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Everything posted by AeonsLegend

  1. Yea I don't get why they killed the others. Vault-Tec had no issues working with multiple test subjects and were also squandering them as they had multiple Vaults to work with. Now the Institute has 1 Vault. They pick 1 person from that Vault and only 1 back-up. Why not the rest? They aren't dangerous. And why the mother/father? I mean, they're going to wake up with a grudge! Why not pick another as a back-up? And if they could turn on Life Support selectively, why didn't they turn it off selectively? I'm pretty sure Kellog didn't break in. They would have used the relay to get inside. None of them had a pip boy so they wouldn't have been able to open the vault door from the outside and then lock it again. If something else happened, such as someone letting them inside I really wonder why none of their entrances was actually logged anywhere in the system. It seems to me that their arrival was after the occupants already died. Although they could have shot everyone as well. The doors were all locked and the escape tunnel as well. I think it's more likely that they used the relay and just shot everyone. The only issue I have is that there's no sense to kill the people in the pods. Also, how does the sole survivor get out anyway? I never really understood what triggered that. Was that Fathers doing?
  2. This is because you need to equip an item that is applied to the "body" area. Strangely enough vTaw has selected his boots to be applied to the body and not the bodysuits. Try the boots and you'll see this clipping disappear.
  3. Nothing in the development of this world makes much sense. In earlier fallout games the population was much more established. They didn't live in shacks, they lived in proper houses most of the times. There wasn't trash everywhere. There shouldn't be trash and s#*! laying around everywhere because there would be no one to throw this stuff everywhere. When you go to Sanctuary after exitting the vault you come to a place filled with trash. Now I can imagine that it wouldn't be imaculately clean, but who was there to throw cans and such on the floor in this amount? Also, people don't clean up after themselves. Anywhere. You go to abernathy farm and there's s#*! allover the floor. Papers, trash all sorts of stuff that would take like 10 minutes to get rid off. Also yeah after 200 years the world would be completely green, all the water would be sparkling clean and everything would be a wonderful nature world where animals have taken over if the population was smaller. People would hunt for food because there's no one to mass produce it and send it to a store. You would find people hunting and scavenging more often. Raiders? Sure they would exist, but not around every corner. The world is simply overrun with people trying to kill one another. If that were the case then everything would have died out already. Except if one doesn't have (or want to use) an imagination. Then it must suck horribly. The rich complexity open worlds with non linear pathing will always have ambiguity (uncertainty principle), which is why many games stick with the walled garden design/closed platform for control to deliver the predictable experiences that many desire. Which suggests that the market for OpenWorld games is smaller than WalledGardens :sad: Good storytelling and pacing is near impossible with open world games. In every open world game I've played I lost track of the main story or the main story was so tiny compared to the rest of the world that it was just a side note. If you want to tell a story, you go with a more lineair approach. If you want people to experience an open world then do that. I would not try to combine the two. It just always fails.
  4. That only happens if you build something on the settlement spawn point. Look them up and avoid that build area. I think there's two settlements in vanilla that have this issue. Sanctuary is one of them as the spawn point is inside the house with the workshop. The game then picks the highest ground usually to spawn something, but sometimes it doesn't and spawns them in the house. When spawning something the game doesn't know what the ground is. This is also why it's also good to use concrete base floors in places like for instance the Starlight Drive In if you want to level the building area. I once built the entire area with floors on stilts and then ended up with settlers being spawned underneath the floor. This doesn't happen with the concrete wooden foundation.
  5. My character looks away from NPC's randomly duing conversations and then turns back around. I've never seen NPC's do this though.
  6. Probably better to use KAH / killallhostiles instead of killall. Killall also kills friendlies.
  7. 1. Weapons: Do advanced weapons actually make a difference when you're level 100? I've modded my game to make weapons that enemies carry 4 times more powerful and it didn't make me any less godlike. Sure they do a bit more damage, but with 300+ armor and 1K HP it doesn't really matter anymore. Pipe weapons aren't actually the weakest weapons. Fully modded they do good dps. Comparable to combat rifle in fact. 2. Sims? Well there's an entire mod that enables you to play like this. It's called sim settlements and this will make sure you spend 10x more time on your settlements than before. People enjoy this stuff. Anyways. The radiant quests are annoying because they aren't optional when you want to play Minutemen, otherwise it's actually not that hard. As long as your defense rating is much higher than the other stats. (there's a calculation) then the chance your settlements get attacked is extremely low and when they do get attacked they are likely to defend themselves. I get like 2 attacks per PT and they always defend themselves. Don't want to bother with it? Just build 1 turret and then dupplicate it 30 times. Doesn't cost any resources and it's faster than anything else. Do make sure to send them back into the workshop and place them through the workshop afterwards. Otherwise the defense rating won't go up. 3. Settlers ending up inside buildings or on top of them has nothing to do with navmeshes. It's all about their spawnpoint and Fallout choosing the location and height. Oftentimes it will choose the highest point. It doesn't check whether it is a roof or a floor or if there's a stairs to get down from there. The sanctuary house where the workshop is, is one of these locations in the base game that suffers from a spawn point inside the house. 4. I don't know what you're trying to say here. Fallout 76 and 4 use the same engine and game assets. But that's it. I don't see a reason for FO4 to be remade. If anything people are waiting for FO3 or NV to be remade in the FO4 engine.
