that took real risks and gained real rewards. People lose REAL money in this game, not because they had to, but because they chose to risk their own money to gain quick, and burned just as quickly. This game is incredible, and yet it can chew you up and spit you back out in a jumbled mess. If you can accept that challenge and survive, then you're welcome to join this community of dedicated, mature players. But if that's too much for you, then you're welcome to keep with what the rest of the industry has to offer. There's no shame in that. Just remember the opportunity for growth that you'll be missing out to save yourself a lot of stress and time. But if you're still interested, I'll see you out there. I'm Isus Jarode in EVE, look me up. I'll help out however I can. Fly safe. o7
  17. I first started playing back in '06 with a demo toon, but I lost track of it and stopped playing - I was just a kid back then, no money and no brains to play. Then I picked it back up in the summer of '07 with my sole toon, Isus Jarode, and have been on-and-off ever since. My most frequent play has been for the last two and a half years with my present corporation, the Sons of Ivaldi. Good bunch of guys: high sec group with roots in industry and capable investments in wormhole exploration and anti-pirate operations.
  18. Toon: Isus Jarode Corp: Sons of Ivaldi I haven't been very active due to job searching, moving, playing Skyrim, etc. But I still log in each couple of days to refresh the skill queue and check up on the corp mates. Love the game, just don't have the time to devote towards it right now.
  19. I should reinforce that FemShep is a great example of the recent turn. From ME1, the availability of a female Shepard character was a novelty; in ME2, it was nearly equal with male Shepard's appearances in advertisements and vocal gamer support; then in ME3, FemShep was nearly in more advertising campaigns and covers than its counterpart! Big change, big victory for women in my eyes. Then there's been the quietly advertised secret that Slender's protagonist is a woman, both the original and The Arrival. And most of these protagonists are pretty respectful, non-objectified characters instead of what we typically saw with female protagonists in the past (look to Lara Croft in the past, with Samus Aran as the sole exception). The only blatant sexualiziation of women you see anymore is in Japanese games - Bayonetta, Lollipop Chainsaw, the Metal Gear Solid series, etc, and while that's only a generalization, I see it as progress. Granted, we still need more female protagonists, but we also need more minority protagonists - not enough black heroes, not enough diverse support casts, not enough emphasis on REAL characters instead of bland soldiers, warriors, heroes, or leaders. In my eyes, the peak of this revolution will be when people see a protagonist and not feel bothered by what sex, ethnicity, or even orientation they might be - that, someday, a protagonist will only be a white male due to a demographic and even a bit of chance. So yeah, I don't agree with the Escapist folks. But it's not fair to completely dash the argument - it's still there, just not nearly to that extreme.
  20. I doubt disabling the DLC will affect those issues, seeing as how they're likely related to the patch. But it's worth a try. And I was noticing that lip sync issue too, I thought it was just my sound file lagging! Good to know that it could be fixed with the 2.0 patch.
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