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Everything posted by Deleted15964729User

  1. Not sure what you mean exactly but perhaps the textures you are looking at are used as texture set
  2. There are tons of meshes for signs in the game already. Why not simply use these with whatever textures you like?
  3. Hehe, where did you find that? I really should have formatted it better.
  4. Impact decals from bullets etc have parallax occlusion (aka displacement, aka height). These are all basically standard height maps from what I can tell. I haven't found any example of material files having this set as the only examples I can find are in the texturesets category where options are available for this.
  5. Try on a new save to determine if the save or the meshes is the problem.
  6. Just a little headsup... xEdit now reads ESL's nativly, so far it's worked perfectly for me. You can yank it at https://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/topic/3750-wipz-tes5edit/
  7. Thanks for the detailed explanation, I'm on my phone so tend to keep things simple as I suck at typing on this thing. Glad you got it working :)
  8. Not exactly what you want to do but pretty close http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Using_Material_Swaps_in_Fallout_4
  9. Your Translate_en.txt in /Interface/ is being overwritten by an older one among your loose files/mods. Here is the latest: https://pastebin.com/CnV0jCx6 Fallout 4 PC market share is minuscule compared to console which is why some CC things might seem odd from a PC centrist POV at this point. PS4 users probably don't feel shafted by CC, but rather the opposite. And even XB1 users might prefer some CC content over free alternatives considering they don't count against mod storage limits.
  10. Just to be clear, did you add this to your CreationKitCustom.ini (create this file in the root of your FO4 dir if you don't have it already): [MESSAGES] bBlockMessageBoxes=1 Adding it without the correct section may be essential, can't say for sure I don't get those message boxes.
  11. Guessing you are swapping out the material for the bottle not the label, as you have yours under the vanilla. The vanilla mesh has two nodes, one for the bottle and one for the label and cap. The node with the label and cap don't have a material (bgsm) assigned to its shader, to change that you need to edit the mesh and either add a material or just swap the textureset files to your own versions.
  12. https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Body_Slots_usage_for_Fallout_4
  13. It does work for me, just tried it. Are you sure you made you changes in CreationKitCustom.ini not CreationKit.ini as they will be reset after an update?
  14. Maybe you were filtering warnings before and now you're not anymore?
  15. Not sure what you mean with setup but perhaps you will find this helpful: http://www.stuyk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=6
  16. There is only a pretty plain sign in-game. Since they are an fictional variant of ATF I made a quick logo mockup based on the real one: http://imgur.com/a/vItGY
  17. Like AGreatWeight said, patience. It's never a good idea to make a mod based on someones resources until you have gotten express permission. If all you want is the tank and the gadgets attached to it separated perhaps this will suffice: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ai4z0jNsozEnsvpL_gpRBIMtK3K8bA It's not weighted so you have to copy weights and such in Outfit Studio (https://github.com/ousnius/BodySlide-and-Outfit-Studio/wiki/Copying-bone-weights). Made 3 variants: http://i.imgur.com/EtMeCcW.gif
  18. Does sound a bit like medium precision vs high precision geometry. This page has a good summary http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Fallout_4._Part_4
  19. Weapon sounds have multiple variants and layers, ie for NPC, 1th person etc
  20. Then maybe you should add what the solution was for when someone else has the same issue.
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