  8. Might be easier to try the following first. Get a save game before you've travelled to coastal cottage. Making sure the game has not already generated the area. Remove all mods from the game. Go to Coastal cottage. Try to build turret. Also, don't use vortex.
  9. I don't think this mod works anymore with the latest game version. I was using this mod before succesfully, but now it doesn't work anymore for me. If you want to send companions home and not to a settlement just press tab to exit the location screen and they will automatically return to where they came from. This is in the base game. This mod attempts to enable sending companions home after you've already sent them to a new location.
  10. Looks like mismatch between vanilla and cbbe meshes. Make sure you use CBBE outfits for CBBE body and vanilla outfits for vanilla body.
  11. Hm that mod sounds like it does 99,9% of the things I don't need only to use this part. I guess I'll have a look if there's nothing else. :( I'm looking for a lightweight fix to this particular issue. The game is scripted to only allow 5 unassigned raiders, but an update broke this and now they just keep coming. Thanks anyways.
  12. If this were true and I'm not saying it isn't possible then what is the reason for keeping it hidden. For Father to become immortal would be in the Institute's best interest and he wouldn't give the Institute to you either if he wasn't actually dying. Transering himself into a boy synth. No that simply makes no sense. Also he'd have to have transfered himself into the synth boy he shut down when you first meet him for this to be true, because you can actually shoot him right there and then. None of that makes sense. It "could" be true, but then it could also be true that the entire commonwealth are synths and that only the institute has actual people in it. That also makes no sense.
  13. Have you actually tried this with Synth Shaun? If you look at his settings in xEdit he's the same as all the other children. So his response is also the same.
  14. So what are the differences with Synth Shaun and other kids?
  15. Actually the kids in DC do show emotions and feelings? Case in point: " I don't want to talk right now, I'm not in the mood. " I was just met with that in DC. Another child ran in fear when some shooting started in DC as well. Now you're just throwing random stuff out there. Have you tried taking Shaun to a settlement and then have a shootout? Shaun has the same response. You're trying to maike a point, but you didn't actually check the difference between Shaun and other kids. I'm talking about the fact that kids all have the same state. They don't care about anything. They seem bored, uninterested. They don't act like children at all. Kids are feisty, playfull, mischievious. They run around, play games. None of the children in the commonwealth acts like a kid.
  16. That's what I noticed too. There is a " program " issue, if you will that " Father " did not account for. The " emotions " of being left behind. I thought it strange that Synth Shaun did not show ' fear ' - ' worry ' or such at being left behind. Right?? He just ended it, with that. Nothing else. He didn't try to run away, he didn't go running screaming and crying, he didn't show any kind of further response. Which brings up the question of , well.... if he knows "hate" how come he doesn't know fear? I'm thinking that he did, in alternate choice lines, where Father "shows him off to you" and the Fake Shaun doesn't know who you are. Which to me, means that he was reprogrammed since then. A computer in a living body. Ok, glad of that. Yeah, I was starting to worry about if we were getting too far off track, since you hadn't posted anything back, and was worried that you were mad at us. Here is the thing - Remember the synth that is being held at gunpoint by the couple ( husband ) wants to kill him. You talk them out of it, because if the Synth was going to kill, wouldn't he have done it by now? Remember how that Synth was fearful? Remember the 2 Art characters. One is a synth and one is not. Both showed equal emotions about dying. Synth Shaun showed NO emotions whatsoever .... None of the kids in the commonwealth show any type of actual emotion. This is just bethesda not knowing how to create children. Case in point. This proves nothing regarding Shaun.
  17. You're missinterpreting. I'm not talking about the body. I'm talking about the mind. The only thing of importance.
  18. How do I stop them from getting more raiders. They just keep coming and there's nothing I can do to stop them. Ugh. They're all unassigned. Got like 17 unassigned raiders in one area and 15 in another. Is there a mod that fixes this?
  19. So I'm getting a CTD at the Quincy Quarries. I tried to decipher the papyrus log, but that just prints 500 lines of errors related to DLC material. It even ends with a reference to a G drive. I don't even have a G drive. Made a quicksave and now when I load it, it CTDs after a few seconds. No hands on keyboard or mouse. Not giving any input. I have the nagging feeling it is related to a raider spawn nearby...
  20. do you press tab to open the pip boy? Does it happen when you open the map for instance as well or is it a specific part of the pip boy?
  21. Let's not discuss why modders do the things they have a right to do on here ok? Plenty of opinions to go round, none of them really matter. Thanks for reuploading them DeathByKitty, Case closed.
  22. So When you load an older save without dying and then open the pip boy this does not happen? That is really strange. If this is the case then it seems that dying causes a bug that persists in other saves. I've never heard of this before. If you stop the application and restart it the bug does not come up?
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